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Encouraging Academic Creativity in Research. Prof.(MRS.) A.A.AGANGA Federal University OYE-EKITI. Good Morning. Mr. Vice Chancellor Sir, Professors Academic Colleagues Non-Academics Students. Ladies and Gentlemen.
Encouraging Academic Creativity in Research. Prof.(MRS.) A.A.AGANGA Federal University OYE-EKITI
Good Morning • Mr. Vice Chancellor Sir, • Professors • Academic Colleagues • Non-Academics • Students • Ladies and Gentlemen
It is a privilege and honour to stand here and speak before this academic community on a topic that is crucial to our profession as academia. University job description for academic staff can easily be divided into three parts namely : TEACHING
RESEARCH SERVICE. This presentation is focusing on the research part of our job description. In academics , YOU ARE PAID FOR TEACHING, AND YOU ARE PROMOTED FOR PUBLISHING.
AS THE SAYING GOES…………. PUBLISH OR PERISH. PLEASE PUBLISH. In order to publish , we have to carry out RESEARCH STUDIES. WHAT IS RESEARCH ??????????
INTRODUCTION • Research and experimental development is creative work undertaken systematically to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humanity, culture and society, and the use of this knowledge to devise new applications (OECD, 1995). • Research is used to establish or confirm facts, reaffirm the results of previous work, solve new or existing problems, support theorems, or develop new theories. • Research forms can be scientific which is a commonly used criterion for judging the standing of an academic institution.
RESEARCH Research is to go about seeking. It’s definition includes any gathering of data, information and facts for the advancement of knowledge. Research in humanities can be historical using primary sources and other evidence to systematically investigate a topic.
Artistic research can be practice-based research. Research is a process of steps used to collect and analyze information to increase our understanding of a topic or issue. Trochim (2006) stated that research is often conducted using the
Hourglass model structure of research. The hourglass model starts with a broad spectrum for research, focusing in on the required information through the method of the project then expands the research in the form of discussion of results.
Creswell (2008) reported that the major steps in conducting research are as follows: Identification of research problem Literature review Specifying the purpose of research Determine specific research questions or hypotheses
A useful hypothesis allows prediction within the accuracy of observation of the time, the prediction will be verified. There are two ways to conduct research. Primary research –using original documents and data.
Secondary research-using secondary sources, i.e. a synthesis of, interpretation of, or discussions about primary sources. Research designs: There are two major research designs: qualitative research and quantitative research.
Qualitative research involves collecting word –type data that is analyzed searching for themes. Often used as a method of exploratory research. Quantitative research is a systematic empirical investigation of quantitative properties and phenomena and their relationships.
Data collection Analyzing and interpreting data Reporting and evaluating research The steps generally are guidelines. Rocco et al. (2011) stated that most researches begin with a general statement of the problem or rather, the purpose for engaging in the study.
Literature review identifies flaws or holes in previous research which provides justification for the study. A gap in the current literature as identified by a researcher then engenders a research question.
Creativity and Innovation in Research People need to be innovative and creative within their surroundings in order to live and progress. Humans are capable of imagining, formulating hypotheses, planning and carrying out something new and worthy, establishing objectives and putting in order one’s priorities.
Innovation Innovation is affected by a diversity of factors. Some of these factors are internal and individual (sensitivity, flexibility, motivation, ability to analyse etc.)and others such as education, personal interactions, and social context.
Creativity Creativity is defined by divergent thinking, originality, flexibility, independence, the motivation to succeed, sensitivity, the capacity for inventiveness, imagination etc. Creativity is defined by the capacity to change the patterns of perception established by experience, in order to develop patterns of action.
The development of creative attitudes is crucial. One must take into account the three fundamental components of attitude (cognitive, emotional and behavioral). Creativity is that characteristic of human behaviour that seems the most mysterious, and yet most crucial to human advancement.
The capacity to solve problems in new ways and to produce works that are novel, appropriate, and socially valued is ability that has fascinated people for centuries. Most creativity research concerns the nature of creative thinking, the distinctive characteristics of the creative person, the development of
creativity across the individual life span, and the social environment most strongly associated with creative activity (Simonton, 2007). Hazelkorn (2012) stated that, there has been a noted policy shift towards measuring the value and benefit of University-based research.
The emphasis has switched to looking for outcomes ( the level of performance or achievement including the contribution research makes to the advancement of scientific-scholarly knowledge and ultimately to requiring an impact and benefit for example the contribution of research outcomes for society,
Culture, the environment, and/or the economy. Traditionally, the emphasis has been on measuring research income, bibliometrics and citations. The emphasis on global impact undermines the importance of regionally or culturally relevant research.
The impact has been measured by peer accountability rather than social accountability. Stuart (2009) stated that in order to raise the creativity and productivity of academic research community, Colleges and Universities may consider the following suggestions:
Suggestions for new Incentive systems Require all faculty members to submit an annual report indicating i. articles written or book chapters for edited books. ii. books authored iii. books edited. iv . Consulting activities for governments, corporations, or other entities that use academic knowledge.
V . Papers presented or speeches made. Vi. Mentoring of Ph.D or MSc. theses. Favourable book reviews Awards received Grants received Software developed
Encourage multi-disciplinary research between faculties. For example joint research between Engineering and medicine to solve health problems in many areas. Research between Agriculture and Engineering to produce appropriate technology for food production and processing.
Research between disciplines for example history, drama, script writing and film production. Such research will bring to life mile -stone events in the country and the world. It will also provide reliable documents for learning in the concerned areas of specialization.
Academic Leadership Roles Ensure that merit bears correlation to the data that is included in those annual reports. Each department head should be required to show a kind of regression, correlation, or simple graphic analysis showing the relations. Professors MUST mentor
And provide leadership in research. Research teams should be part of the research culture within and between Departments. Develop a performance management system where faculty sign a performance agreement with the University on the key research objectives of the University .
Adequate Research Facilities Have good facilities on campus in terms of libraries, ICT and secretarial support. Provide research laboratories which are adequately equipped to facilitate laboratory analyses and procedures. Necessary research vehicles should be provided especially for surveys.
Research Funds Grant money for business travel and for hiring research assistants. University should set up Research and Publication Committee (RPC). RPC should have funds to assist academic staff with funds for research through competitive research proposal application method.
Provision of funds for paying publication fees in referenced journals. Provision of assistance to researchers to process patent (s) for their inventions will definitely encourage creativity in University research. Organisation of open days to show case research findings .
Research Funds Application for national and international research funds should be encouraged . Research Monitoring and Evaluation Unit should be set up within the University made up of academic staff with long research and publication records.
The M&E Unit should monitor research project execution and adequate evaluation should be done to ensure standard research ethics are observed. Routine academic seminars should be organised in Departments, in which faculty members present their ongoing research for about thirty minutes and the second half hour on questions and discussion .
Seminars should include both junior and senior faculty. Encourage good graduate students to work with faculty members on joining projects. Require seminar papers to be publishable either jointly or separately.
Submit articles on creative achievement to the departmental newsletters, the faculty newspaper and professional newsletters. Hold regular meetings on how to make the Departments more productive and more creative.
Creative teaching and practical should be encouraged whereby faculty members present their creative ideas in the classroom when appropriate and encourage feedback from students. Stuart (2009) stated that even at major universities, only five percent of the faculty write 95% of the books.
CONCLUSION In conclusion , Research and Publication culture should be cultivated in the University. Creative research should be recognized and celebrated. A performance reward system can be adopted to encourage creativity in research.
References Creswell, J.W. 2008. educational research planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research.(3rd). Upper Saddle River, NJ. Prentice Hall. Hazelkorn, E.2012.Measuring value: societal Benefit of Research. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Firefox HTML Document.30179
OECD. 1995. The measurement of scientific technology activities proposed guidelines for collecting and interpreting technology Innovation Data. Oslo manual 2nd edition, DSTI,OECD/European Commission Eurostat, Paris.
Rocco, T.S., Hatcher, T., and Creswell, J.W. 2011. The handbook of scholarly writing and publishing, San Francisco, CA: John Wiley and sons. Simonton,D.K. 2007. Review of creativity: Theories and themes:Research, development and practice.In Psychology of Aethetics Creativity and the Arts. http:www.mendeley.com
Stuart,N.2009. Encouraging Academic Creativity In Research. The Innovation journal. www.innovation.cc/discssion-papers/creativity-research.htm. Trochim,W.M.K. 2006. Research methods knowledge base.wiki/research.