1. Academic Research in Accounting Victoria Dickinson, PhD, CPA
3. Functional Areas Financial Accounting and Reporting
Managerial Accounting
Educational Methods
4. Financial Accounting Market-Based Research
Managerial Choice
Accounting Information Constituencies
Standard Setting/Regulation
5. Market-Based Research Market Efficiency
Valuation Models
Information Content of Earnings, Cash Flows, and Accruals
Fundamental Analysis/Anomalies
Earnings-Returns Responsiveness
Earnings Quality and Other Signals
Cost of Capital
6. Market Efficiency Fama (1970) defines an efficient market as one in which “security prices fully reflect all available information”. (CRSP)
Important implications for accounting research
If markets are efficient, then gains from fundamental analysis are severely limited. In other words, accounting doesn’t add value since it is not a timely source of information.
Conversely, if security prices react to new accounting information, then accounting information is useful.
7. Market Efficiency (Continued) Two types of tests: short- and long-horizon event studies and cross-sectional tests of return predictabilities (anomalies research)
Event studies – examine the stock market reaction around a specified event (or date in time)
Examples: Bernard and Thomas (1989, 1990), Ball and Bartov (1996)
Cross-sectional tests of returns predictability – examines whether the cross section of returns on portfolios formed periodically using a specific trading rule generates abnormal returns.
Examples: Sloan (1996), Collins and Hribar (2000)
8. Market Efficiency (Continued) Challenges:
Finding appropriate model of risk
CAPM, Fama French 3-Factor model (beta, size, and book-to-market)
Finding appropriate model of expected performance (Compustat)
Random walk, analysts’ forecasts, statistical time-series
9. Valuation Models Firm-value is defined as the present value of expected future net cash flows, discounted at the appropriate risk-adjusted rate of return.
Financial Accounting Standard Board’s (FASB) conceptual framework states financial statements (F/S) should help investors and creditors in “assessing the amounts, timing, and uncertainty of future cash flows.” (FASB, 1978)
Relation between current performance and future cash flows
Relation between current performance and security prices (Easton 1985)
10. Valuation Models Finance field:
Dividend-Discounting model
Discounted cash flows
11. Valuation Models Accounting-Based Valuation
Made significant strides through late 1990s
Residual income model (Feltham and Ohlson 1995)
Transformation of the dividend-discounting model, but express value directly in terms of current and future accounting numbers, book values, and earnings.
12. Valuation Models Value can be aligned with earnings, book values, or some combination (Burgstahler and Dichev 1997)
Earnings – growth firm
Book values – distressed firm
Combination (residual income) – well-performing
RI model performs only slightly better than earnings capitalization (Dechow et al, 1999)
14. Information Content of Earnings, Cash Flows, and Accruals Advances in market efficiency challenged the notion that accounting variables had “information content” for the securities markets
Accounting Earnings = Cash Flows + Accounting Accruals
Which component is informative? (Dechow 1994, Sloan 1996)
15. Information Content of Earnings, Cash Flows, and Accruals Conducted as event studies or association studies
Event study: Does an event (i.e., earnings announcement) convey new information to market participants as reflected in changes in the level or variability of security prices or trading volume over a short period of time surrounding the event?
Association study: Tests for positive correlation between an accounting performance measures (e.g., earnings or cash flows from operations) and stock returns, both measured over relatively long, contemporaneous time periods, e.g., one year
Does not assume accounting reports are only source of information to market
No causal connection is inferred
16. Information Content of Earnings, Cash Flows, and Accruals Evidence: Accounting matters
Earnings surprise correlated with stock returns (Ball and Brown 1968)
Return volatility and trading volume (evidence of information flow to market) increase during earnings announcements (Beaver 1968)
Accounting information is not timely (stock prices lead earnings) (Beaver et al. 1980)
Earnings are not informative about future stock prices (or maybe markets are inefficient), but stock prices are informative about future earnings
Market response to earnings news is asymmetric (good news gets incorporated into price faster than bad news) (Bernard and Thomas 1989, 1990)
Earnings is more highly correlated with stock returns than is cash flows (Wilson 1986, 1987; Dechow 1994)
17. Fundamental Analysis/Anomalies Primary focus of fundamental analysis (FA) is identification of mispriced securities (Graham & Dodd’s 1934 Security Analysis)
FA entails the use of information in current and past F/S, in conjunction with industry and macroeconomic data to arrive at firm’s intrinsic value.
Examples: Ou and Penman (1989), Lev and Thiagarajan (1993), Abarbanell and Bushee (1997, 1998), Piotroski (2000)
18. Earnings-Returns Responsiveness Earnings response coefficients (ERC) – the coefficient from a regression of returns on earnings
Represent a mapping of earnings’ time-series properties and discount rates into changes in equity market values
Represents the present value of the revisions of expected future earnings
19. Earnings-Returns Responsiveness Prior literature has idenfied four determinants of ERCs (Kormendi and Lipe 1987; Easton and Zmijewski 1989; and Collins and Kothari 1989)
Persistence (+), growth (+), beta (-), and interest rates (-)
Relate ERCs to economic determinants such as competition, technology, innovation, effectiveness of corporate governance, compensation, etc.
20. Earnings Quality and Other Signals Deficient GAAP – low quality earnings
Exhibit only weak correlation with security returns (R-squared of 1 to 5 percent)
R&D, conservative accounting, nonfinancial information (Baruch Lev)
Bias the ERC downward
May be noise rather than deficiency
Permanent versus transitory; operating versus nonoperating
Dechow-Dichev (2002) measure
Correlates earnings with past, present, and future cash flows
21. Cost of Capital Implied cost of capital models
Gebhardt, Lee & Swaminathan (2001) and Claus & Thomas (2001)
Assume g
Calculate implicit ?E given current prices
22. Cost of Capital – Equity Risk Premia
Residual Income:
Claus & Thomas 3.4%
Easton, Taylor, Shroff & Sougiannis
(2002) 4.8%
Gebhardt, Lee & Swaminathan 1.7%
Historical Averages:
Fama & French 5.0%
23. Managerial Choice Positive Accounting Theory (Contracting)
Voluntary Disclosure
Conservatism and Accounting
Earnings (Financial Statement) Management
Corporate Governance
Managerial Ownership/Insider Trading
24. Positive Accounting Theory (Contracting) Positive accounting theory (PAT) (Watts and Zimmerman 1978) predicts that the use of accounting numbers in compensation and debt contracts and in the political process affects a firm’s accounting choices.
25. Voluntary Disclosure Recognition versus Disclosure (probably not voluntary)
Management Forecasts – guide expectations of markets (investors, analysts, etc.) (First Call)
Bad News – usually disclosed immediately (Skinner 1994)
Mitigate threat of litigation
Good news – may save for earnings surprise (Soffer et al 2000)
Proprietary cost of disclosure
Timing may be motivated by insider trading (Noe 1999)
Pro Forma Earnings (Doyle et al 2003)
26. Conservatism and Accounting Would F/S be more informative about current economic income (i.e., change in market value) if GAAP were changed to permit managers to capitalize R&D outlays?
Asymmetric accounting treatment
Immediate recognition of losses while deferring gains
Choice that results in lower net income and/or assets
Example: Basu 1997
27. Earnings (Financial Statement) Management Schipper (1989) defines earnings management as “purposeful intervention in the external reporting process with the intent of obtaining some private gain to managers or shareholders.” (Smoothing)
Can be income-increasing or decreasing (cookie jar reserves) (Healy 1985)
28. Earnings (Financial Statement) Management Use models of discretionary accruals to proxy for earnings management
No good model of discretionary accruals (Jones 1991, Dechow et al 1995)
Correlated with performance and growth
Survivorship Bias
Biased by M&A and non-transitory items (Collins and Hribar 2000)
Overcome by newer models like performance-matched accruals
29. Corporate Governance Do differences in corporate governance structures affect the degree of information asymmetry in capital markets and, in turn, influence the timing and strength of the relation between security returns and earnings information?
No good measure
Shareholder rights (Gompers et al 2003)
Board characteristics (Klein 1998)
30. Managerial Ownership/Insider Trading Does managerial ownership affect the informativeness of accounting numbers because of the separation of corporate ownership and control?
Warfield, Wild and Wild (1995) show managerial ownership is positively associated with earnings' explanatory power for returns and inversely related to the magnitude of accounting accrual adjustments.
31. Accounting Information Constituencies Analysts (Sell-Side) Use wider information set than just accounting numbers to forecast future performance
Common expectations model for future earnings
More accurate than time-series models (Brown et al 1987)
Consensus: Mean versus dispersion (I/B/E/S)
Sequence of revisions (herding) (Trueman 1994)
32. Analysts (Sell-Side) Drawback –previously thought that optimism in analysts’ forecasts due to compensation contracts (McNichols and O’Brien 1997)
Analysts are learning from evidence of past biases (Clement 1999)
Incentives have changed
Quality of analyst forecast data has improved
Fewer selection and survivor biases
33. Standard Setting/Regulation FASB, IASB, SEC, Sarbanes Oxley
Issues: Multi-purpose financial reporting
Informational Perspective versus Stewardship
Research Questions-
Do F/S numbers prepared according to a new standard convey new information to the markets?
Are F/S numbers prepared under new standard more highly associated with contemporaneous stock returns and prices?
What are economic consequences of the issuance of a new standard?
Facilitates comparison across standard regimes (IFRS versus local GAAP)
34. Fringe Research Like Mine Forecasting future operating performance interacted with industrial organization framework
Life Cycle
Barriers to Entry and Competitive Factors
Supply-Chain management
Publication Prospects
Conferences (Trail Mix and Timing)
Journals (Who is my peer?)
35. Conclusion No shortage of topics
Who is your audience?
Bring outside discipline into accounting
Bring accounting to outside discipline
Competitive publishing arena (3 to 5 A journals)
Contribution, contribution, contribution
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