50 Days of Consecration The following are minimum targets. If able and called, you are welcome to do more. Be always sure to follow your necessary medication regimen and to carefully follow your doctor's orders . Let us soberly and responsibly try to stretch our faith to levels beyond our past experiences.
Week 1 - April 8-14 - Fast One Meal a Day (Preferably Lunch). Week 2 - April 15 - 21 - Fast One Meal a Day (Preferably Lunch). Week 3 - April 22 -28 -This is a Meatless Week. Fast all meats or desserts while eating at your usual meal times (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner). Eliminate Soda and Candy. Week 4 - April 29 -May 5 - Fast Two Meals a Day. No meat or desserts. Eliminate Soda and candy.
Week 5 -May 6 -12- Fast One Meal a Day (Preferably lunch). Only chicken or fish for meat - no desserts. Eliminate soda or candy. Week 6 - May 13 -19 -Fast One Meal a Day (Preferably lunch). Week 7 -May 20 -26 - Fast One Meal a Day (Your choice).