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Delayed Photon Analysis Gamma + MET. Jonathan Asaadi , Adam Aurisano, Dave Toback. Note: This is to just orgainize my thoughts and results and will be edited when we go to give this talk. Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Conclusion Next Steps. Outline of Talk. 560 pb-1 Data
Delayed Photon AnalysisGamma + MET Jonathan Asaadi, Adam Aurisano, Dave Toback Note: This is to just orgainize my thoughts and results and will be edited when we go to give this talk Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M
Point 1 • Point 2 • Point 3 • Conclusion • Next Steps Outline of Talk Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M
560 pb-1 Data TStnDataset* dataset0 = new TStnDataset("cdfpstn","bhelbh",190851,203799); TStnDataset* dataset1 = new TStnDataset("cdfpstn","bhelbi",203819,206989); Data Sample used by Paul (and me) to identify 560 pb-1 wele->setSelectChoice(TWeleAnaModule::SelEle); TStnElectron* ele = wmassele.size() > 0 ? wmassele[0] : NULL; intitrack = ele != NULL ? ele->TrackNumber() : -1; TStnTrack* eleTrack = itrack > -1 ? fTrackBlock->Track(ele->TrackNumber()) : NULL; TrackArrayextracks; if(eleTrack && _selectChoice == SelEle ) extracks.push_back(eleTrack); clusterTracks(&extracks); float eleT0 = wmassele.size() > 0 ? FindGoodHit(wmassele[0], fElectronBlock, fCalDataBlock) : 0.; float xxx[3] = {0.,eleT0,0.}; ClusterVector clusters; _clmod.orderBySumPWeights(); for(inti = 0; i < _clmod.clusters()->size(); i++) { ClusterCl3d* cl = _clmod.cluster(i); if(cl->nPoints() < 3) continue; clusters.push_back(cl); } Confirmation of data samples Selects events with good electron tracks coming from W’s as identified in STNtupling Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M
Triggers TTl3d* tl3d = fTriggerBlock->Tl3d(); Int_t nl3 = _fTrigTable->NL3Triggers(); bool trpassed = false; const TStnTrigger* trig = NULL; for(int i=0; i< nl3; i++) { trig = _fTrigTable->GetTrigger(3,i); if (tl3d->PathPassed(i)) { //trig->Print("banner"); //trig->Print("data"); std::string trign = trig->GetName(); //int ipos = trign.find("EXPRESS_MET_PEM"); //int ipos = trign.find("MET35_&_CJET_&_JET"); //int ipos = trign.find("PLUG_ELECTRON_20"); //int ipos = trign.find("MET_PEM"); int ipos = trign.find("PHOTON_25"); //int ipos = trign.find("Z_NOTRACK"); //int jpos = trign.find("ELECTRON70"); //int mpos = trign.find("W_NOTRACK"); int npos = trign.find("SUPER_PHOTON70"); if( ipos == 0 || npos == 0){ trpassed = true; break; } } } Used for Photons PHOTON_## Trigger ???...need to find reference W-> e nu no Track L1 single CEM or PEM tower L2 CEM or PEM cluster > 25 GeV MET > 15 GeV Isolation < 2 GeV L3 z=0 Confirm L2 Objects Used for Electron sample Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M
Right Vertex Wrong Vertex W-> e nu sample w/ Wnotrack trigger Timing Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M
hmmm….. Beam Halo Cosmics after PMT spike rejection and rebinned Cosmics Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M
Is everything working plots Run # vs. Calo t RMS Run # vs. Calo t mean Run # vs. Vertex z Mean Run # vs Vertex RMS
Is everything working plots RMS CorrectedTime vs. Run # Mean CorrectedTime vs. Run #
Is everything working plots Mean Track Time Track Phi Mean Track Z Mean Track Z vs Mean Track T (corrected) slope: -0.072 ns/cm & y intercept: -0.0041 Mean Track Time Mean Track T vs Mean phi (uncorrected) Track Eta Mean Track Time Mean Track T vs Mean eta (uncorrected)
Is everything working plots Mean Track Z Track Eta Track Phi Mean Track Time
Promotion Effect Study z = CES Energy Read Out = E Distance of CES = 181.15 cm L z = 0 z = Vertex Jonathan Asaadi Texas A&M
Promotion Effect Study Baseline Electron Cuts used in STNtuple for our W->e nu sample from data that I am looking for the promotion effect in
Promotion Effect Study No Additonal cuts used above the baseline cuts Right vertex defined as Track Z and Vertex Z within 2 cm and Track time and Vertex Timing < 2 ns and wrong vertex failing either of these cuts Event Readout Et CDF STNtuple Et Et Calculated
Promotion Effect Study Adding a cut requiring the Et > 45 GeV STNtuple Corrected Et corrected time corrected time
Promotion Effect Study Adding a cut requiring the Et > 45 GeV Calculated Et