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Representing and Supporting Curriculum Design at Task, Module and Programme Levels. Cluster C project teams from the Curriculum Design Programme: Open University University of Ulster University of Strathclyde & Peter Bullen – Critical Friend (University of Hertfordshire).
Representing and Supporting Curriculum Design at Task, Module and Programme Levels Cluster C project teams from the Curriculum Design Programme: Open University University of Ulster University of Strathclyde & Peter Bullen – Critical Friend (University of Hertfordshire) JISC Learning and Teaching Practice Experts Group Meeting, 21st October 2009
Objectives of this session • To gain an overview of the work of the three projects • To stimulate dialogue about curriculum design and representations of designs • To consider the challenges of developing curriculum design ‘tools’, ‘support’ and ‘alignment with other processes’, that will be beneficial to all stakeholders • To enable participants to consider how this work can be transferred into their contexts
3 Themes or Clusters: Cluster C www.jiscinfonet.ac.uk/curriculum
Considering design at different levels: - task - module - programme Mapping existing processes: - Formal and ‘informal’ JISC Curriculum Design – Cluster CInstitutional Learning Design (“pedagogical approaches”) • Developing, trialling and evaluating tools and processes to support: • Ideas generation • Production and analysis of designs – including different representations of designs for different users • Staff to use the tools • Sharing designs and their re-use • Engaging the community OULDI –Open University Learning Design Initiative Viewpoints - University of Ulster PiP(Principles in Patterns) University of Strathclyde
OULDI – Open University learning Design Initiative Project Lead: Gráinne Conole Simon Cross, Rebecca Galley, Paul Clark and Paul Mundin Part of a broader learning design project at the OU Objectives Understand curriculum design process Pilot learning design support and guidance Build and enhance online communities Promote exchange of learning and teaching ideas Develop learning design tools and visualisations
Principles in Patterns (PiP) University of Strathclyde Project Directors: Diane McDonald David Nicol Project Manager: Catherine Owen Technical Manager: Jim Everett Analyst: Donna Cullen The curriculum design and approval process at the University of Strathclyde is characterised by distinctive, faculty-led approaches that feed into the institution at key approval points. Our project is using technology to streamline these processes and to enhance the support the institution provides to the academic and administrative staff translating university aspirations into high quality programmes. At the heart of this project is the desire to create more effective communication about what is important about the educational experience at our institution. www.principlesinpatterns.ac.uk
Project Director: Alan Masson Project Administrator: Sharon Hayes Instructional Technologists: Fiona Doherty, Karen Virapen Senior Systems Developer: James Gheel Academic e-Learning Consultants: Damien McConville, Catherine O’Donnell At Viewpoints, we believe that learners should be at the heart of teaching and learning. With this in mind, we are creating a series of simple, user-friendly reflective tools for staff, promoting and enhancing good curriculum design. Our services aim to simplify the course design process, encouraging staff to think about course development from the student perspective. http://viewpointsproject.blogspot.com
Session - activities • Introduction (5 min) • Engaging with Posters by adding comments/questions (15 min): Task: Please provide one comment/question on one challenge per poster (5 min/poster). Supplementary task: Add other questions/comments as time permits.
Session – activities (continued) • In depth discussion with one of the teams, around their poster (15 min) • In depth discussion with one of the other teams, around their poster (15 min) • Plenary – discussion and summary (10 min)