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School Improvement in East Sussex New ways of working…

School Improvement in East Sussex New ways of working…. Changed context: finance, legislation & policy . Role and responsibility of schools for school improvement: ‘primary responsibility for school improvement’ Role and responsibility of the local authority for school improvement:

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School Improvement in East Sussex New ways of working…

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  1. School Improvement in East Sussex New ways of working…

  2. Changed context:finance, legislation & policy • Role and responsibility of schools for school improvement: ‘primary responsibility for school improvement’ • Role and responsibility of the local authority for school improvement: ‘freedom to choose own approach to school improvement’

  3. School support, challenge and accountability • LA no statutory responsibility to appoint a School Improvement Partner (SIP). • Self-evaluation form (SEF) not compulsory – Ofsted guidance on evaluation - voluntary use. • Scaled down Ofsted inspection regime – proportionate inspection: • outstanding schools no longer subject to routine inspections unless concerns about their performance are identified; • underperforming schools subject to more frequent inspections; • differentiation within the broad ‘satisfactory’ category between schools which are improving and those which are stuck, these will receive additional monitoring. • Re-focus Ofsted school inspection on ‘what matters most’ ie quality of teaching and learning; excellent leadership and management; good pupil discipline and behavior.

  4. SLES Objectives 2011-13 • To ensure that the LA has an accurate view of all its settings. • To improve standards and outcomes for all children and young people to age 19 (LLDD to 25). • To secure high quality education and training opportunities for children and young people to age 19 and up to the age of 25 for LLDD. • To intervene in schools causing concern identified through: performing below the floor standard; Ofsted judgement; standards and outcomes data; or concerns raised by pupils, parents or other agencies. • To provide strategic support for the development, management and maintenance of improvement capacity at all levels including LA; partnerships; settings, schools and colleges; leadership and governance. • To support schools, colleges, parents and pupils to secure full participation in education, employment and training to 18 (LLDD to 25). • To provide high quality traded services for settings, schools and colleges, which meet their needs and priorities.

  5. Core elements of the SLES strategy • Know our settings, schools and colleges sufficiently well to identify risk of underperformance and inform the categorisation of schools for the purposes of support and intervention. • Identify priorities and target supportsufficientlyaccurately to support and intervene in schools below, or at risk of falling below, the floor standards or at risk of an Ofsted category of concern; to address countywide performance issues and support schools to move from satisfactory to good and from good to outstanding. • Build capacity for partnership to ensure a sufficient and locally well-informed cadre of senior and middle level leaders to support school to school improvement and complement the support provided by the SLES. To enable appropriate school provision including school driven partnerships, Trusts and Academies. To provide high quality traded school improvement services that meet the improvement needs of settings, schools and colleges.

  6. SLES categorisation of schools Green:Outstanding (1), good (2) and strongly improving satisfactory schools (3); Amber: ‘Stuck’ satisfactory schools (3s), schools at risk of falling below the floor standard (3s); Red:Schools in an Ofsted category (5) or below the floor standard in two out of three indicators and/or at risk of being categorised as a concern by Ofsted (4)

  7. New Performance Measures End of Key Stage Floor Standards: • Key Stage 2 - 60% pupils attain Level 4 or above in English and maths • Key Stage 4 - 35% of pupils attain 5+ GCSEs A*-C (or equivalents) including English and maths End of Key Stage Progress Measure - schools underperforming when: • Key Stage 2 - below average proportion of pupils make expected progress in English or in maths. • Key Stage 4 - below average proportion of pupils make expected progress in English or in maths. New Performance Measures for KS4: • The Basics - % of pupils attaining English, maths and 2 sciences at GCSE A*-C (English Baccalaureate definitions of English, maths & sciences - GCSEs only) • English Baccalaureate (EBacc) - % of pupils attaining 5+ GCSEs A*-C inc English, maths, science, history or geography, modern foreign language

  8. Opportunity for… …discussion, reflection, comment and questions …

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