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Global Interactions. Early Japan and Feudalism. 1. Shinto: Traditional Japanese religion. 2. Shogun: Top military commanders in feudal system. Had power. 3. Daimyo: Vassal lords. Received land in exchange for a promise to support the shogun with armies.
Early Japan and Feudalism • 1. Shinto: Traditional Japanese religion. • 2. Shogun: Top military commanders in feudal system. Had power. • 3. Daimyo: Vassal lords. Received land in exchange for a promise to support the shogun with armies. • 4. Samurai: Lesser warriors who promised loyalty to daimyo. • 5. Bushido: Strict code of conduct of the Samurai. • 6. Kabuki: Theater in Japan where they wore colorful costumes. • 7. Haiku: Chinese influenced form of poetry.
2 effects of geography on Japanese development. • 1. Mountains and islands acted as a barrier to unity. • 2. Seas became a source of food and transportation. Led to a deep respect of the environment.
China influence on Japan: • 1. Writing system brought over by Koreans. • 2. Buddhism. • 3. Confucianism. • 4. Tea drinking and tea ceremonies.
Feudal Japan • Emperor: Lost power, ruled in name. • Shogun: Top military commanders, had power. • Daimyo: Received land. Promised to support the shogun. • Samurai: Supported the daimyo. Fought. • Other classes: Peasants, farmed land. • Artisans: Made weapons. • Merchants: Lowest social class.
How and why did the Tokugawa Shogunate seize power? • Created a centralized feudal government by bringing the warring daimyo under central government.
How did Tokugawa feel towards foreigners? What did they do? • Very hostile. • Barred western merchants and prohibited traveling around.
The Mongols and their Impact • 1. Genghis Khan: Leader of the Mongols. • 2. Golden Horde: Mongol armies in Russia. Named because of their tents. • 3. Pax Mongolia: Period of stability in Mongol Empire. • 4. Marco Polo: Italian merchant who wrote about Chinese beauty and riches. • 5. Ibn Batuta: Scholar from Morocco who traveled around the Middle East and Asia.
Why did Mongols win: • 1. Skilled horsemen. • 2. New military technology.
How did the Mongols rule territories? • They spread terror and destruction. • Conquered people could live as they had as long as they paid a tribute.
What did Mongols do to Russia? • Absolute rule was a model for the Russian government. • Cut Russia off from the West (Isolated them).
How did Mongol rule encourage trade between China and the west? • 1. They helped make the Silk Road and the Middle East become safe to travel on.
Why did the Mongols lose power? • 1. Too large to govern. • 2. Little experience in government. • 3. Relied on others to do their job.
Global Trade and Interactions • 1. Zheng He: Chinese explorer. • 2. Venice: Dominant trade power. • 3. Trade Fair: Where trade took place on trade routes where navigable rivers met. • 4. Hanseatic League: German towns who monopolized trade in Baltic and North Seas. • 5. Bubonic Plague: Highly contagious disease carried on by rats.
Crusades • Europeans became interested in things that the Crusaders brought back which they wanted.
Italian City States • Because of their location it became a great place to drop off products from the East (China) and then move them through Europe.
Trade Fairs and the Growth of Cities • Trade fairs were where trade routes met, and then people moved their because of jobs, leading to the growth of cities.
The Hanseatic League • Made navigation safer which allowed trade to take place.
Portugal and the Spice Trade • Portugal began the age of exploration for Europe and the Spice Trade was what the Europeans were interested in.
Political • Monarchs gained power. • Feudalism declined.
Social • Strictly defined levels broke down. • Peasant revolts started.
Economic • Devastated. • Farms and industry declined. • Disrupted trade.
Terms: • 1. Guild: Trade association. All of the people of the same job joined together. • 2. Apprentice: Young person trained for a specific job. • 3. Capitalism: Economic system based on trade and capital. • 4. Commercial Revolution: Change in business. • 5. Renaissance: Rebirth in Europe. • 6. Humanism: Studied life in the present. Emphasis on achievements.
7. 95 Theses: 95 arguments against Martin Luther against the Catholic Church. • 8. Protestant Reformation: When Europeans broke away from the Catholic Church and formed new churches. • 9. Magna Charta: Charter that placed limits on the King’s power in England. • 10. Common Law: Law that is the same for everyone. • 11. Parliament: Representative assembly in England.
The Commercial Revolution: Factors that led to the Growth of Trade:
Guilds • Made sure of good quality products. • Regulated hours and prices.
Capitalism • Created supply and demand. • Led to people investing in businesses.
New Business Practices • Partnerships and Joint-Stock Companies: People sharing in the risk. • Credit • Banks • Insurance
Towns and the Middle Class • Towns developed as people move to places for jobs. • Middle Class developed as people started working on jobs they specialized in.
How did the Commercial Revolution change society? • Led to a decline in feudalism.
What were the causes of the Renaissance? • Merchants in the cities had great wealth and money and became interested in the arts. • Cities of Italy were thriving centers of manufacturing.
Michelangelo • Painted Sistine Chapel, and statue of David.
Leonardo da Vinci • Painted Mona Lisa, sketches for airplanes and submarines.
Dante • Writer, wrote the Divine Comedy.
Shakespeare • Writer, Romeo and Juliet
Machiavelli • Writer, wrote the Prince who said rulers should do whatever was necessary to keep their power.
Impact of the Printing Press • 1. Books were made available, cheaper and easier to make. • 2. Literacy increased as books became more available. • 3. Ideas spread more rapidly as access to knowledge increased.
Causes of the Reformation • 1. The Renaissance and Humanism led people to question Church authority. • 2. Strong monarchs increased there power over the Church. • 3. Problems in the Church, people thought its leaders were acting more like kings than agents of God.
Lutheranism • People could only reach heaven only through faith in God, not indulgences.
Calvinism • Could reach heaven only through faith. • Predestination.
Counter Reformation • Catholic Reformation strengthen the Catholic Church and keep Catholics from converting.
Effects of the Reformation • 1. Religious and Political Divisions: rulers chose a religion for their nation, some Catholic, some Protestant. • 2. Religious Conflicts: Catholic Spain vs. English Protestant. • 3. Anti Semitism and Persecution of Jews. • 4. Witch Hunts of people believed to be agents of the devil.
France: Monarchs had control, played rival nobles against each other. England: English rights, people treated equally. Difference in governments of France and England:
African Civilizations • Ghana: Kingdom in Africa around 800. • Mali: Kingdom ruled by powerful kings from 120-1450. • Mansa Musa: Powerful Mali ruler who brought Islam to mali. • Songhai: Empire in Africa from 1450 to 1600.
Describe how geography of Africa led to diverse civilizations • Because of the different landmasses like mountains, rivers, deserts and rainforests, it led to a great deal of difficulty in people uniting and people beginning to do things there own way.
Why did the Kingdoms of Sub-Saharan Africa flourish? • Because they had gold and salt which they could use to trade.