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NACI Annual Report 2003 - 2004

NACI Annual Report 2003 - 2004. Prof. Tshilidzi Marwala (Council) Mr Charles Mokonoto (Secretariat) Dr Bok Marais (Secretariat) Mr Tjaart van der Walt (DST). Overview of briefing. Introduction About NACI Act Council Procedures Annual report Focus Results Finances Other matters

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NACI Annual Report 2003 - 2004

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  1. NACI Annual Report 2003 - 2004 Prof. Tshilidzi Marwala (Council) Mr Charles Mokonoto (Secretariat) Dr Bok Marais (Secretariat) Mr Tjaart van der Walt (DST)

  2. Overview of briefing • Introduction • About NACI • Act • Council • Procedures • Annual report • Focus • Results • Finances • Other matters • Concluding remarks

  3. Introduction • Apologies by the Chair • Appreciation for the invitation • Members of the delegation • Tshilidzi Marwala (Councillor; Wits) • Charles Mokonoto (Portfolio Man: Indicators) • Bok Marais (Head: Secretariat) • Tjaart van der Walt (Manager: Financial Accounting, DST) • Selected documentation tabled, but any requests for additional documentation will be met without delay

  4. About NACI (1) • Foundation in 1996: • An indisputable correlation between innovation and economic growth • White paper: From S&T to innovation • NACI Act 55 of 1997 • The Act • To advise the Minister on matters pertaining to innovation • 15 Specific functions (section 4.1) • Members appointed by Minister • Business: 8; HE: 7; SC: 4; government: 3 • Black: 11; white: 9; • Female: 6; male: 14 • Resources (staff and finances) provided and governed by DST

  5. About NACI (2) Mode of operation • Council meets four time p.a. • ExCo meets 10 times p.a. • Five strategic sub-committees: As needed • Innovation infrastructure, HR & knowledge base, competitiveness, social dimensions, and NACI’s role • Women’s Reference group for S&T • Annual Corporate Business Plan as framework • All initiatives (studies, conferences, etc.) approved on basis of ToR and project plan • All reports peer-evaluated • Advice to the Minister in the form of an advisory letter and summary report

  6. Orientation of the Annual Report • Culmination of the work of the First Council • Approved by the Second Council and Minister • Portfolio of studies:1999 – 2004 (19 – 20) • Includes overview of NACI’s first term (31-33) • Embedded in first decade’s highlights (34-36)

  7. Results 2003 - 2004

  8. Results 2003 – 2004 (1)

  9. Results 2003 – 2004 (2) • Reports • Utilisation of research findings • Medium term S&T scenarios • Impact of skills shortages • Profile of HE research and training • The role of S&T in NEPAD • Innovation facts and figures

  10. Results 2003 – 2004 (3) • Advice: • Performance audit of NACI • S&T facts and figures • Advance manufacturing strategy

  11. Financial report 2003 - 2004

  12. Other matters • Cost of production of Annual Report • R41 684.82 • Favourable newspaper comments

  13. R&D survey: Expenditure as % of GDP

  14. R&D survey: International comparisons

  15. 57.4 54.7 22.0 20.6 25.3 20.0 R&D survey: Expenditure by sector

  16. R&D survey: Women as % of total researchers

  17. Conclusions • Report year marks cross-over to the Second Council • 2003 – 2004 was a successful year • Chair will approach the Committee for an opportunity to brief you on NACI’s strategic thrusts and programme Thank you!

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