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Essential Roots

Essential Roots. ANATOMY. ANA apart. TOME Cutting. A, An. Not, without Asymmetrical. Ab. Away Abduct. Ad. To adhere. Angio. Vessel Angioplast. Antero. In front of Anterior. Arthro. Joint Arthritis. Atrium. Hall/entrance. Axis. Axle Pivotal point. Bi. Two.

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Essential Roots

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Essential Roots

  2. ANATOMY • ANA • apart • TOME • Cutting

  3. A, An • Not, without • Asymmetrical

  4. Ab • Away • Abduct

  5. Ad • To • adhere

  6. Angio • Vessel • Angioplast

  7. Antero • In front of • Anterior

  8. Arthro • Joint • Arthritis

  9. Atrium Hall/entrance

  10. Axis • Axle • Pivotal point

  11. Bi • Two

  12. Brachio • An arm • Bicep brachii

  13. Brevis • Short • Brief

  14. Buccal • Cheek • buccinators

  15. Cerebro • Brain • Cerebrum

  16. Cephal • Head • encephalitis

  17. Cervico • Neck • cervical

  18. Cortex • Outer layer

  19. Delta • triangular

  20. Dys • Bad • dysfunction

  21. Endo • Inside • endocardium • Endometrium • Endocrine • Endomorph

  22. Epi • Over • epidermis

  23. Ex • Outside • External • Exit

  24. Gaster • Stomach • Gastric bypass

  25. Hema • Blood • hemophilia

  26. Hyper • Excessive • Hyperactive

  27. Hypo • Less, lower • Hypothermia

  28. Infra • Under • inferior

  29. Inter • Between • International

  30. Itis • Inflammation • tonsillitis

  31. Lys, lysis • Dissolve, Destroy • Lysol

  32. Nephro/Renal • Kidney • Nephrons • Adrenal gland

  33. Neuro- • Nerve • neuron

  34. Oculus • Eye • Binocular

  35. Olfacere • To smell • Olfactory

  36. Orbis • Circular • Orbit

  37. Oste • Bone • Osteoporosis

  38. Pulmo • Lung • pulmonary

  39. Plantar • Sole of feet

  40. Pod, Ped, Pes • Foot • Pedestrian

  41. Posterus • behind

  42. Proximus • Next to • proximal

  43. Rectus • Straight • Homo erectus

  44. Supra • Above • superior

  45. Tachy • fast

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