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This chapter explores the concepts of databases, schemas, entities, and controls in systems analysis and design. It covers how to design a relational database, including creating tables, choosing primary keys, adding foreign keys, and implementing referential integrity. The importance of schema quality and the need for database controls are also discussed.
Chapter 12 Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition
Databases, Controls, and Security Chapter 12 Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World 6th Ed Satzinger, Jackson & Burd
Some Database Concepts • Database (DB) -- an integrated collection of stored data that is centrally managed and controlled • Database management system (DBMS) -- a system software component that manages and controls one or more databases • Schema -- contains descriptive information about the data • what it represents • Logical design Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition
Database Schema • Contains Represents • Tables Entity/Class • Fields Attribute • Rows Instance • Relationships Associations (relationships) • Data types, lengths, controls • Access Controls (ie authentication, authorization) Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition
Database and DBMS Components Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition
Partial Display of a Relational Database Table Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition
How a relationship is implemented Each foreign key MUST reference A valid primary key, Or else the record is Said to be “orphaned”! Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition
Designing Relational DatabasesBased on the Domain Model Class Diagram • Create a table for each class • Choose a primary key for each table (invent one, if necessary) • Add foreign keys to represent one-to-many associations • Create new tables to represent many-to-many associations • Represent classification hierarchies • Define referential integrity constraints • Evaluate schema quality and make necessary improvements • Choose appropriate data types • Incorporate integrity and security controls Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition
1: Create a Table for each class Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition
2: Choose primary key for each table Primary Key field may either be CREATED (brand new) or ASSIGNED (from an existing unique attribute). Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition
Step 3: Add Foreign Keys • Foreign Keys required for relationships between entities. • One to many: add a foreign key to the “many” table that corresponds to the primary key from the “one” table • Many to many: Create a table in between the two “many” tables (if no assoc. table exists). Primary key will be a composite of two key attributes from the first two tables. • For each relationship, a “constraint” is created in the DB
Step 3: Add Foreign Keys(in italics) CartItem InventoryItem OnlineCart ProductComment Sale SaleItem SaleTransaction Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition
M:N added • AccessoryPackageContents • New • PromoOffering • Existing Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition
Classification Hierarchies? • Can implement as one table • Attributes that don’t apply to a subclass are left to be NULL (or empty) • Or several with 1:N relationships • One table for the superclass • One table each for the subclasses • Primary key for superclass is primary key for subclass, ALSO a foreign key to the superclass. Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition
Referential Integrity and Schema Quality • Referential integrity -- a consistent state among foreign key and primary key values • Referential integrity constraint -- a constraint, stored in the schema, that the DBMS uses to automatically enforce referential integrity • A high-quality relational database schema has these features: • Flexibility or ease of implementing future data model changes • Lack of redundant data • Normalization -- a formal technique for evaluating and improving the quality of a relational database schema Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition
Example of Integrity Violations Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition
Database Architectures • Single database server architecture -- one or more databases are hosted by a single DBMS running on a single server • Replicated database server architecture -- complete database copies are hosted by cooperating DBMSs running on multiple servers • Partitioned database server architecture -- multiple distributed database servers are used and the database schema is partitioned • Cloud-based database server architecture -- use of a cloud computing service provider to provide some or all database services Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition
Partitioning Database SchemaInto Client Access Subsets Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition
The Need for Database Controls • Threats to the integrity of the database • People performing operations that they are not authorized to • Inputting false, empty, or repeated data • Orphaned records • Security breaches on sensitive data • Etc • This compels the developer to create “integrity controls” in the system, to ensure a high quality of data Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition
Designing System Controls • Controls -- mechanisms and procedures that are built into a system to safeguard the system and the information within it • Integrity control -- a control that rejects invalid data inputs, prevents unauthorized data outputs, and protects data and programs against accidental or malicious tampering • Security controls -- are part of the operating system and the network and tend to be less application specific. Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition
Integrity ControlsInput Controls • Can be implemented in the DBMS, or elsewhere • Input control -- prevents invalid or erroneous data from entering the system • value limit control -- checks numeric data input to ensure that the value is reasonable • completeness control -- ensures that all required data values describing an object or transaction are present • data validation control -- ensures that numeric fields that contain codes or identifiers are correct (ie postal code) • field combination control -- a control that reviews combinations of data inputs to ensure that the correct data are entered (ie “Feb 31st”) Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition
Integrity ControlsInput Controls - Examples • value limit control • can’t enter numbers below zero • can’t enter number over a certain amt • completeness control • Postal code cant be missing • Must provide email address • data validation control • Postal code in right format • field combination control • Month can’t = February if Day = 31 Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition
Integrity ControlsAccess controls, Transaction logging, Complex update controls, Output controls • Access control -- a control that restricts which persons or programs can add, modify, or view information resources • Transaction logging -- any update to the database is logged with such audit information as user ID, date, time, input data, and type of update • Complex update control -- prevents errors that can occur when multiple programs try to update the same data at the same time or when recording a single transaction requires multiple related database updates • Output control -- ensures that output arrives at the proper destination and is accurate, current, and complete Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition
Integrity ControlsRedundancy, Backup, and Recovery • Designed to protect data from hardware failure and catastrophes • Redundancy – continuous access to data through redundant databases, servers, and sites • Backup – procedures make partial or full copies of a database to removable storage media, such as magnetic tape, or to data storage devices or servers at another site • Recovery – procedures read the off-site copies and replicate their contents to a database server that can then provide access to programs and users. Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition
Designing Security Controls • Security control -- a control that protects the assets of an organization from all threats, with a primary focus on external threats • Two Objectives • Maintain a stable, functioning operating environment for users and application systems (usually 24 hours a day, 7 days a week). • Firewalls to protect from hackers, viruses, works, and denial of service attacks • Protect information and transactions during transmission across the Internet and other insecure environments • Information could be intercepted, destroyed or modified Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition
Security ControlsAccess Controls • Authentication -- the process of identifying users who request access to sensitive resources • Authorization -- the process of allowing or restricting a specific authenticated user’s access to a specific resource based on an access control list • Multifactor authentication -- using multiple authentication methods for increased reliability • Unauthorized user -- a person who isn’t allowed access to any part or functions of the system • Registered user -- a person who is authorized to access • Privileged user -- a person who has access to the source code, executable program, and database structure of the system Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition
Security ControlsData Encryption • Encryption -- the process of altering data so unauthorized users can’t view them • Decryption -- the process of converting encrypted data back to their original state Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 6th Edition