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The Age of Napoleon. By: Amnah Ansari and Batoul Kouli. Who was Napoleon Bonaparte? “ A leader is a dealer in hope.. ” -Napoleon. Born on August 15, 1799 in Corsica, and island in the Mediterranean Son of Carlo Bonaparte who was a noble Ended the French Revolution
The Age of Napoleon By: Amnah Ansari and BatoulKouli
Who was Napoleon Bonaparte? “A leader is a dealer in hope..”-Napoleon • Born on August 15, 1799 in Corsica, and island in the Mediterranean • Son of Carlo Bonaparte who was a noble • Ended the French Revolution to two military schools in: a) Bienne b) Paris • He was married to Josephine Beauharnais a) Her connections to the gov got him in command of the French army
Military Success: "A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon”-Napoleon • Napoleon kept on rising in his positions: a) Second lieutenant in the artillery at age 16 b) Brigadier General c) Major General d) Put in charge of the French army • He re-organized the army and defeated the Austrians and Italians and had many victories in Egypt • His attack on Britain went terribly wrong and his army was ravaged by plague and sickness • He returned to Paris and took complete control of France after hearing of the military crisis
Napoleonic Wars: • The Napoleonic wars were all the wars in which Napoleon led the French army against Austria, Italy, The Netherlands, Egypt, and Syria.
Consul and Emperor:“If you want a thing done well, do it yourself…” -Napoleon • Changed gov. from Directory to Consulate (1799) a) Made himself consul b) Republic (Napoleon had complete power) • Napoleon took control of : a) Entire gov. b) Members of bureaucracy c) Army d) Foreign affairs e) Legislature • He crowned himself emperor in front of the pope
Peace with the Church:” A nation must have a religion, and that religion must be under the control of the government ..”-Napoleon • Napoleon ended the schism and restored Catholic Church to the French • He didn’t particularly believe in any religion “If I had to choose a religion, the sun as the universal giver of life would be my god…”
Codification of Laws:”Power is my witness. I have worked too hard at her conquest to let anyone take her away from me..”-Napoleon • The Napoleonic Code was his most famous achievement • Before the revolution, there wasn’t a set of laws • Napoleon summed it down to 7 codes of law, but The Civil Code was the most important • The Civil Code is also referred to as Napoleonic Code
What did the Napoleonic Code Do?:“Women are nothing but machines for producing children..”-Napoleon • Recognized equality for all citizens before the law • Preserved the right of an individual to choose a profession • Preserved religious toleration • Preserved the abolition of serfdom and feudalism • Undid the law of making divorce easy for both husbands and wives • Women became less equal then men a) property belonged to husbands b) in lawsuits they were treated as minors and testimony was less reliable then men
A New Bureaucracy:"I wished to found a European system, a European Code of Laws, a European judiciary: there would be but one people in Europe…" -Napoleon • Napoleon wanted to be “The united states of Europe” • Also created a new aristocracy based on merit in state service • Created 3,236 nobles between 1808-1814 a) 60% were military officers b) only 22% came from nobility of the old regime c) almost 60% were middle class in origin
Preserver of Revolution: Although Napoleon did a lot for France, he made it worse at the same time • He replaced liberty with despotism that grew increasingly arbitrary • He shut down 60 of France’s 73 newspapers • He had all manuscripts run through the government before published. Even the mail was checked by the government
Building the Empire:“To be a success in the world, promise everything, deliver nothing”-Napoleon • When Napoleon made himself consul, they were at war with a European coalition Russia, Great Britain, and Austria • He paused the war and made a peace treaty in 1802, but war presumed in 1803. • Austria, Russia, Sweden, and Prussia joined Britain. After a series of battles, Napoleon’s Grand Army defeated Austria, Prussia, and Russian armies. • He created a new European order and had 3 major parts of of his Grand Empire: a) The French Empire b) Dependant states c) Allied states
The French Empire, Dependant states, and Allied states: • French Empire: a) inner core of the Grand Empire b) included western half of Italy & north Rome • Dependant states: a) kingdoms under the rule of Napoleon’s relatives b) Spain, Italy, The Swiss Republic, the Grand Duchy of Warsaw , and the Confederation of Rhine • Allied states: a) those defeated by Napoleon and forced to join against Britain (Prussia, Austria, Russia, and Sweden)
Spreading the Principles of Revolution: “A man will fight harder for his interests than his rights..”-Napoleon • Napoleon wanted to spread the principles of the French Revolution a) legal equality b) religious toleration c) economic freedom • By doing so, he destroyed the old order. Nobility and clergy in states of the French Empire and Dependant states lost special privilege
Britain’s Survival:“Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever…”-Napoleon • Mainly survived because it ruled the waves. • Invulnerable for military attack • Napoleon tried to defeat Britain with Continental System by making their economy weak, but failed • Allied states didn’t like that Napoleon didn’t want them to trade with Britain, so they did it secretly
Nationalism:“A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government..”-Napoleon • The second reason that the Grand Empire didn’t last was because of Nationalism : “The unique cultural identity of a people based on common language, religion, and national symbols • The spread of principles brought a spread of nationalism • There were two ways the French aroused nationalism: a) they were hated as oppressors (hatred stirred patriotism of other opposing the French b) French showed Europe what nationalism was and what a nation in arms could do
Disaster in Russia: • Because the Russians didn’t want to stay in the Continental System, Napoleon felt the need to invade Russia • Russia was a huge country, and Napoleon knew it would lead to consequences • In 1812, Napoleon went into Russia wit over 600,000 men • Russia was defeated went to Moscow • Napoleon began the “Great Retreat” across Russia • European states attacked French Army • Paris was captured March 1814 • He was exiled to Elba • The Bourbon monarchy was restored to France under Louis XVIII
The Final Defeat: • Napoleon made his way back to France • Troops were sent to capture him, but he said “I am your Emperor! If there is a man among you that would kill me , here I am!”They replied by saying “Vive l’Emperor!” • Troops went to his side and they made their entry into Paris • The armies that had defeated him before, tried once more. He built another army and stationed in Belgium • At Waterloo (1815), Napoleon suffered defeat under the Duke of Wellington • He was exiled to St. Helena, an island in the South Atlantic, where he died