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ADVERTISING RATES. Advertising Rates Lean Toward Happy Magazine ALL ADS ARE SUBJECT TO PUBLISHER’S APPROVAL These rates reflect our Introductory Specials and are subject to change All ads are live links in the magazine, whether Apple or Android, tablet or phone based. SOCIAL MEDIA
Advertising Rates Lean Toward Happy Magazine ALL ADS ARE SUBJECT TO PUBLISHER’S APPROVAL These rates reflect our Introductory Specials and are subject to change All ads are live links in the magazine, whether Apple or Android, tablet or phone based. SOCIAL MEDIA In addition to being featured in the magazine with live links your ads include social media insertion. Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest are the major sites with a bit of Twitter. You will be mentioned during the month your ad runs. Resource Page ads will be on the Resource page of www.LeanTowardHappy.com/magazine Rates for Multiple Ads: 15% discount on all ads when more than one is purchased per issue. 20% discount when you purchase 3 issue package. 50% discount when purchase 6 issue package. Billing arrangements are available. Rates for Contributors: Contributors receive a complimentary ad in the Resource section as well as links from their author bio. Contributors are eligible for a 75% discount on advertising space in the issue in which they appear (space available) and 50% discount on future advertising for twelve (12) months.
Sponsors: Sponsors understand the value and power of continued exposure and wish to align themselves with the positive message of Lean Toward Happy Magazine. Lock in your desired space in the most desirable location in the magazine. As a Sponsor of our magazine we can help with planning your marketing calendar. Ad space is on a first come first served basis, get in early. Platinum Level ~ 12 Issues Only One Available Full Page Ad inside front or back cover Logo Ad on Resource Page Story featuring your business in Issue of your choice, coordinate with a launch $11,420 Value Only $7,500 Diamond Level ~ 12 Issues Only Two Available Full Page Ad inside front or back cover (total of 6) Your choice per issue, Full Page Ad inside magazine (total of 6) space permitting Logo Ad on Resource Page Story featuring your business in Issue of your choice, coordinate with a launch $9,170 Value Only $5,500 Gold Level ~ 12 Issues1 - Full Page Ad inside magazine OR2 - ½ Page Ads (great if running a special promotion)Logo Ad on Resource Page$4,620 Value Only $3,000Silver Level ~ 12 Issues1 - ½ Page Ad per issueLogo Ad on Resource Page$2,520 Value Only $1,500Amethyst Level ~ 6 Issues1- Full Page Ad inside magazine OR2 - ½ Page Ads (great if running a special promotion)Logo Ad on Resource Page$2,520 Value Only $1,500Pearl Level ~ 6 Issues1 - ½ Page Ad per issueLogo Ad on Resource Page$1,260 Value Only $ 500
Advertising Rates Lean Toward Happy Magazine Need Help? Let us help you grow your business. Advertisers in Lean Toward Happy Magazine have seen hard results. A reader followed a link to one contributors site and purchased a coaching program. This is wonderful but in not the real reason for soft advertising. You advertise in Lean Toward Happy Magazine for the same reason you speak on tele-summits and post on social media…for the exposure and name recognition. It used to take someone 7 times of being exposed to you before they would feel they knew, liked and trusted you. Now it is up to 12 times! When you advertise your name is seen in the magazine, on multiple social media sites, on our website and you have an As Seen In graphic to place on your site. People will begin to say, ‘I see you everywhere!’ That’s the goal!! Not sure what will work best for you? Contact Lean Toward Happy Magazine to discuss your advertising goals and needs. http://www.leantowardhappy.com/contactadvertisers/ Need an ad created? add a one time fee of $125 to the cost of the advertising space. I will give you exactly what is needed for your ad to be created. The ad will belong to you and may be used in any way you wish after it has appeared in the magazine. Ready to lock in your spot? Print, complete and email the ad reservation sheet. An invoice will be sent upon receipt. E-mail me, Rozlyn Warren, Publisher, directly at publisher@leantowardhappy.com or call 904-415-1405 ALL ADS ARE SUBJECT TO PUBLISHER’S APPROVAL
TITLE HERE Anatomy Of An Effective Ad What makes this ad so effective? 1. Amazing graphic…stops people on the page to absorb the impact. 2. Great headline…not cluttered with words and you know what is being advertised 3. Call to action. Easy URL No matter the size ad you place it needs these elements to be effective. Let us help you! Sub Section Title Sub Section Title Sub Section Title Sub Section Title Sub Section Title
TITLE HERE Sub Section Title Sub Section Title Sub Section Title Sub Section Title Sub Section Title
Full Page Ad Full Bleed (Edge to Edge) 1024h x 768w px @ 300dpi Inside Front or Back Cover $750 Inside Magazine $375
Headline Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris laoreet odio augue. Sed a arcu lectus. Mauris a neque lorem, ut tincidunt nulla. In dapibus auctor nibh eget viverra. Sed egestas pharetra augue id placerat. Integer rhoncus faucibus nisl vitae condimentum. Vivamus convallis turpis vel turpis fringilla iaculis. Nam a tortor orci, vel porta turpis. Proin lorem nisi, auctor id tristique ac, hendrerit id ipsum. Morbi vitae pretium metus. Ut vulputate lectus vel purus condimentum consequat. Praesent malesuada nisl id mi molestie bibendum consequat ligula tempus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris laoreet odio augue. Sed a arcu lectus. Mauris a neque lorem, ut tincidunt nulla. In dapibus auctor nibh eget viverra. Sed egestas pharetra augue id placerat. Integer rhoncus faucibus nisl vitae condimentum. Vivamus convallis turpis vel turpis fringilla iaculis. Nam a tortor orci, vel porta turpis. Proin lorem nisi, auctor id tristique ac, hendrerit id ipsum. Morbi vitae pretium metus. Ut vulputate lectus vel purus condimentum consequat. Praesent malesuada nisl id mi molestie bibendum consequat ligula tempus. Author Box: dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris laoreet odio augue. Sed a arcu lectus. Mauris a neque lorem, ut tincidunt nulla. In dapibus auctor nibh eget viverra. Sed egestas pharetra augue id placerat. Integer rhoncus faucibus nisl vitae condimentum. Vivamus convallis turpis vel turpis fringilla iaculis. Nam a tortor orci, vel porta Half–Page Horizontal Ad 512h x 768w px @ 300dpi $175
Headline Proin lorem nisi, auctor id tristique ac, hendrerit id ipsum. Morbi vitae pretium metus. Ut vulputate lectus vel purus condimentum consequat. Praesent malesuada nisl id mi molestie bibendum consequat ligula tempus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris laoreet odio augue. Sed a arcu lectus. Mauris a neque lorem, ut tincidunt nulla. In dapibus auctor nibh eget viverra. Sed egestas pharetra augue id placerat. Integer rhoncus faucibus nisl vitae condimentum. Vivamus convallis turpis vel turpis fringilla iaculis. Nam a tortor orci, vel porta turpis. Proin lorem nisi, auctor id tristique ac, hendrerit id ipsum. Morbi vitae pretium metus. Ut vulputate lectus vel purus condimentum consequat. Praesent malesuada nisl id mi molestie bibendum consequat ligula tempus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris laoreet odio augue. Sed a arcu lectus. Mauris a neque lorem, ut tincidunt nulla. In dapibus auctor nibh eget viverra. Sed egestas pharetra augue id placerat. Integer rhoncus faucibus nisl vitae condimentum. Vivamus convallis turpis vel turpis fringilla iaculis. Nam a tortor orci, vel porta Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris laoreet odio augue. Sed a arcu lectus. Mauris a neque lorem, ut tincidunt nulla. In dapibus auctor nibh eget viverra. Sed egestas pharetra augue id placerat. Integer rhoncus faucibus nisl vitae condimentum. Vivamus convallis turpis vel turpis fringilla iaculis. Nam a tortor orci, vel porta turpis. Proin lorem nisi, auctor id tristique ac, hendrerit id ipsum. Morbi vitae pretium metus. Ut vulputate lectus vel purus condimentum consequat. Praesent Quarter-Page Ad 512h x 256w px @ 300dpi $75 Quarter-Page Ad 512h x 256w px @ 300dpi $75
Look What I Found Resource Ad 250H x 256W @ 300 dpi $35 Intuitive Luxury Jewelry Design Enjoy Meals Inspired By The Stars! The Ultimate Astrological Cookbook! AmberBryce.com
Name: ____________________________________________________________ Business Name:_______________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________Skype:_____________________________ Email:_______________________________________________________ PayPal Email (if different)_____________________________________________________ Billing Address:_____________________________________________________ City:________________________ State________________ Zip_________ Ad size: ___ Full Page Location: ___FC ___BC ___Interior ___ Half Page ___ Quarter Page ___ Resource Ad Month(s) Ad(s) will appear: ___Jan ___Feb ___Mar ___Apr ___May ___June ___July ___Aug ___Sept ___Oct ___Nov ___Dec Year: ___________ ___Ad Creation One-time fee $125.00 I understand I will own the ad. Advertising Reservation Lean Toward Happy MagazineALL ADS ARE SUBJECT TO PUBLISHER’S APPROVAL
Sponsor Level: ________________ I am a Contributor: ____Yes ____No ____ I have attached png graphics for my ads in the sizes indicated in the Advertising Rates document. ____ I need assistance with my advertising. Please contact me before billing. By signing below I affirm I am authorized to make purchases for my company. I understand I will receive an invoice for the ads I have placed. Ads must be paid in full 15 days before they are scheduled to run, unless special arrangements have been made. Signature:___________________________________ Date:___________ Print Name:_________________________ Position:_________________ Advertising Reservation Lean Toward Happy MagazineALL ADS ARE SUBJECT TO PUBLISHER’S APPROVAL