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Learning Areas Levels Objectives Software Description Author

Computer Application Technology & Computer Studies Grade 10 to 12 To Develop Skills, knowledge and values to learners. Learning Areas Levels Objectives Software Description Author. Microsoft Office Integrated Packages. Enhance the knowledge on IT and ICT End Users Technicians

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Learning Areas Levels Objectives Software Description Author

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  1. Computer Application Technology & Computer Studies Grade 10 to 12 To Develop Skills, knowledge and values to learners Learning Areas Levels Objectives Software Description Author Microsoft Office Integrated Packages • Enhance the knowledge on IT and ICT • End Users • Technicians • Web Designers, etc. Documents Simphiwe Njoko, Amangwane High School, Bergville, Kwa-Zulu Natal

  2. Teacher Planning and Management Background & Planning: A synopsis of the origin and objectives of the learning project, including the manner in which the project was planned and managed. Classroom Images: Images of the classroom to give you a better feeling to how the project was implemented. Documents

  3. Work Samples, Teacher and Student Reflection On documents below Reflections have been attached. Student Work Samples: Examples of student work generated through participation in this learning project. Teacher Reflection: Thoughts and reflective comments from the teachers involved, including advice for future implementations. Student Perspective: Comments on how the students perceived the learning that occurred. Documents

  4. Teaching Resources The first Icon on the left below show the Students’ Project overview: Student Project Overview: An overview of required tasks. Other Teaching Resources Documents

  5. Assessment and Standards Click the documents below to see the assessment rubrics and standards cover in this learning project: Assessment Rubrics: Marking Method Used to Assess Learners Mapping the Standards:Checking if the Learners are able to use and apply all the necessary feature as it is required.(End Users) Looking at the Rules and Procedures used when fixing the computer. . National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS): Performance indicators for technology-literate students. Documents

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