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Rachel Hatch April 27, 2012

Impacts of sea level rise on sedimentation in tidal salt marsh settings of the Coastal Plain, U.S.A. Rachel Hatch April 27, 2012. Outline. Tidal salt marshes Importance U.S. Coastal Plain Development and sedimentation Sea level interactions Methods Conclusions.

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Rachel Hatch April 27, 2012

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  1. Impacts of sea level rise on sedimentation in tidal salt marsh settings of the Coastal Plain, U.S.A. Rachel Hatch April 27, 2012

  2. Outline • Tidal salt marshes • Importance • U.S. Coastal Plain • Development and sedimentation • Sea level interactions • Methods • Conclusions

  3. What is a tidal salt marsh? • Transitions between land and sea • Located in intertidal zone • At least occasionally inundated by high tide, but not flooded during low tide • A gentle shoreline slope allows for tidal flooding and the stability of the vegetation • Adequate protection from wave and storm energy is a physical requirement for development

  4. Importance • Serve many functions: • Slow shoreline erosion • Filter and absorb excess nutrients and pollutants • Provide a habitat for fish, birds and invertebrates • Over 50% of U.S. population lives in coastal communities • Represents only 10% of U.S. land mass • Heavy development associated with dense populations • Unprecedented losses of coastal marshlands over last century due in part to human activities

  5. U.S. Coastal Plains • Frequently associated with temperate coastal plains and deltaic deposits • Coastal Plain of U.S. extends from New Jersey along southeastern coast to Texas along Gulf Coast • Composed of Cretaceous to Quaternary sedimentary deposits • Later uplifted and tilted seaward • Major rivers supply abundance of silt and marshes are laced with tidal creeks • Gulf Coast contains about 60% of U.S. coastal marshland http://www.nationalatlas.gov/articles/geology/features/coastalplain.html

  6. Development and Sedimentation • Trap and accumulate sediment through two processes: • Surface sediment deposition • Subsurface accumulation of plant material • Sedimentation enhances plant growth, and vegetation in turn enhances sedimentation by trapping suspended sediments • Stability controlled by relative rates of marsh sediment accretion and surface subsidence http://www.usgcrp.gov/usgcrp//Library/nationalassessment/18CO.pdf

  7. Sea Level Rise • IPCC projected century-end sea levels using estimates of future social and economic development • Estimate sea level rise to be 2.8 mm/yr • Disregard possible influence of large ice sheet melt • Satellite altimetry data shows average rate of 3.4 mm/yr since 1993 • Ice sheets changing more rapidly than expected, so sea level will actually rise ~1 meter by 2100! • What would this mean? • In Louisiana, 1.2 million people live at elevation of less than 3 meters • 90% of New Orleans would be completely submerged

  8. http://www.geo.arizona.edu/dgesl/research/research.htm

  9. How do we learn about marsh accretion? • Radionuclides • Pollen analysis • Storm lenses • Pollution • Historical records • Foraminiferal assemblages • Artificial surface markers

  10. Lead-210 Dating • Particle-reactive radionuclide • ½ life = 22 yrs • Naturally occurring • Daughter in Uranium-238 decay series • Bound to sediments and deposited • Constant Flux Model http://www.microanalytica.com/slics/

  11. Cesium-137 Dating • ½ life = 30 yrs • Artificial radionuclide • Produced from aboveground nuclear weapons testing • Deposited from atmosphere and adsorbed onto sediments • Peaks of 1953 (first instance) and 1963 used to date sediment

  12. But HOW does sea level affect marshes? • Soil accretion < sea level rise • Inundation leads to waterlogging • Plants sensitive to salinity die back • Decreased plant biomass leads to less material available for sedimentation • Submergence or transition to mudflat http://coffeewithhallelujah.blogspot.com/

  13. Mississippi River Delta • Sea level rise presently exceeds accretion • Two major contributors to erosional problems: • Subsidence caused by compaction and natural downwarping of crust • Controlled discharge of river • Suspended sediment concentrations decreased by 70% since 1850 • Construction of dams and reservoirs • Results in deficiency of sediment to support vegetative growth

  14. Mississippi River Delta • Relative SL rise currently 10 mm/yr • Accretion would have to be double rates in other parts of US • In actuality, marshes show negative balance between sedimentation and SL rise • Contributed to loss of 4000 km2 of salt marsh over last century • Microtidalregime • Tidal range < 2 m • Wave-dominated • Highly susceptible to sea level changes D’Alpaoset al., 2011

  15. Conclusions • Sea level has been relatively stable over the last 5000 years, but is expected to rise significantly over the next 100 • Response of tidal salt marshes is dependent on ability to maintain elevation through vertical accretion • Rise in sea level combined with natural subsidence is likely to lead to drowning of salt marshes • Remains difficult to quantitatively assess potential effects of rising sea level in face of continuing human-induced disturbances • More research needed so coastal management practices can be adapted accordingly

  16. Questions? http://coffeewithhallelujah.blogspot.com/

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