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Present Perfect. First of all, how do we make the Present Perfect? Mrs. Loi A. We make the present perfect with: Have + past participle of verbs Tom has lost his keys. I’ ve forgotten to call you! Have you seen my bag? There’ s been an accident. When do we use it ?.
Present Perfect First of all, how do we make the Present Perfect? Mrs. Loi A.
We make the present perfect with: Have + past participle of verbs Tomhas lost his keys. I’veforgotten to call you! Have you seen my bag? There’sbeen an accident.
When do we use it? • When there is always a connection with now, with the present Tomhas lost his keys. (he can’t find it now, he hasn’t got it!) B) To give new information or to announce a recent happening Oh! I’ve cut my finger!
C) When we talk about experiences in our life (about a period of time that continues from the past until now) ex. Haveyou ever eaten snails?
e) When we talk about recent changes or events, usually with words like just, already, yet, recently, this week/month. ex. We’ve renovated the hotel this year. ex. Have you cleaned the lobby yet? ex. They’ve just opened a new hotel.
d) with today / this morning / this evening etc. when these periods are not finished at the time of speaking. ex. I’vedrunk four cups of coffee today (perhaps I’ll drink more before today is finished!)
e) When ‘it is the first time, second time, third time’ etc. something has happened. ex. It’s the first time Jo has seen my work with power point. ex. It’s the second time they havedriven a car.
Note well ! The verb ‘to go’ has got two different p.p. forms: Goneand been What’s the difference between the following sentences? • Jo is always on holiday. He has goneto Spain • Giulia is back from Rome now. She hasbeen there recently.
What time expressions do we use with the Present Perfect? • Ever, never • Recently, • Just, already, yet • Always • For • since
We also use the present perfect f)to talk aboutactions/factsthatbegan in the pastbutstill continue now, in the present. ex. David Cameron hasbeenthe British Prime Ministerfor sixyears. David Cameron hasbeenthe British Prime Ministersince2010.