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BY: Kiana L My Presidential Minute The Issues I Believe Are Important: The Environment Pollution Global Warming Child Labor For your own benefit: A Poem from the Heart Pictures of Barack Obama References THE ENVIRONMENT
BY: Kiana L My Presidential Minute
The Issues I Believe Are Important: The Environment Pollution Global Warming Child LaborFor your own benefit: A Poem from the Heart Pictures of Barack Obama References
THE ENVIRONMENT Our Environment is in danger. It is being destroyed everyday. You have a choice to either save the environment or help destroy it. The choice is completely up to you. All of our beautiful landmarks, parks, beaches, islands will disappear if we continue to live our days littering and using harmful gases on the place we call Earth.
GLOBAL WARMING Global Warming-Those are two big words. It is also a big problem in our country. The littering and the dumping in the lakes are ruining our natural landmarks. Our rivers, lakes and our wildlife are in jeopardy. It is all up to you if you choose to be concerned or if you choose to ignore the problem at hand. But if it were my decision, I would strive to make all citizens aware. You must learn to interact with the environment without harming it.
Child Labor In some areas of the world, 16 out of every 100 children are child laborers. I believe that child labor is wrong in so many ways. Why should children have to be forced to work and not have the ability to get an education? I think it is wrong for children to have to work for no pay. It is like slavery. If I could do anything I would abolish child labor. It is sad that some children have to live through torture everyday. It’s wrong and unjust. This is not how children are suppose to live.
A Poem from the Heart Freedom of Speech Is bravery what compels us to accomplish our goals? Is fear what undermines our self~confidence? Is freedom what we use to escape a problem? Is speech what can illuminate a path to a better future? Freedom of Speech Speech of Freedom Are they so different? Maybe having the ability to make speeches is freedom. Or maybe freedom is having the opportunity to make speeches. We all have the ability of Freedom of Speech. Do we use it? No we don’t.
http://static.blip.tv/ObamaPodcast-30AudioMay122008BarackObamaRallyLouisvilleKY505Mi583.jpghttp://static.blip.tv/ObamaPodcast-30AudioMay122008BarackObamaRallyLouisvilleKY505Mi583.jpg http://images.businessweek.com/ss/08/08/0814_executive_advice_on_business/image/barack_obama.jpg Pictures of Barack Obama http://sathyasaibaba.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/barack-obama.jpg http://kara.allthingsd.com/files/2008/06/barack-obama-official-small.jpg http://www.jewishpost.com/images/news/images/ObamaBarack.jpg
http://kara.allthingsd.com/files/2008/06/barack-obama-official-small.jpghttp://kara.allthingsd.com/files/2008/06/barack-obama-official-small.jpg References for the Pictures of Barack Obama http://sathyasaibaba.files.wordpress.com/2008/07/barack-obama.jpg http://images.businessweek.com/ss/08/08/0814_executive_advice_on_business/image/barack_obama.jpg The Picture of Barack Obama on the Left side at the top is from: The Picture of Barack Obama on the Left side at the bottom is from: The Picture of Barack Obama on the Right side at the top is from: The Picture of Barack Obama on the Right side at the bottom is from: The Pictures of Barack Obama in the Middle is from: http://www.jewishpost.com/images/news/images/ObamaBarack.jpg http://static.blip.tv/ObamaPodcast-30AudioMay122008BarackObamaRallyLouisvilleKY505Mi583.jpg