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Seven Deadly Sins What is Acedia? What Do We Do About It?

Explore the ancient concept of acedia, the silent killer of enthusiasm in Christians. Learn its manifestations, remedies, and how to embrace the demands of love with zeal. Discover how to overcome sloth and spiritual obstacles in the Christian life.

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Seven Deadly Sins What is Acedia? What Do We Do About It?

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  1. Acedia:The Silent KillerDr. Kevin VaughanDirector of Catholic Studies,The College of St. Scholastica

  2. Acedia:The Silent KillerDr. Kevin VaughanDirector of Catholic Studies,The College of St. Scholastica Seven Deadly Sins What is Acedia? What Do We Do About It?

  3. Modern Neglect • SLOTH • Laziness • Lack of productivity “If sloth had been the original sin, we’d all still be in paradise.” (Harper’s Magazine, 1987)

  4. Ancient Emphasis

  5. Francis, Homily, April 1, 2014 “I think of many Christians, of many Catholics – yes, they are Catholics, but without enthusiasm, even embittered.” “This is the disease of sloth, the spiritual inertia of Christians. This attitude is crippling apostolic zeal. It makes Christian people stand still and at ease, but not in the good sense of the word; they do not bother to go out to proclaim the gospel! They are anesthetized.”

  6. I. The Seven Deadly Sins

  7. Obstacles to the Christian Life Bodily desires food, drink, sex Social desires ambition, reputation, status Spiritual desires fulfillment, self-identity, God

  8. Capital Sins Lead to further sins Capital sins “fountainhead” Acedia wandering mind, indifference, error in faith, desperation, sadness, neglect, and cowardice

  9. Vices Broad meaning of SIN A single act of disobedience Our fallen state Patterns of sinfulness in our character Vice Deeply rooted patterns in our character Distorts our desires

  10. II. What is Acedia?

  11. What is Acedia? a-kedia, GK = “lack of care” Desert Fathers Deep spiritual malady Dejection, feeling of oppressiveness, disgust Why? Aquinas’s answer: God’s love! “aversion to the divine good” (STII-IIQ35)

  12. Edward Hopper, Room in New York (1932)

  13. A Tough Decision Reconcile or not? Not easy! Self-sacrifice and transformation

  14. Life with God Spiritual life is tough! Self-sacrifice and transformation Conformity to God’s grace Overcome by lack of joy (sadness) Resistance to the demands of God’s love

  15. Manifestations of Acedia Laziness Excessive Busyness

  16. Laziness Sadness over the demands of love Escape work itself Sleeping in on Sunday Sad over the demands on your time

  17. Busyness Sadness over the demands of love Distractions Escape particular work Too busy to pray Sad over the demands on your interests

  18. III. What Can We Do About It?

  19. Evagrius of Pontus (345-399)

  20. Remedies Stabilitas Talking-Back St. Antony of the Desert Talking back to demons Bible verses • “Staying put!” • Perseverance • Monks cell • Commitment & discipline • daily schedule

  21. Angel of Zeal

  22. Angel of Zeal Virtue of Zeal Joyful embrace of the demands of love

  23. Summary What Is Sloth? Sadness over the demands of love Manifestations? Laziness or Excessive Busyness What Do We Do About It? Stay Put & Talk Back! Goal ZEAL

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