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Mesmerizing Moldova 2003 Annual Progress Report

Mesmerizing Moldova 2003 Annual Progress Report. NATIONAL COORDINATOR: M r s. Svetlana Dogotaru, First Deputy Minister of Ecology, Constructions and Territorial Development PROJECT MANAGER: Mr. Ghenadie Ivascenco December 18, 2003. Mesmerizing Moldova. OUTCOME :

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Mesmerizing Moldova 2003 Annual Progress Report

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  1. Mesmerizing Moldova2003 Annual Progress Report NATIONAL COORDINATOR:Mrs. Svetlana Dogotaru, First Deputy Minister of Ecology, Constructions and Territorial Development PROJECT MANAGER:Mr. Ghenadie Ivascenco December 18, 2003

  2. Mesmerizing Moldova OUTCOME: INCREASED USE BY DECISION MAKERS OF SUSTAINABLE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT CONCEPTS IN POLICY FORMULATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OBJECTIVES: • Promote sustainable development of human settlements • Develop the General Plan of Urban Development for Chisinau, which will serve as model for other urban areas • Develop the Housing Strategy for Chisinau, which will serve as model for other urban areas • Contribute to poverty alleviation by creating income generating small scale activities • Improve living conditions via environmental rehabilitation of urban areas • Increase awareness and build capacity of the civil society regarding urban sustainable development

  3. Mesmerizing Moldova2003 Achievements • CHISINAU MUNICIPALITY GENERAL URBAN PLAN CONCEPT DEVELOPED • Chisinau General Urban Plan Concept developed as first realistic urban planning document in Moldova • 3training courses implemented on Chisinau General Urban Plan Concept (over 60 of most active NGO leaders trained) • 4 workshops conducted on Chisinau General Urban Plan Concept with Chisinau municipality civil servants and counselors (over 150 people involved) • CHISINAU MUNICIPALITY HOUSING STRATEGY DEVELOPED • Chisinau Housing Strategy developed as first document of this type in Moldova • 3 training courses implemented on Chisinau Housing Strategy (for over 60 of most active NGO leaders from Chisinau) • 1 workshop conducted on Chisinau Housing Strategy with Chisinau municipality’s civil servants and counselors (over 50 people involved)

  4. Mesmerizing Moldova2003 Achievements • NATIONAL CAPACITY IN URBAN DEVELOPMENT STRENGTHENED • One week training course on Modern Approaches in General Urban Plan development implemented (over 30 professionals from main urban planning institutions, city halls of Chisinau, Balti, Orhei and Technical University trained) • Elaboration of “Urban Management and Governance” Handbook started (first book of this type in Moldova) • Elaboration of “Guidelines for General Urban Plan development and implementation” started • POVERTY ALLEVIATION CONTRIBUTION • Two training courses “Job creation for vulnerable groups” implemented – over 50 NGO leaders trained • Grant Program “Job creation for vulnerable groups” launched

  5. Mesmerizing Moldova2003 Achievements • CONTRIBUTION TO CIVIL SOCIETY AWARENESS AND CAPACITY BUILDING • TRAINING COMPONENT: capacity of over 70 NGOs to act as community catalysts and partners with the local authorities for participatory planning and urban development strengthened - 5 seminars conducted • GRANTS COMPONENT: 8 pilot projects supported (aimed at urban development and improvement of living conditions of vulnerable groups in partnership with local community, local government and private sector) • FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES • Negotiations with Habitat for Humanity International (building houses for people in need) started. A study visit to Moldova made by HFH Europe and Asia Program Development Manager. It is planned to open a branch of HFH International in Moldova. • Agreement reached with UN Habitat to support the establishment and strengthening of the Habitat Moldova Center.

  6. Mesmerizing MoldovaIMPACT • General Urban Plan Concept of Chisinau municipality is based on NEW FOR MOLDOVA PRINCIPLES of sustainable development, market economy and participatory planning • Debates on General Urban Plan Concept among professionals (seminars, round tables, mass-media) contribute to new urban development principles PROMOTION and ACCEPTANCE • Central and Local Public Administration ACCEPTS and SUPPORTS the new urban planning and administration techniques as effective in solving Chisinau municipality problems • Civil society “discovered” a NEW AREA of activity: urbanism. The number and quality of NGO projects is increasing (from 0 – to 44)

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