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RHIC Mid-Term Strategic Plan Science Outlook, Upgrades, Resources. T. Ludlam, July 24, 2006. QCD Collider Laboratory. Mid Term Plan. Brookhaven Science Associates U.S. Department of Energy. Overview/Summary.
RHIC Mid-Term Strategic Plan Science Outlook,Upgrades, Resources T. Ludlam, July 24, 2006 QCD Collider Laboratory Mid Term Plan Brookhaven Science AssociatesU.S. Department of Energy
Overview/Summary • The Mid-Term Strategic Plan is a roadmap for RHIC facility operations, R&D, and upgrades for the period 2006 – 2011 • Leading to RHIC II • Setting the stage for eRHIC It is a resource loaded plan. • The schedule is driven by: • Scientific priorities and productivity • Technical readiness • A committed scientific workforce • The research addresses fundamental questions of broad significance: • What are the phases of QCD matter? • What is the wave function of the proton? • What is the wave function of a heavy nucleus? • What is the nature of non-equilibrium processes in a fundamental theory?
The Science: Where do we stand now? A new state of matter has been observed, with extraordinary properties. We want to understand its behavior, its properties, its origins, and it’s relationship to fundamental natural phenomena. First measurements of hadronic spin interactions have been made, in the high-energy regime where perturbative QCD interactions can be used to measure non-perturbative spin structure. RHIC is poised to exploit absolutely unique opportunities to determine how the spin of the proton emerges from its seemingly complex QCD structure. QCD at high temperature and density: QGP … sQGP QCD at high energy and low x: Physics of strong color fields QCD and the structure of hadrons: What is the origin of nucleon spin?
Two Major Experiments to probe the Early Universe With thanks to Tetsuo Hatsuda WMAP RHIC
Basic questions regarding the hottest, densest matter ever observed RHIC II Science workshops, 2004 - 2005 What is the nature of the phase transition between the new matter and final-state hadrons? Is there direct evidence for deconfinement? How does the thermodynamic character of the new matter evolve from the zero-entropy initial state? How does the medium thermalize so quickly? What are the transport properties of this medium? Are there resonant states, as in high-density EM plasmas? What is the screening length? Is chiral symmetry restored, as predicted by QCD? Is the Color Glass Condensate a correct description of the initial state?
Addressing the Basic Questions • We have learned to utilize elemental QCD processes generated in the collisions themselves, such as… • formation and transport of heavy quarks, and quarkonium bound states • fragmenting jets from high energy partons • high energy photons • collective flow & anisotropy in the radiation fields emitted from an expanding hot volume of QCD matter • Typically these are rare probes: • Future progress requires well-defined improvements in detector capability and machine performance.
The Facility: Where Do We Stand Now? Four Detectors Two Large Detectors EBIS Construction: CD-1 in place; CD-2 in 2006. Operational in 2010 Short-term detector upgrades underway Dramatic progress in polarized proton performance • Facility Operation • Systematic species and energy scansThis has proved crucial! • Constrained Budgets • Balance between Running RHIC and investment in upgrades • Significant funding from non-DOE sources Enhanced Luminosity Goals for Next Few Years: Au – Au Luminosity goal (200 GeV/nucleon): 8 1026 cm-2 s-1 (4x design) p-p Luminosity goal (200 GeV): 6 x 1031 cm-2 s-1 p-p Luminosity goal (500 GeV): 1.5 1032 cm-2 s-116x design Polarization approaching 70% The goal for RHIC II: an additional ~10x increase in Au-Au luminostiy. Annual data samples >20 nb-1
RHIC II Luminosity Upgrade with Electron Cooling Gold collisions (100 GeV/n x 100 GeV/n): w/o e-cooling with e-cooling Ave. store luminosity [1026 cm-2 s-1] 8 70 Pol. Proton Collision (250 GeV x 250 GeV): Ave. store luminosity [1032 cm-2 s-1] 1.5 5.0 R&D in Progress: proof-of-principle expected in 2006
RHIC Computing Facility... Data Transfer and processing from all four experiments. • FY 2006 capacity • Mass Storage System: • 5 StorageTek robotic tape silos ~7 PBytes • 57 tape drives ~ 1.9 GB/Sec • CPU: • 4300 CPU Intel/Linux processor farm • ~4150 kSPECint2000 (~6 Tflops) • Central Disk: • 250 Tbytes RAID 5 storage • 3.0 Gbyte/sec disk I/O capacity • 820 Tbytes distributed disk Initial investment: ~$8M Annual equip. funds of ~$2M for upgrades
Facility Use: Physics priorities, Run planning, Upgrades Major Planning Documents: Decadal Plans:PHENIX, STAR, PHOBOS, BRAHMS Submitted to BNL September, 2003 RHIC Twenty-Year Planning Study: Submitted to DOE January, 2004 Research Plan for Spin Physics at RHIC: Submitted to DOE January, 2005 Mid-Term Strategic Plan February 2006 Documents on web at www.bnl.gov/henp • Annual Beam Operations Scenarios: • Beam Use Proposals from Experiments • Updated collider performance projections from C-AD Advice from PAC (B. Jacak, Chair) p-p operation: Data collection goals from the RHIC Spin Plan, And C-AD projections.
The RHIC Mid-Term Strategic Plan Phased implementation of key upgrades for PHENIX and STAR, plus EBIS, over the next 5-6 years. Annual data runs during this period will exploit these upgrades for critical advances in the Heavy Ion and Spin physics programs— Along with continued improvements in machine performance. The plan assumes an operations budget for RHIC at “constant effort” based on FY05, with incremental support to cover the additional power costs to allow a 30 week run each year. With the help of funding and collaborative resources outside of DOE, this strategy is realized with a sequence of MIE detector projects totaling ~$35M over 6 years. Two large detectors well equipped for RHIC II physics R&D to realize RHIC II luminosity upgrade (e-cooling) along technically-driven schedule
Major Physics Measurements Required Upgrades Heavy Ion: e-pair mass spectrum “Hadron Blind” Dalitz pair rejection Open charm measurements in AA High Resolution vertex detection Charmonium Spectroscopy High luminosity; precision vertex, enhanced particle ID Jet Tomography High luminosity; increased acceptance; enhanced particle ID Gluon shadowing; low-x in d-Au particle detection at forward rapidity PM: 2010 PM: 2010 PM: 2012 Spin: Complete initial G/G measurement No upgrades needed Transverse spin measurements Forward particle measurement W measurements at 500 GeV Forward tracking/triggering upgrades PM: 2008 PM: 2013 *DOE performance milestones set by NSAC
PHENIX Upgrades Hadron Blind Detector Nose Cone Si Vertex Detector
STAR Upgrades DAQ and TPC-FEE upgrade Full Barrel Time-of-Flight system Forward Meson Spectrometer Magnet Barrel EMC End Cap EMC Beam-Beam Counters Forward po Det. TPC ZDC VPD’s (TOF Start) Photon Mult. Det. FTPC’s Integrated Tracking Upgrade Forward silicon tracker HFT pixel detector Barrel silicon tracker
signal electron Cherenkov blobs e- partner positron needed for rejection e+ qpair opening angle Full scale prototype Low Mass e+e- Pairs Main Problem: Combinatorial background A Hadron Blind Detector for PHENIX Operational in FY 07 Engineering Run: Data taken in FY 06 spin run electrons hadrons
STAR DAQ 1000 Upgrade • High-rate, high-luminosity capability for STAR • Replace TPC readout with fully pipelined system, with >10x current data rate. • Utilizes CERN chip developments for ALICE/LHC • Development phase is complete • Agreement to purchase chips is in final negotiotiations with CERN • Partial implementation for FY 2008 run STAR MRPC Time of Flight Barrel:Flavor tagging at large pT 23,000 channels covering TPC & Barrel Calorimeter DOE MIE Project Construction begun December 2005 Operational for FY 2009 run
Precision Vertex Detectors: Direct Observation of Charm and Beauty The observed suppression of non-photonic electrons is not understood. Attempts to reproduce it have completely changed the approach to energy loss in light and heavy quarks Central Question: Relative yield of c and b Highest possible suppression if bottom is appreciable (M. Djordjevic) Resolving this is a crucial next step STAR, Quark Matter’05
Precision Vertex Detectors Direct Observation of Charm and Beauty STAR Heavy Flavor Tracker: 2 layers CMOS Active Pixel sensors • PHENIX VTX: • Use existing pixel and strip technology • Barrel– 4 layers, Si pixels and strips • DOE MIE Project, funded in FY 07 Pres. Budget • Operational for FY 09 run • Development project: • 10m pixels • 50m detector thickness • Requires a pointing detector • Install prototype in FY 2009 End Caps-- 4 layers Si mini-strips MIE project proposed for FY 08 start Significant funding from Japan
The STAR Silicon Vertex Tracker: SVT + SSD • Designed to enhance sensitivity to strange particles in Au-Au collisions (not charm & beauty) • Its role was largely eclipsed by the surprisingly powerful TPC performance • Much work to understand calibration and alignment of the detector: 2005 Cu Cu run • Demonstrates a silicon inner tracker operating with its design performance specifications in heavy ion collisions at RHIC. • Important experience, and confidence builder, for the proposed high-precision vertex detectors. • SVT will be replaced in STAR by the proposed HFT. Pointing accuracy (cm.) vs. 1/p [62 GeV Cu-Cu data] TPC +SSD 1/p +SVT1,2,3 1/p
Low-x Physics: Color Glass; gluon density Forward Upgrades .001 < x < 0.1 in Au-Au, d-Au STAR: Forward Meson Spectrometer PHENIX: Nose Cone Calorimeter Existing Pb Glass Operational for FY 07 Run MIE project proposed for FY 2008 start U.S., Japanese, Russian, Czech Collaborators
Forward Silicon Tracker Inner Silicon Tracker Heavy Flavor Tracker W Physics Upgrades Select and identify forward leptons from W decay STAR Forward Tracking Upgrade PHENIX Muon Trigger Forward discs or barrel. GEM or Si detectors Resistive Plate Chambers Development underway: Expect final design to be reviewed by BNL in calendar 2006. Funded by NSF Completion in FY 2009
RHIC Upgrades Overview upgrade critical for success upgrade significantly enhances program A. Drees 4/4/05
A timeline for physics operation, detector upgrades, machine evolution Au-Au, d-Au, Ion scans pp 200 & pp 500 development High statistics Au Au; 500 GeV Spin Runs Short-term upgrades: HBD, TOF, DAQ, FMS, Muon Trigger Mid-Term Upgrades: Vtx detectors, NCC, forward tracking RHIC II Construction EBIS Machine and detector R&D; continued luminosity improvements; eRHIC development LHC Heavy Ion Program
Driving factors that lead to the proposed schedule • Scientific Priorities and Productivity • New discoveries point to specific measurements that call for improved capability. • Continued operation without these improvements reduces the scientific value and cost effectiveness of the program. • The complementary, and competing, opportunities at LHC for HI research provide a strong argument for timely advances in the RHIC program. • Technical Readiness • Proposed upgrades take advantage of new technology, and a productive R&D effort. • Workforce Availability • The RHIC user community is large, is international, and is extremely productive • Many are young and mid-career scientists who need to see a viable, long-term plan to pursue this attractive array of research opportunities
The Scientific Workforce for RHIC • Total no. of users ~1000. • How does this translate to FTEs working on STAR and PHENIX during the Mid-Term period? • Completion of BRAHMS and PHOBOS • Increasing commitments to LHC HI expts. (esp. in the U.S.) • New groups joining STAR and PHENIX, with specific interest in upgrades • STAR, PHENIX, and Spin collaborations have polled their membership, to determine the level of effort from each individual. • For STAR, this is in the nature of a formal MOU with each institution. • Result: • Scientific commitment remains strong. • PHENIX and STAR membership ~flat over next 5 years. • At a detailed level, it is entirely sufficient to support the Mid-Term Plan.
Estimated DOE costs for upgrades At-year dollars
RHIC Computing Facility The five-year plan is based on the overall mid-term strategic plan. • The concept of a scalable architecture for CPU, disk, and mass storage, with annual replacement of ~1/4 of the installed hardware has been successful to date. • Algorithms for estimating the required resources, based on volumes of raw data collected, have worked well for flexible planning and cost estimates based on multi-year beam use plans. Efficiency of resource allocation across experiments has been improved. • So far, Moore’s law has worked very well for us. • Do not foresee a significant change in RCF architecture or labor costs through the mid-term period. Due to machine and detector upgrades, need for annual equipment replacement for RCF will increase from present level of $2M to $3M in 2011. • Both detector collaborations make use of non-RCF computing resources for data simulation, and some processing. Physical infrastructure is a serious, short-term issue. It is being addressed by the Laboratory.
The Need for RHIC II Luminosity • Many of the critical measurements require enhanced luminosity: • Powerful probes involve small cross sections • Key to exploring large areas of the QCD phase diagram with multiple runs, varying beam energy and species. • Quantitative discussion in RHIC II Science Working Group Reports: www.bnl.gov/physics/rhicIIscience Two examples: • Jet Tomography, with precision: • Photon tagged jets: direct measure of parton energy loss in medium • STAR: 15,000 - jet at 15 GeV with RHIC II in one year’s run • 3-particle correlations at high Pt – multidimensional tomography • Select gluon jets with J/ tag • Tagged heavy quark jets – energy loss dependence on parton mass • Charmonium and Bottomonium spectroscopy: • Key to understanding color screening and deconfinement • Lattice calculations predict a hierarchy of dissociation temperatures for heavy –onium states • Need full spectroscopy to understand feed-down
From the RHIC II Science Workshops, Compiled by Tony Frawley NA50 Pb-Pb ~200K events
LHC HI in the RHIC II Era LHC HI will extend the range of initial temperatures to higher values, allowing studies over a wider range of initial conditions, and possibly revealing entirely new phenomena. • With RHIC II and LHC we explore High Temperature matter with a complementary set of experiments… • Integrated luminosity per year is 36x larger at RHIC II than LHC for heavy ions. • RHIC has developed precisely calibrated probes through extended data runs with a variety of beams and energies. Ln 1/x • Explore very different thermal environment in the two energy regimes, with a similar set of probes.
Summary • The Mid-Term Strategic Plan is a roadmap for RHIC facility operations, R&D, and upgrades for the period 2006 – 2011 • Leading to RHIC II • Setting the stage for eRHIC It is a resource loaded plan. • The schedule is driven by: • Scientific priorities and productivity • Technical readiness • A committed scientific workforce • The research addresses fundamental questions of broad significance: • What are the phases of QCD matter? • What is the wave function of the proton? • What is the wave function of a heavy nucleus? • What is the nature of non-equilibrium processes in a fundamental theory?