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Strategic Overview and costed Annual Performance Plan 2011/12

Strategic Overview and costed Annual Performance Plan 2011/12. Briefing to the Portfolio Committee on Police. 22 MARCH 2011. PRESENTATION INDEX. Introduction. Strategic Overview. Costing of the Annual Performance Plan 2011/12, including: Expenditure Trends; Expenditure Estimates;

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Strategic Overview and costed Annual Performance Plan 2011/12

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  1. Strategic Overview and costed Annual Performance Plan 2011/12 Briefing to the Portfolio Committee on Police 22 MARCH 2011

  2. PRESENTATION INDEX • Introduction. • Strategic Overview. • Costing of the Annual Performance Plan 2011/12, including: • Expenditure Trends; • Expenditure Estimates; • Economic Classification; and • Departmental Receipts. • Programme 1: Administration. • Programme 2: Visible Policing. • Programme 3: Detective Services. • Programme 4: Crime Intelligence. • Programme 5: Protection and Security Services. SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  3. Strategic Overview – Contents of the Strategic Plan • The Strategic Plan of the SAPS will include the following: • The Vision, Mission, Values and Code of Ethics. • Legislative and other Mandates, including • Constitutional Mandates; • Legislative Mandates; and • Policy Mandates. • An updated Situational Analysis. • The Strategic Priorities of the SAPS. • The Long-term Infrastructure and Capital Asset Plan. • The Service Delivery Improvement Programme. • The Information and Communication Technology Plan. • The Human Resource Management Plan. SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  4. Strategic Overview - Constitutional Mandate • The mandate of the SAPS is derived from Section 205 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. The objectives of policing are to: • Prevent, combat and investigate crime. • Maintain public order. • Protect and secure the inhabitants of the Republic and their property. • Uphold and enforce the law. SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  5. Strategic Overview - Legislative Mandates • The SAPS is responsible for the administration of the following legislation, which has been taken into consideration during the determining of the strategic priorities and objectives for the SAPS: • The South African Police Service Act, 1995 (Act No. 68 of 1995), as amended by the South African Police Service Amendment Act, (Act No. 57 of 2008). This Act states that “there is a need to provide a police service throughout the national territory to: • ensure the safety and security of all persons and property in the national territory; • uphold and safeguard the fundamental rights of every person as guaranteed by Chapter 2 of the Constitution; • ensure co-operation between the Service and the communities it serves in the combating of crime; • reflect respect for victims of crime and an understanding of their needs; and • ensure effective civilian supervision over the Service”. SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  6. STRATEGIC OVERVIEW LEGISLATIVE MANDATES – POWERS AND FUNCTIONS • The SAPS derives its powers and functions from the following legislation, which enables the activities undertaken in pursuance of its mandate in terms of Section 205 of the Constitution: • The South African Police Service Act, 1995 (Act No. 68 of 1995), as amended by the South African Police Service Amendment Act, (Act No. 57 of 2008). • The Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act No. 51 of 1977). • The Regulation and Interception of Communications and Provision of related Information Act , 2002 (Act No. 70 of 2002). • The National Strategic Intelligence Act, 1994 (Act No. 39 of 1994). • The Domestic Violence Act, 1998 (Act No. 116 of 1998). • The Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, 2004 (Act No. 12 of 2004). • The Inter-Governmental Relations Framework Act, 2005 (Act No 13 of 2005). • The Sexual Offences Act, 2007 (Act no. 32 of 2007) • The Child Justice Act, 2008 (Act 75 of 2008). SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  7. Strategic Overview Legislative Mandates –Powers And Functions • Protection of Constitutional Democracy Against Terrorist and Related Activities Act, 2004 (Act No. 33 of 2004). • Firearms Control Act, 2000 (Act No. 60 of 2000). • Explosives Act, 1956 (Act No. 26 of 1956). • Tear-gas Act, 1964 (Act No. 16 of 1964). • Dangerous Weapons Act, 1968 (Act No. 71 of 1968). • Control of Access to Public Premises and vehicles Act, 1985 (Act No. 53 of 1985). • National Key Points Act, 1980 (Act No. 102 of 1980). • Intimidation Act, 1982 (Act No. 72 of 1982). • Second-hand Goods Act, 1955 (Act No. 23 of 1955). • The Private Security-Industry Regulation Act, 2001 (Act No. 56 of 2001). SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  8. Strategic Overview Policy Mandates – The Medium Term Strategic Framework • Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Criminal Justice System (CJS) by enhancing detective and forensic environments. • Modernize the CJS through the application of technology solutions. • Enhancing the skills and increasing the number of investigators and forensic experts. • Mobilize the population in the fight against crime. • Acceleration of efforts to reduce serious and violent crimes. • Intensifying of efforts to combat crimes against women and children and the promotion of the empowerment of victims of crime. • Establishment of a border management agency to manage migration, customs and land borderline control services and to efficiently coordinate other relevant departments in the ports of entry environment. • Combat corruption in the public and private sector. SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  9. Strategic Overview Policy Mandates – JCPS Cluster Priorities • Levels of overall contact and trio crimes. • Acceleration of efforts to reduce: • Serious Crime by 2 % annually or 2 079 448 cases; • Contact Crime by between 4 and 7% annually or by between 649 387 to 629 093 cases; and • Trio Crimes by between 4 to 7% annually or by between 45 333 to 43916 cases. • Corruption. • Crime perception management. • Effectiveness and integration of Border Management. • Securing the identify and status of citizens. • Integration of Information Communication Technology systems and the development of an integrated cyber crime approach. SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  10. Strategic Overview – Saps Strategic Priorities • The priorities of the SAPS are derived from the following: • The President’s State of the Nation Address; • The outcomes of Government’s Delivery Agreement and the Strategic Priorities of the SAPS; • SAPS National Management forum decisions • The deliberations and issues raised by the Portfolio Committee of Police; • Auditor-General reports; and • National Treasury directives. SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  11. Costing Of The Plan - Spending Focus Over the Medium Term • This will include: • Increasing overall capacity in terms of personnel numbers; • Physical resources such as basic equipment needs; • Capital infrastructure, focusing on improving accessibility through the building and refurbishing of police stations; • Skills development, targeting the operational needs of the Department; and • Technological enhancements in the Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) environments, taking into consideration the Department’s technological requirements and the enhancing of the CJS. SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  12. Costing of the Plan – Expenditure Trends • Expenditure increased from R36.5 billion in 2007/08 to R53.5 billion in 2010/11. • Expenditure is expected to grow to R66.7 billion over the medium term. • The budget sets out additional allocations of R1.5 billion in 2011/12, 2.1 billion in 2012/13 and R3.4 billion in 2013/14 for: • Appointing approximately 2 330 additional police officials by 2013/14; • Increasing the capacity of crime intelligence, including provincial tactical response teams; • Increasing the funding level for property management; • Higher than budgeted salary increases granted in 2010/11; and • Recruiting 21 950 new personnel over the medium term. SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  13. Costing of the Plan - Expenditure Estimates SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  14. Costing of the Plan – Economic Classification SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  15. Costing of the Plan – Departmental Receipts SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  16. Programme 1: Administration – Purpose, Strategic Objective and Budget Allocation (1) • Purpose: Develop policy and manage the Department, including providing administrative support. • Strategic objective: Regulate the overall management of the Department and provide centralized support services. • Budget allocated for the Administration Programme increased from R18 067,0 million in 2010/11 to R20 215,0 million in 2011/12 (an increase of 11.9%) due to: • Intensified skills development interventions; • Physical infrastructure creation; and • Information technology, radio communication systems, resourcing the CJS revamp initiative including Integrated Justice System (IJS) projects. SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  17. Programme 1: Administration – Strategic Priorities and Expenditure Estimates (1) • Human Capital Development, focusing on: • Skills development and the retention of skills; • Affirmative action programmes will continue to be implemented; • Develop and implement skills development courses for station commanders in personnel management, strategic management, organisational development and communication techniques; • The health and wellness of the SAPS’ employees, with emphasis on physical maintenance ; and • The improvement of employment and gender equity. • Expenditure estimates are R1 386,640 million (2010/11), R1 449,039 million (2011/12), R1 514,246 million (2012/13) and R1 589,958 million (2013/14). SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  18. Programme 1: Administration – Human Resource Plan • The purpose of the SAPS’ Human Resource (HR) Plan is to manage the human resources that the department has at its disposal in line with the constitutional, legislative and policy mandates and the strategic priorities of the SAPS. • The HR Plan is divided into 6 pillars: • Staffing Plan (attached as next slide); • Staffing practices; • Remuneration and Conditions of Service; • Performance Management; • Human Resource Development; and • Labour Relations. SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  19. Programme 1: Administration – Staffing Plan SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  20. Programme 1: Administration – Human Resource Strategic Priorities • The Human Resource Strategic Priorities as reflected in the HR Plan, include: • The recruiting of personnel; • Optimising personnel utilisation; • Developing human resources focusing on operational requirements; • Implementing employment equity with the focus on gender equity; • Implementing performance management; • Ensuring a professional service ethos; • Providing a health and wellness support service to SAPS members; • Providing legal advisory and support services; and • Ensuring policy compliance in support of the strategic priorities. SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  21. Programme 1: Administration – Strategic Priorities and Expenditure Estimates (2) • Improvement of capital infrastructure, focusing on: • Structured capital works programme, specifically police stations and other accommodation. • The development of geographical access norms to improve accessibility of services. • The following capital infrastructure will be addressed: • New Police Stations; • Newly re-established Stations; • Re-established Police Stations; • Repaired and upgraded Police Stations; and • Infrastructure development. SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  22. Programme 1: Administration – Office Accommodation Expenditure Estimates and Devolved Funds from Public Works SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  23. Programme 1: Administration – Strategic Priorities and Expenditure Estimates (3) • Enhancement of asset management, focusing on: • The enhancement of asset management with specific focus on the planned procurement and distribution of critical assets. • Expenditure estimates: • It is estimated that 9 628 bullet resistant vests to the value of R43,546 million and 6 600 weapons to the value of R35,999 million will be procured in the 2011/12 financial year. • It is foreseen that an amount in excess of R1,100 million will be expended on vehicles in order to replace and modernise the vehicle fleet. • Information Systems and Information and Communication Technology (IS / ICT): • The development and implementation of IS/ICT, including the integration of systems across the JCPS Cluster includes: • Developing and implementing of information systems such as radio technical projects; • Developing a Case Management System; • Developing and implementing a Property and Exhibit Management System; • Establishing a single coordinated management of continuum of criminal justice and performance across the CJS; • Ensuring the integration of systems developed to ensure records and data on corruption related crimes across the CJS; • The developing of a database of victims across the CJS; and • Establishing a database that enables conviction and sentences related to identity theft; and the establishing of an integrated systems approach to combating cyber crime. SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  24. Programme 1: Administration – Expenditure Estimates for the improvement of Information Technology, the CJS and IJS • Funds designated for information technology: • R460 million (2010/11), R1,110 million (2011/12), R1,100 million (2012/13), and R1,077 million (2013/14) • Funds designated for the improvement of the CJS: • R900 million (2010/11); R1 850 million (2011/12); R1 942 million (2012/13), and R2 049 million (2013/14) • Funds earmarked over the next three years for the improvement of the IJS: • R264,1 million (2010/11), R281,6 million (2011/12), R295,6 million (2012/13) and R311,9 million (2013/14) • Funds earmarked for the upgrade of hosting and network infrastructure: • R600 million (2010/11), R628 million (2011/12), R657 million (2012/13) and R687 million (2013/14). SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  25. Programme 1: Administration Progress on 2010 targets SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  26. Programme 2: Visible Policing – Purpose, Subprogrammes, Strategic Priorities and Expenditure Estimates (1) • Purpose: Institute and preserve safety and security, and provide for specialised interventions and policing of SA’s borderlines. • Strategic objective: Discourage all crimes by providing a proactive and responsive policing service that will reduce the levels of priority crimes. • Subprogramme 1 - Crime Prevention • This subprograme provides for basic crime prevention and visible policing services at police stations, including Community Service Centres. • Staff complement of 85 893. • Strategic priorities for 2011/12: • Programme spending represents 41.9% of the Department. • Crime Preventionwill continue focusing on serious crime which includes contact crimes and trio crimes (house robbery, business robbery and hijackings), crimes against women and children • The reducing levels of crime will be realized through: • Improving police response and police visibility/patrolling in identified hotspots • Increasing policing actions to reduce the proliferation of stolen/lost/illegal firearms, stolen/robbed vehicles, drugs [cannabis, mandrax, crystal meth (Tik-Tik) and cocaine] and liquor. • Ensuring compliance with the Second Hand Goods Act. • Improving cooperation with communities through crime awareness and public education programmes, community safety forums and sector policing and thereby improving trust in the CJS • Decreasing incidents of persons escaping from police custody; and • Apprehending and charging known suspects who are involved in serious crime. SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  27. Programme 2: Visible Policing – Purpose, Subprogrammes, Strategic Priorities and Expenditure Estimates (2) • Strategic Priorities, continued • The SAPS, together with other role players, will render services to victims of sexual offences and domestic violence through the Thuthuzela Care Centres and Victim Friendly Rooms at police stations. • Priority is also given to the implementation of a Rural Safety Strategy. • The effective implementation of the Firearms Control Act by the SAPS has been identified as a priority by the Minister of Police. The SAPS has responded to this prioritisation through the development and implementation of a turnaround strategy for the Central Firearms Registry that will culminate in the elimination of backlogs in the processing of firearms licence applications and the continued effective managing of the implementation of the Firearms Control Act. • One of the common issues identified by senior management during their station visits was the lack of “command, control, co-ordination and communication”. It has therefore become essential that structured inspections during station visits by national, provincial, cluster and station management be conducted on a regular basis. • Expenditure estimates of a total of R20 443,659 million (2010/11), R21 426,043 million (2011/12), R22,826,054 million (2012/13) and R24,934,938 million (2013/14) for crime prevention, including inter alia: • 1 100 Tactical Response Team members to be developed and equipped (R35.1 million). • R200 million provided for implementation of Eastern Cape Radio Communication System in 2010/11. • ±R3 million to be spent on Victim Friendly Rooms in 2010/11. SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  28. Programme 2: Visible Policing – Purpose, Subprogrammes, Strategic Priorities and Expenditure Estimates (3) • Subprogramme 2 - Border Security • Provides for the policing of borders. • Staff complement of 7 114 personnel. • Strategic Priorities for 2011/12: • Focus on seizures of illegal firearms, stolen/robbed vehicles, illicit drugs and illegal goods as well as the arrest of undocumented persons and perpetrators involved in the smuggling of illegal firearms, stolen vehicles, drugs, illegal goods and human traficking • The establishing of a Border Management Agency (BMA) has been prioritized to facilitate the establishing of a mechanism to oversee the securing of South Africa’s borders. • The BMA will promote regional cooperation through Memoranda of Understanding with neighbouring countries in order to establish regional policing with the aim of coordinating working relations to combat crime, especially at the borders. • The policing of South Africa’s borders has been prioritised within the JCPS Cluster Delivery Agreement, clearly highlighting it as a key priority for Government. The SAPS is currently engaged in a close relationship with the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) during a period of transition that will culminate in the responsibility for the maintaining of the integrity of the borders being transferred to the SANDF. This relationship has resulted in the joint, coordinated deployment of SAPS and SANDF personnel along South Africa’s borders, focusing on ensuring border security, including the border line and ports of entry and exit. • Expenditure estimates of a total of R1 323,327 million (2010/11), R1 475,016 million (2011/12), R1 554,125 million (2012/13) and R1 637,126 million (2013/14) for border security. SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  29. Programme 2: Visible Policing – Purpose, Subprogrammes, Strategic Priorities and Expenditure Estimates (4) • Subprogramme 3 - Specialised Interventions • Provides for interventions in medium to high-risk operations. • Staff complement of 5 515 personnel. • Strategic Priorities for 2011/12: • Focus on the stabilization of volatile stations, maintenance of public order and interventions in extreme situations where normal policing must be supported. • Stabilising of public unrest situations (e g labour disputes, service delivery protest actions) and specialised operational support in serious crime incidents. • Expenditure estimates of a total of R1 461,261 million (2010/11), R1 541,597 million (2011/12), R1 619,737 million (2012/13) and R1 715,002 million (2013/14) for specialised interventions. SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  30. Programme 2: Visible Policing - Progress on 2010 targets SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  31. Programme 3: Detective Services – Purpose, Subprogrammes, Strategic Priorities and Expenditure Estimates (1) • Purpose: Enable the investigative work of the South African Police Service, including providing support to investigators in terms of forensic evidence and the Criminal Record Centre. • Strategic objective: Contribute to the successful prosecution of crime, by investigating, gathering and analyzing evidence, thereby increasing the detection rate of priority crime. • Subprogramme 1 - Crime Investigations • Accommodates detectives at police stations who investigate general crime and serious crime. • Staff complement of 25 605 personnel including detectives and total budget of R5.5 billion, • Strategic Priorities for 2011/12: • Investigation of Crime • Focuses on detection and court ready case dockets rates, specifically contact crime, trio crimes and crimes against women and children. Emphasis on investigating known criminals involved in serious crime. Specialised units such as Stock Theft Units and Tracking Units will also be established. • Support to the investigation of crime by increasing the capacity of detectives, improving forensic services, expanding of infrastructure and procurement of new technology or expanding of existing technology. • Expenditure estimates of a total of R6 250,114 million (2010/11), R6 808,536 million (2011/12), R7 237,992 million (2012/13) and R7 793,918 million (2013/14). SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  32. Programme 3: Detective Services – Purpose, Subprogrammes, Strategic Priorities and Expenditure Estimates (2) • Subprogramme 2 - Specialised Investigations • Provides for the prevention, combating and investigation of national priority crimes, including organised crime syndicates, serious and violent crime, commercial crime and corruption • Strategic priorities for 2011/12: • Investigation of serious commercial crime-related cases where officials are involved in procurement fraud and corruption-related cases (focusing on the investigation of 100 individuals where assets to the value of R5 million are seized); • Investigating, gathering and analysing of evidence regarding commercial crime and serious organised crime; • Investigating cases of serious fraud and corruption in the JCPS Cluster; • Securing of the identity and status of citizens and prioritising of operations against perpetrators of identity theft; • Combating of cyber crime; • Prevention, detection and investigation of corruption within the SAPS will continue through the implementation of the SAPS‘ Anti-Corruption Strategy; and • The implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy will be undertaken in conjunction with all departments, specifically those in the JCPS Cluster involving anti-corruption operations across the cluster to detect corruption-related crime. • Expenditure estimates of a total of R909,494 million (2010/11), R985,596 million (2011/12), R1 204,182 million (2012/13) and R1 284,138 million (2013/14). SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  33. Programme 3: Detective Services – Purpose, Subprogrammes, Strategic Priorities and Expenditure Estimates (3) • Subprogramme 3 - Criminal Record Centre (CRC) • Funds Criminal Record Centres. • Staff complement of 3 967 personnel and a total budget of R772 million. • Strategic Priorities 2011/12: • More personnel to be appointed to increase the capacity of the Criminal Record Centre (374 functional members in 2010/11 and 348 functional members in 2011/12). However, the approach is not only to appoint new personnel members, but also to develop a clear plan indicating a process to be followed in order to enhance the skills of Criminal Record Centre members to process fingerprints effectively. • The focus of the Criminal Record Centre will be on fingerprint evidence relating to contact crime, including trio crimes and crimes against women and children, property-related crimes, crimes dependent on police action for detection and commercial crime in respect of: crime scene management; evidence management; explosive response and presentation of evidence in court. • Expenditure estimates of a total of R1 113,795 million (2010/11), R1 201,665 million (2011/12), R1 418,483 million (2012/13) and R1 532,227 million (2013/14) for Criminal Record Centres. • Included in the total expenditure estimates are operational amounts of R220,0 million (2010/11), R208.5 million (2011/12), R317.0 million (2012/13) and R320.6 million (2013/14) for CJS purposes in the CRC environment. SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  34. Programme 3: Detective Services – Purpose, Subprogrammes, Strategic Priorities and Expenditure Estimates (4) • Subprogramme 4 - Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) • Funds Forensic Science Laboratories, which provide specialised technical analysis and support to investigators for evidence. • Staff complement of 1 462 and a total budget of R398 million • Strategic Priorities for 2011/12: • More personnel to be appointed to increase the capacity of the Forensic Science Laboratories (100 functional members in 2010/11 and 150 functional members in 2011/12). However, the approach is not only to appoint new personnel members, but also to develop a clear plan indicating a process to be followed in order to enhance the skills of Forensic Science Laboratory members to analyse exhibits effectively. • The focus of Forensic Science Laboratories will be to provide forensic evidence relating to contact crime, including trio crimes and crimes against women and children, property-related crimes, crimes dependent on police action for detection and commercial crime by providing crime scene management, evidence management, an explosives response and presentation of evidence in court. Capacity will be developed for Integrated Ballistics Identification System testing of police firearms. • Expenditure estimates of a total of R576,854 million (2010/11), R815,116 million (2011/12), R758,341 million (2012/13) and R835,290 million (2013/14) for FSL. • Included in the total expenditure estimates are operational amounts of R120,0 million (2010/11), R331,5 million (2011/12), R225,0 million (2012/13) and R251,2 million (2013/14) for CJS purposes in the FSL environment. SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  35. Programme 3: Detective Services - Progress on 2010 targets (1) SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  36. Programme 3: Detective Services - Progress on 2010 targets (2) SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  37. Programme 4: Crime Intelligence – Purpose, Subprogrammes and Strategic Priorities (1) • Purpose: Manage crime intelligence and analyse crime information, and provide technical support for investigations and crime prevention operations. • Strategic objective: Contribute to the neutralizing of crime by gathering, collating and analyzing intelligence that leads to an actionable policing activity. • Strategic Priorities for 2011/12 • Crime Intelligencewill emphasise intelligence based operations on contact crimes especially trio crimes; organised crime involving drugs, vehicles, weapons, diamonds, human trafficking, corruption, commercial crimes and illicit mining; as well as security intelligence-related crime (terrorism, border security and integrity, political, public and social instability and service delivery protests). • Emphasis will be put on capacitating crime intelligence, including improving the capacity and resourcing of intelligence operations against crime syndicates as well as enhancing the capacity to improve the security standard in the SAPS through vetting. SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  38. Programme 4: Crime Intelligence – Subprogrammes and Strategic Priorities (2) • Subprogramme1 - Crime Intelligence Operations • Supports intelligence-based crime investigations. • Staff complement of 2 844 and a total budget of R 642 million. • Expenditure estimates of a total of R772,334 million (2010/11), R838,254 million (2011/12), R883,245 million (2012/13) and R937,228 million (2013/14). • Subprogramme 2 - Intelligence and Information Management • Supports the analysis of crime intelligence patterns to facilitate crime detection in support of crime prevention and crime investigation. • Staff complement of 4 698 personnel. • Expenditure estimates of a total of R1 175,301 million (2010/11), R1 278,740 million (2011/12), R1 376,241 million (2012/13) and R1 484,315 million (2013/14). SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  39. Programme 4: Crime Intelligence - Progress on 2010 targets SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  40. Programme 5: Protection and Security Services – Purpose, Subprogrammes, Strategic Priorities and Expenditure Estimates (1) • Purpose: Provide protection and security services to all identified dignitaries and government interests. • Strategic objective: Minimise security violations by protecting foreign and local prominent people and securing strategic interests. • Subprogramme 1- VIP Protection Services • Funds the protection of the President, the Deputy President, former Presidents and their spouses, and other identified dignitaries while in transit. • Staff complement of 1 679 and a total budget of R406 million • Expenditure estimates of a total of R489 821 million (2010/11), R544 423 million (2011/12), R576,115 million (2012/13) and R611,781 million (2013/14). SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  41. Programme 5: Protection and Security Services – Purpose, Subprogrammes, Strategic Priorities and Expenditure Estimates (2) • Subprogramme 2 - Static and Mobile Security • Protection of: strategic sites, venues and residences of all identified VIPs and valuable and dangerous government cargo. • Staff complement of 3 786. • Expenditure estimates of a total of R670,966 million (2010/11), R707,270 million (2011/12), R747,770 million (2012/13) and R790,532 million (2013/14). • Subprogramme 3 - Government Security Regulator • Provides for security regulation, evaluations, and administering national key points and strategic installations. • This subprogramme has a staff complement of 233 and the bulk of it’s budget is used for compensation of employees and other related costs. • Expenditure estimates of a total of R55,662 million (2010/11), R61,952 million (2011/12), R65,037 million (2012/13) and R68,600 million (2013/14). SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  42. Programme 5: Protection and Security Services - Progress on 2010 targets SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  43. Programme 5: Protection and Security Services - Progress on 2010 targets SAPS Together Squeezing Crime to Zero

  44. End, thank you Department of Police

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