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Usability og æstetik

Usability og æstetik. Martin Sønderlev Christensen Cand.mag. Ph.d. Stipendiat ITU Afdelingen for Digital Æstetik og kommunikation. Usability og æstetik. Brugsaspekt vs. nydelsesaspekt Formelle egenskaber vs. oplevelses egenskaber. Usability og æstetik.

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Usability og æstetik

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  1. Usability og æstetik Martin Sønderlev Christensen Cand.mag. Ph.d. Stipendiat ITU Afdelingen for Digital Æstetik og kommunikation

  2. Usability og æstetik Brugsaspekt vs. nydelsesaspekt Formelle egenskaber vs. oplevelses egenskaber

  3. Usability og æstetik ”the problem with usability approaches is that they encourage a limited view of the person using the product. This is – by implication if not by intention – dehumanizing” Patrick Jordan “human factors for pleasure seekers” Design and the social sceinces, 2003

  4. Usability og æstetik “While usability is often a laudable goal, it isn’t enough. Focusing on ease of use tends to encourage a narrow view of what “use” is with respect to technology, emphasizing efficiency and productivity over exploration of curiosity. With a correspondingly narrow rage of models for usability, interaction tends to be self-similar, mundane, and ultimately BORING…” Interaction Relabelling and Extreme Characters: Methods for Exploring Aesthetic Interactions J.P. Djajadiningrat, W.W. Gaver, J.W. Frens

  5. Usability og æstetik Usability er præget af instrumentel fornuft

  6. Usability og æstetik

  7. Usability og æstetik usability ”læren om hvordan man ved at undgå at der sker brugerne ”noget”, mener at vide at dette fører til noget godt!”

  8. Usability og æstetik ”hvis man vil se utimativ dårlig usability, så gå på museum og kig på moderne kunst” Superflex og Peter Carstensen Flex pissing/Björk er en nar [a.k.a. Bringing it all back home] 1997 ARKEN museum for moderne kunst

  9. Usability og æstetik ”What is needed in design is not the modern praise of new technology, but critical and creative aesthetic-technical production orientation that unites modern information and communication technology with design, art, culture, society, and at the same time places the development of the new mediating technologies in their real everyday context of changes in lifestyles, work, leisure.” Pelle Ehn / Digital Bauhaus

  10. Usability og æstetik presences precedes use! the expressions and aesthetics of everyday computational things Lars Hallnäss og Johan Redström ”From Use to Presence” ACM transactions on CHI vol 9. No.2. June 2002

  11. Usability og æstetik Nye interfaces, nye parametre Rum Sted Information Tidslighed lyd Lys Farve Materiale

  12. Usability og æstetik “Interaction design is about creating conditions for good use of digital designs. But the only way to learn those conditions, to understand the relations between design choices and resulting use, is still largely by practice and apprenticeship. I propose to think about interaction design in terms of use qualities, i.e., certain properties of a digital design that are experienced in its use. Such qualities transcend the specific design and offer a language in which to talk about desirable design outcomes.” Jonas Löwgren “The use qualities of digital designs” http://webzone.k3.mah.se/k3jolo/Material/uqDDv1.pdf

  13. Usability og æstetik use qualities of digital designs- Motivation Playability Sedutivity Anticipation Relevance, usefulness http://www.visualthesaurus.com/online/index.html

  14. Usability og æstetik use qualities of digital designs - Interaction Autonomy Pliability Immersion

  15. Usability og æstetik use qualities of digital designs- Outcomes Identity Actability Flexibility

  16. Usability og æstetik use qualities of digital designs– Structual Efficiency, transparency Elegance Functional minimalism Surprise Para-functionality

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