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Mentoring Residents: The Millennials' Dilemma

Explore challenges faced by mentors in dealing with millennials in the medical field, addressing issues of distraction, inappropriate behavior, and evaluations. Discuss strategies such as micro mentoring, reverse mentoring, and mentoring teams.

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Mentoring Residents: The Millennials' Dilemma

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  1. Mentoring Residents: The Millennials Dilemma Dr. Armando Meza M.D. November 30, 2018

  2. Case A • The medical team is rounding on the inpatient ward on a busy morning. • The senior resident on night float is presenting the case of a cancer patient with neutropenia and fever. While you listen to the case you notice that your intern is quickly taping on her smartphone seemly distracted. • You bring up to her attention that she is not paying attention to the case and she responds back that she was checking the latest IDSA guidelines on the management of neutropenic fever.

  3. Case A The medical team is rounding on the medical ward on a busy morning. The senior resident on night float is presenting a case of a cancer patient with neutropenia and fever. While you listen to the case you notice that your intern is quickly taping on her smartphone seemly distracted. You bring up to her attention that she is not paying attention to the case and she responds back that she was checking the latest IDSA guidelines on the management of neutropenic fever. After finding what was actually happening your reaction would be: • Ignore it, no big deal. • Bring it up to her attention as unprofessional behavior. • Rationalize this incident as “generational discordance” • Do not express your discomfort but have a conversation in private.

  4. Case B • Your program has assigned you Dr. James as your mentee. • He is a young and energetic PGY-1 resident. • He has shown significant interest in your feedback regarding his fellowship training options. • Subsequently he frequently texts you for a variety of reasons both academic and personal. • You start to feel uncomfortable to the point you would to address it with him.

  5. Case B Your program has assigned you Dr. James as your mentee. He is a young and energetic PGY-1 resident. He has shown significant interest in your feedback. Subsequently he frequently texts you for a variety of reasons both academic and personal. You start to feel uncomfortable to the point you would to address it with him. Questions: • Would you send him a text back asking him for a meeting? • Would meet with him but let the PD know about his behavior? • What would you respond if he asks you to meet him at the hospital’s Starbucks? • Should the meeting with him focus on the “inappropriateness” of his behavior? • Should the meeting focus on the fact that you are a Baby Boomer?

  6. Case C • A PGY-2 resident has received a evaluation from you that he has considered unfavorable. • He has approached you as the faculty responsible for this evaluation and has challenged you about the grounds of your poor impression about his performance. • Furthermore he has already contacted the PD and the Chair for a response to his request for clarification.

  7. Case C A PGY-2 resident has received a evaluation from you that he has considered unfavorable. He has approached you as the faculty responsible for this evaluation and has challenged you about the grounds of your poor impression about his performance. Furthermore he has already contacted the PD and the Chair for a response to his request for clarification. Questions: a) Would you ignore him? b)Would you reprimand him for lack of professionalism? c) Would you state clearly to him that evaluations are not appealable? d) Would you call the institution’s attorney because you are afraid he is going to sue you?

  8. Mentoring Millennials • As Needed vs Scheduled Engagement • Flat vs Pyramidal Infrastructure • Purpose vs Process

  9. Mentoring Millennials • Micro mentoring • Reverse Mentoring • Mentoring Teams

  10. The End

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