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GLENN CHENEY. Senior Manager Technical Communication Pharmanex R&D. 20,000 Meals. Live Young. Why Retire?. re DESIGN in 90. Weight Management. COMPONENTS. 1. 2. 3. re DESIGN in 90 Shakes & Supplements. Healthy Eating. Daily Activity. EAT ONE HEALTHY MEAL. Protein.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GLENN CHENEY Senior Manager Technical Communication Pharmanex R&D

  2. 20,000 Meals Live Young Why Retire?

  3. reDESIGNin90 Weight Management

  4. COMPONENTS 1 2 3 reDESIGNin90 Shakes & Supplements Healthy Eating Daily Activity

  5. EAT ONE HEALTHY MEAL Protein • F&V – Correlation between F&V consumption and body composition • PROTEIN – for satiety and muscle tone • COMPLEX CARBS – affects rate of energy absorption • FAT – For satiety • DAIRY – correlation between dairy consumption and body composition (also protect against calcium loss) Vegetables Fat Dairy Fruits Complex Carbs

  6. REPLACE TWO MEALS WITH AC SHAKES Breakfast Lunch Dinner

  7. REPLACE TWO MEALS WITH AC SHAKES Breakfast Lunch Dinner

  8. EFFECT OF A SPECIAL FIBER IN AC SHAKES Too high Without unique fiber Too Low 0 hours 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours

  9. EFFECT OF A SPECIAL FIBER IN AC SHAKES Too high Without unique fiber Effect of special fiber in AC Shakes Healthy Range Too Low 0 hours 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours • ↓cravings, so you consume fewer calories • Unique fiber blend promotes fullness • Balance blood sugar

  10. THREE SNACKS A DAY REPLACE TWO MEALS WITH AC SHAKES 10-14 nuts ½ apple + 2 tsp PB Snack Breakfast Breakfast Snack Lunch Lunch Snack Dinner Dinner

  11. 1 2 3 Healthy Eating

  12. 1 2 3 • 5 ─7× Per Week • Ultimate Goal: 1 Hour per day – Break it up into 10 min increments – 10 min × 6 per day = 60 mins – Gradually build up to 60 mins • Don’t pick activities you dislike – Play Wii Sports / “Just Dance” with your kids • Be accountable to yourself & others Healthy Eating Daily Activity

  13. 1 2 3 reDESIGNin90 Shakes & Supplements Healthy Eating Daily Activity

  14. Total 7,575 mg PROVEN INGREDIENTS; THE RIGHT DOSE • Garciniacambogia fruit extract • Gymnemasylvestre extract • Chromium • Forskohlii extract • Lagerstroemia speciosa • Fenugreek fiber • 4,700 mg • 400 mg • 400 mcg • 425 mg • 48 mg • 2,000 mg EQUIVALENT TO 20 CAPSULES!

  15. AC COMPLEX AND AC SHAKES TOGETHER: 100% Clinically Effective Dose + =

  16. GREEN TEA STUDIES Green Tea improves Body Composition 90 days; subjects received Green Tea catechins ↓ intra-abdominal fat (IAF) by 5.6 cm2 ↓ in waist circumference Wang H, et al. Effects of catechin enriched GT on body composition. Obesity. 2010 Apr;18(4):773-9. 90 Day RCT of Green Tea • 60 subjects: BMI > 25 • Nodifference in food intake, or physical activity • Δ in resting energy expenditure = 183.38 kJ/day (p < 0.001) Week 8: Week 12: • Stress response* significantly ↓ (p < 0.05) *VMA Auvichayapat et al. Effectiveness of green tea on weight reduction in obese Thais: A randomized, controlled trial. PhysiolBehav. 2008 Feb 27;93(3):486-91.

  17. EFFECTS OF STRESS ON APPETITE High Cortisol Individuals: • Consumed more calories • Ate significantly more sweet foods • More negative moods Dietary Restraint = consciously trying to limit food intake to maintain a desired body weight HIGH DIETARY RESTRAINT IS ASSOCIATED WITH HIGH CORTISOL 1. Epel ES, et al. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2001;26:37-49. 2. McLean JA, Barr SI, Prior JC. Am J ClinNutr 2001;73:7-12.

  18. AGELOC VITALITY IMPROVES PHYSICAL ENDURANCE + 63% 40 Week 5 30 Time to Exhaustion Treadmill (min) 20 Week 0 Week 0 Week 5 10 ageLOC Vitality Control

  19. AGELOC VITALITY PRESERVED 57% MUSCLE GLYCOGEN COMPARED TO NON-TREATMENT GROUP 2.0 0.25mg/g (-13%) 1.8 0.575mg/g (-30%) 1.6 Muscle glycogen (mg/g wet wt.) 1.4 1.2 1.0 Exercise w/ ageLOC Vitality Exercise Non-Exercise Control Results from a pre-clinical study in mice with ageLOC Vitality Blend. Ferguson et al. Targeting Mitochondria 2010 Berlin, Germany November 18-19, 2010.

  20. AGELOC VITALITY INGREDIENT PROMOTES FAT METABOLISM DURING PROLONGED EXERCISE Carbohydrate Burning Zone Includes: glucose and glycogen Respiratory Exchange Ratio (RER) Fat burning Zone 0 20 60 40 Exercise Time (minutes) After 6 weeks of an ageLOC Vitality ingredient Before an ageLOCVitality ingredient Pharmanex ingredient study by Fit Stop Human Performance Laboratory Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2001; 33(5) Supplement 1:pg S164

  21. 1 2 3 reDESIGNin90 Shakes & Supplements Healthy Eating Daily Activity


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