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TURKEYTO EUROPE’S FUTURE T.R GOVERNORSHIP OF KOCAELIEU PROJECTS COORDINATION CENTRE Address: Kocaeli Valiliği AB Projeler Koordinasyon Merkezi Ankara Cad. Vilayet Binası41018 İzmit / KOCAELİ / TÜRKİYE Tel & Fax :00 90 2623234966 E-Mail : info@kocaeliab.gov.trWeb Page : http://www.kocaeliab.gov.tr
Turkey is the 16th largest economyin the world and the 6th largestin Europe. As one of the top10 emerging markets, it is also amember of G-20.
The GDP growth rate in the 2004-2008 period averaged 6,06%. Accordingto the OECD, Turkey willhave the third highest growth rateafter China and India by 2017.
The services, industrial and agricultural sectors a ccount for 60%,30% and 10% of the GDP respectively.
Turkey’s modern industriesrankit as Europe’s 1st maker of TVs,DVD players and buses; the 2ndbiggestcommercialvehicleandcement manufacturer, and the 3rdbiggest producer of steel and ceramictiles.
Turkey’s manufacturing industry has a 93,4% share in its total exports.
The EU is Turkey’s 1st trade partner;Turkey is the EU’s 7th. The EU’sshare in Turkey’s exports and importsis 46% and 40.1% respectively.
Turkey is the 7th most populartourist destination in the world,while Istanbul, the “European Capitalof Culture 2010”, is the 7th mostvisited city in the world.
Foreign direct investment inflows to Turkey amounted to €10 billionin 2008, while Turkish direct investmentsin more than 50 countriesamountedto €1.7 billion.
TurkeyTO EUROPE’Sagriculturalandenvironmentalsustainability
Turkey is a leading world producerand net exporter of fruitsand vegetables with a productionlevel corresponding to 60% of that in the EU.
Turkey is one of the foremostgrad sources of plants cultivated for foodin the world. 3 of the 8 gene and the 3rd biggest secentresed gene bankin the world are in Turkey.
Turkey’s accession will doubleEU’s biodiversity and significantly contribute to Europe’s agricultural and environmental sustainability.
Turkey has a young and dynamicpopulation of over 72 million peoplewith an average age of 28.8.This means 67% of the total population is of working age.
With its active labour force of24,7 million people, Turkey is the4th largest labour market in Europe.
Possessing the youngest populationin Europe, with a good levelof education, Turkey will contributeto labour markets and social welfaresystems in the member statesand increase the social dynamism of the EU.
As the most eastern part of theWest and the most western part ofthe East, Turkey enjoys a uniquestrategic position in its region for geographical, cultural and historical reasons.
With the second largest army inNATO after the US, Turkey has acrucial role in the success of theCommon Security and Defence Policy of the EU.
Turkey is an energy corridor between Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East.
Turkey is one of the richest countriesof the world in renewable energyresources (5th in geothermal, 8th in hydroelectric).
Ladies and Gentlemen,It is a pleasure for me to be with you, here in İstanbul at the FairSTART project meeting. a project coordinated by Bodil ABLA (Madsen) The School for Social and Health Education, the media department, Aarhus, Denmark the International 2 year program supported by European Union Leonardo Division with partners Danish group , Austria, Romania, Italy Spain, Southern Cyprus and Turkey.
How to create sustainable Multilateral partnership for European, has been the subject of this transnational working group. The project focused in particular the beneficiaries To develop and test programs for quality caretaking in European orphanages and foster families. For children < 3 years
I was asked to speak today about the role of the Turkey in the framework of LLP and the Education and Training Programme. The LLP Programme is a very ambitious one, as it is necessary. Let me start by recalling you that project is about
Involving institutional leaders in the program.Model for self-assessment in local institutions: caretaking practices and organizational state.Developing local models for training and development. Project group is coaching local initiatives.
Training of role models (instructors) in Denmark.Local institutions evaluate their work with the program.Adjustment of materials and quality indicators.Establishing transnational community of professional caretaker organizations.
Final recommendations for quality standards, indicators and educational methods.Final version of local organizational development program.Final version of internet training materials. , We have come a long way since then. With the help of Neils Peter Rygaard
To maintain that local partners in the program (orphanages, foster families, etc.) are active co-developers of good practice. To make use of local traditional caretaking traditions in practice development. To increase early brain activity and development by daily stimulation.
To develop coherent caretaking in order to promote secure attachment in children. To develop family like groups for the children in order to promote normal attachment and social skills. To develop peer relations in family groups for attachment and social development. To provide basic social, emotional and cognitive learning opportunities for children.
To let the children participate in society life and create communication between the institution/ foster family and the local environment.There currently are 3 overall objectives to be achieved by 2013 for the benefit of the citizens and of the EU as a whole are:
to improve the quality and effectiveness of EU education and training systems,- to ensure that they are accessible to all,- to open up education and training to the wider world.
One of the Key-Activities of the Programme is Dissemination, spreading and implementing the results. In order to maximise the impact of results, activities and projects funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme, FAIRstarshould be implemented throughout Europe for dissemination and benefit of all potential users.
Each EU-funded project needs to disseminate and exploit its own results. to promote mutual learning and understanding between countries and training systems; and to enrich competences of the people who participate in such programme ..
finally,"Investment in education and Training produce high returns which substantially outweigh the costs and reach far beyond 2013".Ladies and Gentlemen,I hope that FAIRstart Conference will take us more closer and I am glad to be here and be able to share the results of the FAIRstart project with you.
T.R. GOVERNORSHIP OF KOCAELİ EU PROJECTS COORDINATION CENTRE Thank you very much for your attention. Webpage: www.kocaeliab.gov.tr www.kocaeliisep.gov.tr Enver DÜZ EU Coordinator of Kocaeli Province (Provincial Director of social Studies and Projects )