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Each week 5.7 million Americans seek food assistance. Food for thought. Kirkpatrick, Kylee Monson, Matthew Ralph, Tammy Warren, Michele Watson, Michelle Salt Lake Community College Communication 1010-031 June 24, 2011. Dewey's problem solving method. Define the problem.
Food for thought • Kirkpatrick, Kylee • Monson, Matthew • Ralph, Tammy • Warren, Michele • Watson, Michelle • Salt Lake Community College • Communication 1010-031 • June 24, 2011
Dewey's problem solving method • Define the problem. • Analyze the problem. • Consider possible solutions to the problem. • Establish a criteria for a solution. • Decide on a solution. • Implement a solution. • Follow up on the solution.
Define the problem “What is the best way we, as students with limited time and limited budgets, can help the food bank increase its current stock and reduce chronic shortages?”
Analyze the problem • A sharp decline in donations due to a shrinking donor base • Past donors are now themselves seeking relief from food banks • Elderly and disabled populations are forced into greater insecurity • A shortage of ‘new’ donor possibilities to meet increased demand • A lack of creative problem solving, networking, innovation to meet unusually high demand for food • Newly homeless, chronic homelessness, chronic unemployment, and an increase in crimes related to scarcity
Consider possible solutions to the problem • Food drive at a SLCC campus • Attaching a food drive to some type of existing event • Asking for food donations door to door • Cold calling corporations and asking for donations • Setting up bins in grocery stores to collect donations • Warehouse theft • Raising money through bake sales, car washes, etc.
Decide on a solution • A food drive held at one of the SLCC campuses solution. • It was easily repeated by other groups • no extensive monetary costs • not have a long term effect. • We then considered a door-to-door donation drive through local neighborhoods. • involved the community, • not address the long term need. • Our next solution was holding a food drive in conjunction with a local event. • replicable, • involved the community, • volunteers would not need to invest more than 5 hours each. Our group created an Organizational Model to implement the solution. ( Refer to handout)
Implement the solution • Step 1: Main Coordinator would gather the participants and assign specific roles. • Step 2: Discussion about specific tasks related to attaching a food drive to the local art festival. • Step 3: Main Coordinator checks progress of each Model Group member. Beneficiary Liaison contacts local food bank to discuss specific needs. Event Liaison contacts the Local arts festival. Volunteer Liaison starts seeking and organizing volunteers. Media and Advertising Liaison identifies free advertising sources and prepares advertising materials for circulation.
Implement the solution • Step 4: Problem solving, scheduling, task assignment and planning occurs during weekly progress meetings. At this stage, the Beneficiary Liaison and Event Liaison will inform the other members what is required for the upcoming event. • Step 5: Finalize arrangements for on- site gathering of donations. Specifically, the Logistics Coordinator would schedule transportation, tasks, and volunteer schedules. • Step 6: Break down site supplies and delivery of donated items by Logistics Coordinator and volunteers. • Step 7: Project Review Meeting. Model group members meet to review where improvements can be made for future projects
Follow up on the solution • Is there too much dependence on volunteers to successfully complete group goals? • Recruit volunteers early • Network with existing groups • Advertise the need for volunteers early and often • Volunteer Liaison is responsible for managing volunteers i
Follow up on the solution • What if Event Organizers are not interested in helping with donation drive? • Offer free advertising • Emphasize that we will provide our own staff for on-site collection of donated items
Follow up on the solution • How will the group follow through if key members are absent due to emergency or sickness? • Tasks are reassigned by Main Coordinator • Weekly meetings maintain an open channel for communication