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Your Farm, Your Business

Your Farm, Your Business. Presentation by : Crystal Middleton, Esq. Land Loss Prevention Project, SmartGrowth Business Center. Overview . Farming as a Business Choosing the Business Entity Understanding SmartGrowth. Types of Entities . Proprietorship General Partnership

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Your Farm, Your Business

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Your Farm, Your Business Presentation by: Crystal Middleton, Esq. Land Loss Prevention Project, SmartGrowth Business Center

  2. Overview • Farming as a Business • Choosing the Business Entity • Understanding SmartGrowth

  3. Types of Entities • Proprietorship • General Partnership • Limited Partnership • Limited Liability Corporation • “C” Corporation • “S” Corporation

  4. Sole Proprietorship • One owner • Unlimited liability • Lowest formation and maintenance costs • Assumed name certificate • Freely transferable ownership

  5. Sole Proprietorship (continued) • Business income reported on individual tax return • Self Employment Tax • Rarely used for business with significant revenues (e.g. $100,000+) • Single member LLC gives equivalent tax treatment • Normally liquidated following death of owner

  6. General Partnership • No written agreement required • If written agreement exists, then it controls • Unlimited Liability • Apparent Authority of Partner • Each partner may act on behalf of the partnership • Conversion; Merger • Pass-thru Taxation • Limited Fringe Benefits

  7. Limited Partnership • Formation: filing of certificate • Written partnership agreement controls • Limited liability for limitedpartnersonly • Management by General Partner

  8. Limited Partnership (continued) • Conversion or Merger • Fringe Benefits limited for partners • Pass-thru Taxation

  9. Limited Liability Corporation • Formation: filing certificate with Secretary of State • Written Operating Agreement controls • Limited liability for members • Management by members or by managers • Conversion; Merger

  10. Limited Liability Corporation (continued) • Pass-thru Taxation • Limitations on Fringe Benefits for Members/Employees • Flexible Capital Structures • Single Member LLCs

  11. Pass-thru Taxation Status • No income tax at partnership level • Partner taxed at individual level • Partnership losses subject to limitation • “at risk” limitations—Partner may use losses only up to amount at-risk • Capital contributions • Personal liability on debt • Passive loss limitations • Loss deductible only up to amount of passive income • Balance deducted upon sale of partnership interest

  12. “C” Corporation • Formation • Filing • Organizational meetings • Organizational documents • Issuance of capital stock

  13. “C” Corporation (continued) • Limited liability • Structured management • Varied alternatives for capital structure • Double taxation • Fringe benefits

  14. “S” Corporation • Same formation steps as with “C” Corporation • IRS Election to be taxed as “S” Corporation • Limitations on Shareholders: • 100 or fewer • Types

  15. LLC vs. “C” Corporation • Advantages of LLC • Pass-thru taxation • No corporate level tax (no double tax) • Allows nontaxable distributions of property to members • No franchise tax (in most states) • Ease of conversion to corporation • Property may be distributed to LLC members without gain recognition

  16. LLC vs. “C” Corporation • Advantages of “C” Corporation: • Lower overall tax rates • Tax free mergers and reorganizations • Flexibility of fiscal year-end • Fringe benefits to employee shareholders • Well-defined body of corporate law

  17. LLC vs. “S” Corporation • Advantages of LLC: • LLC can use pro rata portion of debt as basis • No restrictions on types or quantity of shareholders • Allows nontaxable distributions of property to members • No franchise taxes • No threat of “S” status termination by disqualified shareholder

  18. LLC vs. “S” Corporation • Advantages of “S” Corporation: • Well developed body of corporate law • May switch to “C” corporation easily • If currently “C” corporation, may switch to “S” corporation without liquidation • Tax on built-in gains may be shifted to other shareholders • No constructive termination upon 51% transfer

  19. “S” Corporation vs. “C” Corporation • Advantages of “S” Corporation: • Pass-thru taxation avoids double taxation • Existing “C” corporation can elect “S” status without liquidation • Unreasonable compensation not an income tax issue

  20. “S” Corporation vs. “C” Corporation • Advantages of “C” Corporation: • Flexibility on fiscal year end • Fringe benefits not taxable to employee/shareholder • No restrictions on types or quantity of shareholders

  21. SmartGrowth • Resource of the Land Loss Prevention Project • Provides legal assistance, referrals, and informational resources to farmers looking to gain or expand their business expertise • Assists clients in planning for succession

  22. Questions? Land Loss Prevention Project Phone: (919) 682-5969 Toll Free: (800) 672-5839

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