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Manaia PHO Child Abuse Awareness 9 th September 2014

Manaia PHO Child Abuse Awareness 9 th September 2014. Introductions. Karen Towns & Vickie Rotzel NDHB Violence Intervention Coordinator’s Arihia Tito CYF NDHB Hospital Liaison. Personal Considerations. Some people may have personal experiences of family violence or child abuse

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Manaia PHO Child Abuse Awareness 9 th September 2014

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  1. Manaia PHOChild Abuse Awareness9th September 2014

  2. Introductions Karen Towns & Vickie Rotzel NDHB Violence Intervention Coordinator’s Arihia Tito CYF NDHB Hospital Liaison

  3. Personal Considerations Some people may have personal experiences of family violence or child abuse Our emphasis in this training session is on your professional role Participants will not be asked to relate personal experiences and should not disclose personal information If training brings up issues for you, please talk to someone you feel comfortable with or feel free to approach someone here today

  4. Agenda What are the types of child abuse/neglect? What are the effects of child abuse/neglect? What is the impact of family violence on children What are your responsibilities? What happens when I report to CYF? Panel Discussion (NDHB, CYF, Police, Women’s Refuge & Victim Support

  5. Group activity

  6. What is child abuse? Child abuse means the harming (whether physically, emotionally or sexually), ill-treatment, abuse, neglect or deprivation of any child or young person Children, Young Persons and Their Families Act 1989

  7. Types of Abuse/Neglect • Physical • Emotional/Psychological • Neglect • Sexual • Exposure to family violence

  8. Physical abuse Is any behaviour which results in physical harm to a child

  9. Signs to look for • Unexplained bruises, welts, cuts & abrasions • Unexplained fractures or dislocations • Burns • Suspicious and/or unexplained injuries

  10. Emotional abuse Is a pattern of behaviour where the child is rejected and put down Children may be isolated, constantly degraded and criticised, or negatively compared to others

  11. Signs of emotional abuse Sleep problems Frequent physical complaints Anxiety

  12. Neglect Neglect is the most common form of abuse The effects may not be as obvious as physical abuse, however they are just as serious Neglect can often result in damaged self-esteem and a lost opportunity to thrive in the world

  13. Types of neglect • Physical • Neglectful supervision • Emotional • Medical • Educational

  14. Signs of neglect • Looking rough and uncared for • Persistent nappy rash or skin disorders • Out and about unsupervised • Falling behind in school work and attendance • Indiscriminate attachment to adults

  15. Sexual abuse Is the involvement of a child in sexual activity that he/she does not fully comprehend, is unable to give informed consent to, or for which the child is not developmentally prepared and cannot give consent, or that violates the laws or social taboos of society. WHO, 2003

  16. Touching Abuse Putting objects or body parts inside the genitalia of a child Touching children’s private parts for sexual pleasure Making a child masturbate themselves or someone else Making a child play sexual games Oral sex, rape and/or sodomy Other sexual acts

  17. Non Touching Abuse Sexual talk with a child for adult sexual pleasure Flashing - exposing genitalia Encouraging a child to play ‘show me’ or ‘pants down’ games Masturbating in front of child Spying on children who are undressing or naked “Peeping” Taking photos or videos of children in sexual poses Showing pornography to a child Making a child watch or take part in sexual activity

  18. Prevalence 1 – 4 girls will be sexually abused before their 16th birthday. 1 – 7 boys will be sexually abused before their 16th birthday. (Adolescent Health Research Group, 2003) 7% - 36% of girls (WHO, 2003) 3% - 29% of boys (WHO, 2003) Sexual Abuse is common

  19. Childhood sexual behaviours Natural & Healthy Behaviours Children who molest other children

  20. Types of sexualised behaviour “Normal” – natural, healthy, exploratory Sexually reactive Extensive mutual Molesting

  21. Family violence…It’s never OK

  22. Domestic Violence Act 1995 s4 Definition of Domestic Relationships A domestic relationship is defined in the Domestic Violence Act as: Partner Family member including children Someone who ordinarily shares the household (e.g. flat mates, other children) Close personal relationship

  23. Definition Of Domestic Violence Domestic Violence: violence against one person by any other person with whom that person is, or has been, in a domestic relationship Violence: physical, sexual, and psychological abuse. This includes intimidation, harassment, damage to property, or threats of physical, sexual, or psychological abuse A person psychologically abuses a child if that person: causes or allows the child to see or hear the physical, sexual, or psychological abuse of a person with whom the child has a domestic relationship

  24. 70% of partner violence is witnessed by children Family violence can cause severe life long damage On average there are between 50 and 70 incidences of family violence reported to Whangarei Police each week Whangarei Women's Refuge receive up to three times as many reports of family violence each week than Whangarei Police Exposure to Family Violence

  25. Children imitate what they see & hear Children witnessing violence learn ways of using violence to control others Children are always aware of parents’ violence, and are usually present in the same room for at least one episode

  26. DVDIt’s Not Ok - Enough is Enough WOWO – We Oughta Warn Others

  27. NZ has the 5thworst child abuse record out of 31 OECD countries On average ONE child is killed every FIVEweeks – most of the children are underFIVE and the largest group is less than 1 year of age 90%of all child deaths are perpetrated by someone the child knows Nearly 9000 children per year are born “at risk” (1 in every 30)www.childmatters.org.nz Current New Zealand Statistics

  28. Changes to the Crimes Act 2012 195A Failure to protect child or vulnerable adult • (1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years  • (2) Frequent contact with a child or vulnerable adult (the victim) and (a) knows that the victim is at risk of death, grievous bodily harm, or sexual assault as the result of— (b) fails to take reasonable steps to protect the victim from that risk

  29. NZ CRIMES ACT 1961 Section 195a Recent changes made to widen criminal accountability for the offence of: • ill-treatment • Neglect • Serious violence against ‘children’ and ‘vulnerable adults’ Harm caused by staff members of a hospital / institution / anyone who has care or charge of the child / vulnerable adult

  30. If you are worried about a child… • Trust your instincts • Spot the warning signs • Listen • Talk to other professionals • Talk to Child, Youth and Family If you are worried that a child is not safe or being looked after call 0508FAMILY (0508 326 459) If you think a situation may be life threatening phone Police on 111.

  31. CYF Everyone has a role to play Keeping kids safe Contact Child, Youth and Family 0508 FAMILY (0508 326 459) www.cyf.govt.nz

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