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„Postdoc“ Programme at Charles University

„Postdoc“ Programme at Charles University. Jan Škrha Charles University in Prague Brussels, UNICA Seminar, September 24, 2012. „Post-doc“ Programme at Charles University Goals. To accelerate research activities at CU by young investigators finishing doctoral studies abroad

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„Postdoc“ Programme at Charles University

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  1. „Postdoc“ Programme at Charles University Jan Škrha Charles University in Prague Brussels, UNICA Seminar, September 24, 2012

  2. „Post-doc“ Programmeat Charles UniversityGoals To accelerate research activities at CU by young investigators finishing doctoral studies abroad Induction: negotiation at Mc Gill University

  3. General conditions of the project The respective faculty confirms - that it has appropriate money to cover part of the investigators salaries - that it has equipment and fulfills conditions necessary for the project CU together with ministry of education creates fund with extra money covering second part of investigator´s salaries The duration of the project is two years

  4. Application to the project • Eachproject has internalcoordinator • whosuggeststhecoretopic • Thetopics are announced by University • and otherwebsitestwiceyearly • Youngresearchersfromabroad • communicatewithcoordinators • and preparethesesoftheproject

  5. Application to the project • Theprojects are sent by researchers • to coordinators and thefaculty • postponesthematerials to rectorate • Thenthecommittee (nominated by rector) • evaluatesallprojects and theexcellent • onessuggests to rector • Theacceptedcandidates are informed • aboutthe data oftheirstayatthe • respectivefacultyof CU

  6. The investigator´s stay • Scientificwork and publicationsofthe • results in peer reviewjournals/books • are themaingoalsofinvestigators • Theresultsofinvestigators are onceyearly • evaluated by the independent committee • atthefaculty • Final report is done atthe end oftheir • twoyearsstay

  7. First experience 2011/I - 6 candidates ……. 3 accepted from: France - Faculty of Human Sciences USA – Fac. Mathematics and Physics India – Fac. Natural Sciences 2011/II – 14 candidates……… 5 accepted from: USA – Fac. of Human Sciences France – Fac. Mathematics and Physics Ireland – Fac. Natural Sciences USA – Fac. Natural Sciences Greece – 1st Faculty of Medicine

  8. First experience 2012/I - 8 candidates …….. 7 accepted from: Ukraine – Faculty of Law France – Faculty of Law Austria – Faculty of Social Sciences Bulgaria – Protestant Theological Faculty New Zeland – Fac. Natural Sciences Germany – Fac. Natural Sciences China – Fac. Natural Sciences 2012/II - 9 candidates ……. October 9, 2012 Evaluation Committee

  9. 2013Evaluation of two yearsexperiencewith „Post-doc“ programme

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