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Learn about the crucial role of the excretory system in removing waste from the body and maintaining balance. Discover how organs like kidneys, skin, lungs, and liver work together to eliminate metabolic wastes. Explore the processes of filtration, reabsorption, and secretion that lead to the formation of urine.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EXCRETORY SYSTEM AryGunawanwww.unitedscience.wordpress.com email(fb): mas.yudhistira@gmail.com

  2. Metabolic processes give rise to chemical products which are of no use to the body. • In fact, some of them may prove detrimental to health, and accumulation of these waste products can even be fatal. • Hence waste products are removed from the body by the process of excretion. Excretory System

  3. To remove metabolic wastes from the blood • To control the volume of blood by expelling the exceeding water produced by the body cells. • To maintain the balance of certain salts  osmoregulatory Excretory System The Organs of Excretory System Kidneys  urine Skin  sweat Lungs  carbondioxide and water vapour Liver  gall liquid

  4. Kidneys

  5. Nefron

  6. Blood Glomeroulus Filtration Primary Urine Proximal convulted tubule Reabsorbtion Secondary Urine Distal convulted tubule Secretion/ Augmentation Real Urine Visualization

  7. 1. ADH Hormone 2. Diuretic substance 3. Temperature 4. Volume of solutions 5. Emotion Factors that influence the produce of urine

  8. Quiz 1 2 4 3 6 5

  9. Quiz 14 8 9 10 13 11 12

  10. Quiz 15. Fitration process take place in…. glomerulus

  11. Quiz 16. Reabsorbtion process take place in…. Proximal convulted tubule

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