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Green Engineering PC - Membership JPC 2013 San Jose, California

Green Engineering PC - Membership JPC 2013 San Jose, California. Marty Bradley Membership Chair marty.k.bradley@boeing.com. Membership Summary. PC Liaisons. PC Members. PC Chairs Jason Slagle P.O. Box 3707 MC 0Y-EK Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Email: Jason.C.Slagle@Boeing.com Valerie Lyons

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Green Engineering PC - Membership JPC 2013 San Jose, California

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  1. Green Engineering PC - MembershipJPC 2013 San Jose, California Marty Bradley Membership Chair marty.k.bradley@boeing.com

  2. Membership Summary PC Liaisons PC Members PC Chairs Jason Slagle P.O. Box 3707 MC 0Y-EK Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Email: Jason.C.Slagle@Boeing.com Valerie Lyons 21000 Brookpark Rd MS 301-3 Cleveland, OH 44135 Email: VLyons@prodigy.net Membership Chair Marty Bradley Email: marty.k.bradley@boeing.com • Established • Air Breathing Propulsion TC’s • NASA ERA • NASA SFW • Atmospheric and Space • Aircraft Design TC • Applied Aero TC • Energy Oprimized Aircraft PC • EPT CoS – Electric Propulsion Testing Standards • ETC – Emerging Technologies Committee • FAA CLEEN • Terrestrial Energy Systems TC • IGTI • IEEE • Navy • DoE • Adaptive Structures • Propulsion for Future Flight TC • Asian Liaison • V/STOL TC • 45 Total • 33 Regular • 4 YPs • 8 International • Category • Industry (43%) • Academia (33%) • Government (24%) • International members • 2Japan • 1 United Kingdom • 1 Egypt • 1 South Africa • 1 Thailand • Technical Area • Green Aviation (59%) • Green Energy (41%) • Need to make progress to establish the organization, identify subcommittee leaders, and place members in positions

  3. Green Engineering Program Committee Chair Jason Slagle Vice Chair (Future Chair) Marty Bradley Past Co-Chair Valerie Lyons Service Subcommittee Representatives Publication / Communications xxx Membership Marty Bradley Conferences Rich Wahls Standards xxx Public Policy Jason Slagle Awards SivaramGogineni Education EssamKhalil Liaison Tayo Ladeinde? Technical Subcommittee Representatives Green Energy John Blanton Green Aviation Gaudy Bezos-O'Connor

  4. GEPC Membership Actions • We want to encourage “active” members • Make sure your information is recorded in Membership Spreadsheet • Report your AIAA Member Grade (Member, Senior Member, Associate Fellow, Fellow • Select your subcommittee position(s) in the PC organization (see charts that follow) • Identify any Liaisons - other organizations that you are involved with or want to coordinate with

  5. Missing information is highlighted in yellow. Members present update their information. Others should send Marty their updates. 5 5

  6. Green Engineering PC– Member Positions (1) PC Chairs Co-Chair - Jason Slagle Co-Chair - Valerie Lyons Vice Chair(s)? (Future Chair or Co-chairs?) – xxx, yyy Past Chairs - xxx Membership – Marty Bradley Recruiting – xxx International recruiting – Danielle Soban Upgrades - xxx Publication/Communications - xxx Year in Review Article – xxx, xxx Website – Nathan Hicks Other (newsletter?) – xxx Robert Dougherty, Tayo Ladeinde Education – EssamKhalil Short Course – George Miley, Michael Houts (Nuclear), Webinar - Marty Bradley (SUGAR) Outreach (college, high school) – xxx AIAA Design Competition – Marty Bradley, Danielle Soban Franz-Josef Kahlen, Keith Blodgett, Kuni Kitagawa 6 6

  7. Green Engineering PC– Member Positions (2) Conferences – Rich Wahls JPC12 – Rich Wahls ASM13 – Rich Wahls JPC13 – Dyna Benchergui Other 2013 conferences* SciTech14(ASM14) – Franz-Josef Kahlen P&E 14 – Ruben DelRosarrio SciTech15– xxx Nicole Mendoza TBD D.R. Reddy TBD Andrew Gibson TBD Note: All PC Members should also volunteer when sessions chairs and abstract reviewers are needed *IEEE EnergyTech 2013 in Cleveland (May 21-23). see www.energytech2013.org Opportunity for AIAA GEPC to sponsor a session with presentations/papers on any energy-related topic Valerie Lyons, POC for GEPC Standards – xxx xxx Public Policy – Jason Slagle or xx Dan Jensen, Jeff Hamstra Awards – SivaramGogineni Best Paper Award – xxx Coordination with other awards (Propulsion, etc) - xxx 7 7

  8. Green Engineering PC– Member Positions (3) Liaison – Tayo Ladeinde? Air Breathing Propulsion TC’s – Marty Bradley (HSABP), Ian Halliwell (GTE), Keith Blodgett (ABPSI), Steve Johnson (ABPSI) FAA CLEEN – Ruben DelRosarrio NASA ERA – Gaudy Bezos-O'Conner NASA SFW – Rich Wahls Aeroacoustics TC – Robert Dougherty Atmospheric and Space Environments TC – xxx Aircraft Design TC – Marty Bradley, Danielle Soban, DynaBenchergui Society & Aerospace Technology TC – xxx Propellants & Combustion TC – xxx Terrestrial Energy Systems TC – David Lilley Energy Optimized Aircraft and Equipment Systems PC – Ruben DelRosarrio Applied Aero TC – Rich Wahls EPT CoS – Electric Propulsion Testing Standards - Nathan Hicks ETC – Emerging Technologies Committee – Dan Jensen Navy - DynaBenchergui DoE - DynaBenchergui Adaptive Structures TC - DynaBenchergui Propulsion for Future Flight TC – George Miley Asian Liaison – Kuni Kitagawa IEEE – Valerie Lyons IGTI – Ian Halliwell, D.R. Reddy ARPA-E - Nicole Mendoza Texas A&M – Nicole Mendoza V/STOL TC Other - xxx If you are also a member of another TC or organization, you should sign up to a liaison slot in addition to your regular subcommittee 8 8

  9. Green Engineering PC– Member Positions (4) Technical Areas – all members choose Green Aviation or Green. Subcommittee leaders will develop sub-categories for technical expertise. Subcommittee Leaders will help define role for Technical Subcommittees. Green Aviation – Gaudy Bezos-O'Connor Ruben DelRosario Brien Seeley Green Energy – John Blanton Michael Houts 9 9

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