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Clean Cities Overview

Clean Cities Overview. Draft Presentation 9/1/06. US Energy Consumption. Source: Annual Energy Outlook 2006 , Energy Information Administration. US Energy by Sector. Source: Annual Energy Outlook 2006 , Energy Information Administration. Actual. Projected. Other. Domestic Production.

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Clean Cities Overview

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  1. Clean Cities Overview Draft Presentation 9/1/06

  2. US Energy Consumption Source: Annual Energy Outlook 2006, Energy Information Administration.

  3. US Energy by Sector Source: Annual Energy Outlook 2006, Energy Information Administration.

  4. Actual Projected Other Domestic Production Light- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles US Oil Consumption Source:Transportation Energy Data Book Edition 24, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Center for Transportation Analysis, http://cta.ornl.gov/data and Annual Energy Outlook 2005, Energy Information Administration.

  5. Origins and History • Created by DOE to address requirements in Energy Policy Act of 1992 • Technical, financial, and information assistance to communities with alt fuel deployment plans and to regulated fleets Clean Cities Mission To advance the national, economic and energy security of the US by supporting local decisions to use domestically produced non-petroleum fuels in vehicles

  6. Clean Cities Coalitions • Public-private partnerships at local, regional, or state level to speed implementation of advanced vehicles and alternative fuels • 87 active coalitions

  7. Clean Cities Technologies • Alternative fuels (as defined by EPAct) • E85, CNG, biodiesel, propane, hydrogen, electricity • Alternative fuel blends • E10, B5, H-CNG • Energy efficiency • Hybrids, idle reduction, fuel economy

  8. Fuel Blends • Low level blends of alternative fuel with conventional fuel • E10, B2, B5, H/CNG, for example Fuel Economy • Techniques that reduce fuel consumption • Selecting the right vehicle for the job • Advanced technology – low rolling resistance tires, HEVs, proper maintenance, tire inflation, carpooling

  9. Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) • Hybrids use two sources of energy – electricity (batteries) and conventional or alt fuel powered ICE Idle Reduction • Techniques include on-board APUs, shorepower, truck stop electrification, truss-mounted off-board heating/cooling units

  10. Alternative Fuels Ethanol • Alcohol-based fuel produced from starch crops or cellulosic biomass such as trees and grasses • High octane, often used to enhance octane properties of gasoline • As an alternative fuel, most commonly used in a blend of 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline (E85). • Flexible fuel vehicles (FFVs) and are offered by several vehicle manufacturers. See the ethanol vehicles page for more information on FFVs. CNG • Widespread distribution infrastructure • Clean burning in natural gas vehicles • Most common in medium- and heavy-duty markets • Stored onboard a vehicle as compressed natural gas (CNG) or as liquefied natural gas (LNG) Propane:

  11. Alternative Fuels Biodiesel • Manufactured from vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled restaurant greases • Biodiesel is safe, biodegradable, and reduces serious air pollutants such as particulates, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and air toxics • Blends of 20% biodiesel with 80% petroleum diesel (B20) can generally be used in unmodified diesel engines • Can be used in its pure form (B100), but it may require certain engine modifications • Potential issues with operation in cold weather Propane (LPG) • Produces fewer vehicle tailpipe emissions than gasoline • Produced as a by-product of natural gas processing and crude oil refining • Widespread infrastructure of pipelines, processing facilities, and storage

  12. Alternative Fuels Electricity • Used to power battery electric vehicles • Electric vehicle batteries have a limited storage capacity • Batteries are replenished by plugging the vehicle into an electrical source, through engine operation on gasoline, or regenerative braking Hydrogen • Emerging fuel for use in fuel cells engines for transportation • Can be produced from a variety of processes that range from utilizing coal feedstock to biomass or renewables • Demonstration projects ongoing in select areas across the US

  13. Clean Cities Unique Assets • Coordinators • Local champion and point of contact • Strong local relationships and understanding of player and issues. • Coalitions • Members are committed to the mission • Build bridges in the local community to mutually address barriers • Technical Information and Resources • AFDC recognized nationally and abroad as reliable sources of unbiased information • 4.8 million page hits (FY2005) • Over 76,000 documents being downloaded • Local Strategy to Advance a National Goal • Local involvement works effectively in communities • National leadership adds legitimacy to local activities and assists with information transfer among coalitions.

  14. Clean Cities Organization Nat’l Industry US DOEEERE Coalitions NREL Technical Support Coordinators Local Industry

  15. Clean Cities Coordinators Coordinators come from a wide variety of organizations & backgrounds…leading to variety in projects and activities Teaching school children in UT Workshops in IN Highway signs and dealer outreach in MN

  16. Clean Cities Coordinators Across all coalitions in 2005: Received over $70M in project grants Leveraged over $20M in partner funds Research and Analysis in KY Local alt fuel price reports in CA

  17. How a Coordinator is Funded • Stakeholder Dues 10% • DOE Grants 28% • Other Grants 22% • Volunteer Time 6% • Salary 34%

  18. Clean Cities Stakeholders • Coalitions are made up of local stakeholders in Clean Cities • Nearly 4,000 local stakeholder members • Private Stakeholders: 51%

  19. Clean Cities Technical Support • Alternative Fuels Data Center • Website with technical info on technologies • Resource for coordinators and the public • Program and technology analysis • Program metrics • Analysis of emerging technologies and issues • Tiger Teams • Technical experts to solve implementation problems • Technical Response Service • Knowledgeable resources for questions

  20. Clean Cities Financial Support

  21. Clean Cities Financial Support

  22. 2005 Petroleum DisplacementClean Cities Coalitions TechnologyMillion GGEs% of Total Alt. Fuel Vehicles 165 65.7% Fuel Economy 65 25.9% Idle Reduction 10 4.0% Low-Level Blends 8 3.2% Hybrid Vehicles 3 1.2% Total 251 100% Non-Vehicle Total 86 34.3%

  23. Clean Cities Resources http://www.eere.energy.gov/afdc/

  24. Important Links DOE Office of FreedomCar and Vehicle Technologies www1.eere.energy.gov/vehiclesandfuels DOE EERE Information Center 1-877-EERE-INF (1-877-337-3463) www.eere.energy.gov/cleancities/informationcenter.html Stakeholder and Related Links www.eere.energy.gov/cleancities/links.html

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