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PA. X ray. Pulmonary congestion Cardiomegaly Prominent PA Enlarged RA/ Rv. ECG. Right axis deviation RV hypertrophy. 心电图. Incomplete Right bundle branch block : V1 rsR ` QRS < 0.12sec. Echo. Catheterization. pressure RV PA Oxygen saturation CV 1 RA 2 RV 3 PA 4. 1.
PA X ray Pulmonary congestion Cardiomegaly Prominent PA Enlarged RA/Rv
ECG Right axis deviation RV hypertrophy
心电图 Incomplete Right bundle branch block: V1rsR` QRS < 0.12sec
Catheterization pressure RV PA Oxygen saturation CV 1 RA2 RV3 PA4 1 4 2 3
Angiography Anomalous pathway interatrial
Treatments Surgery: 4~5y/r Intervention is recommended as the first choice in many cases: needs: the site of defect the margin of the defect
Introduction AtrialSeptal Defects Ventricular Septal Defects Patent DuctusArteriosus Tetralogyof Fallot Pulmonary Stenosis
Phathological classification The ventricular septum is divided into : a small membranous portion a large muscular portion the inlet septum the trabecular septum the outlet septum
Phathological classification Membranous defect: most common 70%
Phathological classification Infundibular defect: About 5~7%
Phathological classification Muscular defect: About 13~15%
Size classification Nonrestrictive VSD
Hemodynamic Features : CV RA RV PA LA LV Ao Pulmonary Circulation
Hemodynamic Features : CV RA RV PA LA LV Ao Pulmonary Circulation
Clinical Manfestations small:asymptomatic,Roger disease moderate to large: delayed growth and development decreased exercise tolerance repeated pneumonia CHF
Clinical Manfestations Automatic closure occurs in about 20% cases within 2 y/r A few cases have aortic insufficiency Large VSDs suffer from Eisenmenger Syndrome in earlier stage Infectious endocarditis: a main complication
Physical Examination Increased P2 intensity Grade 3-6 SM is audible at 3-4 left sternal border Systolic thrill Enlarged cardiac border 心尖区闻及DM
X ray • Pulmonary congestion • cardiomegaly • Prominent pulmonary marking • Enlarged LV RV • Enlarged LA
ECG small: LV hypertrophy large: ventricular hypertrophy Depressed ST-T
Catheterization pressure RV PA Oxygen saturation CV 1 RA2 RV3 PA4 1 4 2 3