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MLA Bibliographies

MLA Bibliographies. Creating a bibliography I. The bibliography appears at the end of the paper Begin the list on a new page and number each page, continuing the page numbers of the text

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MLA Bibliographies

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  1. MLA Bibliographies

  2. Creating a bibliography I • The bibliography appears at the end of the paper • Begin the list on a new page and number each page, continuing the page numbers of the text • Center the title ”Works cited” an inch frm the top of the page, double-space between the title and the first entry

  3. Creating a bibliography II • Begin each entry flush with the left margin • If an entry runs more than one line, indent the subsequent line/lines one-half inch (or five spaces) from the left margin • Double-space the entire list, both between and within entries • Continue the list on as many pages as necessary

  4. Creating a bibliography III • In general, alphabetize entries in the list of works cited by the author’s name, using the letter-by-letter system • In this system, the alphabetical order of names is determined by the letters before the comma that separate last names and first names • Spaces and other punctuation marks are ignored • The letters after the commas are considered only when two or more names are identical

  5. Creating a bibliography IV • If the author’s name is unknown, alphabetize by the title, ignoringany initial A, An, og The Ex: ”An Encyclopedia of the Latin- American Novel” would be alphabetized under e rather than a

  6. A book by a single author Fukuyama, Francis. Our Posthuman Future: Consequenses of the Biotechnology Revolution. New York: Farrar, 2002.

  7. An anthology/compilation Lopate, Phillip, ed. The art of the Personal Essay: An Anthology from the Classical Era to the Present. New York: Anchor-Doubleday, 1994.

  8. Two/more books by the same author Boroff, Marie. Language and the Past: Verbal Artistry in Frost, Stevens, and Moore. Chicago: U of Chicago, 1979. ---, ed. Wallance Stevens: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewod Cliffs: Prentice, 1963.

  9. A book by two/more authors Eggins, Suzanne, and Diana Slade. Analyz-ing Casual Conversation. London: Cassell, 1997. Marquart, James W., Sheldon Oslon, and Joseph Oleander, eds. No Place Else: Explorations in Utopian Fiction. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1983.

  10. A book by a corporate author American Medical Association. The American Medical Association Encyclopedia of Medicine. Ed. Charles B. Clayman. New York: McGraw, 1992.

  11. A work in an anthology Allende, Isabel. ”Toad’s Mouth.” Trans. Margaret Sayers Peden. A Hammock beneath the Mangoes: Stories from LatinAmerica. Ed. Thomas Colchie. New York: Plume, 1992. 83-88.

  12. An aticle in a reference book ”Mandarin.” The Encyclopedia Americana. 1994 ed. Mohanty, Jitendra M. ”Indian Philosophy.” The New Encyclopaedia Britannica: Macropeaedia. 15th ed. 1987.

  13. A multivolume work Doyle, Arthur Conan. The Oxford Shrelock Holmes. Ed. Owen Dudley Edwards. Vol. 8. New York: Oxford UP, 1993.

  14. A government publication Great Britain. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food. Dept. of the Environment, Transport, and the Regions. Our Countryside, the Future: A Fair Deal for rural England. London: HMSO, 2000. United States. Cong. Joint Committe on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack. Hearings. 79th Cong., 1st and 2nd sess. Washington: GPO, 1946.

  15. The published proceedings of a conference Freed, Barbara F., ed. Foreign Language Acquisition Research and the Classroom. Proc. Of Consortium for Lang. Teaching and Learning Conf., Oct. 1989, U of Pennsylvania. Lexington: Heath, 1991.

  16. An article in a schoolarly journal McNeilly, Kevin. ”Home Economics.” Canadian Literature 166 (2000): 5-16.

  17. An article in a newspaper Chang, Kenneth. ”The Melting of Antarctica.” New York Times 2 Apr. 2002 F1+

  18. An article in a magazine Kates, Robert W. ”Population and Consumption: What We Know, What We Need to Know.” Environment Apr. 2000: 10-19.

  19. Review Rev. of Anthology of Danish Literature, ed. F.J. Jansen and P.M. Mitchell. TimesLiterary Supplement 7 July 1972: 785.

  20. A document from an internet site Ross, Don. ”City Profile: San Fransisco.” CNN.com. 2002.14 May 2002 <http://www.cnn.com/travel/city/SanFransisco/intro.html>

  21. An article in an online periodical Sohmer, Steve. ”12 June 1599: Opening Day at Shakespeare’s Globe.” Early ModernLiterary Studies 3 (1991). 26 June 2002. <http://www.shu.ac.uk/emls/03-1/sohmjuli.html>

  22. Without stated publication informastion or pagination n.p No place of publication given n.p. No publisher given n.d. No date of publication given n.pag. No pagination given

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