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Gain knowledge about common roots and affixes to decipher complex words. Identify prefixes, infixes, and suffixes to understand word meanings effectively.
Learning Objective concept • Today, I will know common roots and affixes and use this knowledge to analyze the meaning of complex words. skill
Activating Prior Knowledge • Have you heard the word circle? • The root circ means “around.” • Can you see the root cycl in bicycle? • The root cyclmeans “revolving.” • What revolves on a bicycle?
Concept Development • Affix: A word element that is placed at the beginning (prefix), in the middle (infix), or at the end (suffix) of the root or word stem. • Root: The root is the part of the word that contains the basic meaning. Bullet proof definitions • Affix: Part of a word that is placed at the beginning or at the end of the root or word stem. • Root: The root is the part of the word that contains the basic meaning. Student friendly definitions
An Affix ispart of a word that is placed at the beginning or at the end of the root or word stem. Tell your partner what an affix is.
A root is the part of the word that contains the basic meaning. Tell your partner what a root is.
Read the following affixes: semi- half or partly Latin re- again, anew, back Latin bi - two Latin -al like, suitable for Latin uni- one Latin -ate to become associated with Latin de- from, away, off Latin -ent to form Latin quad- quatr- four Latin
Read the following Greek or Latin roots. pend hang Latin circ, circum around Latin cycl revolving - wheel Greek equ same, even, equal Latin
Importance • Have you ever been confused about a word and have not been able to figure out its meaning? • Have you ever had to use knowledge of word meaning to figure out the meaning of a new or difficult word?
Skill Development • Ensure that It is focused • Explicit • Teaches what they will learn
Guided Practice • Ensure that whatever studetns are going to do during their Independent practice, this section looks very closely to it. • You must guide your students through all steps required to accomplish the skill • You will slowly release them, while checking for understanding to gauge whether they understood what is expected of them
Closure • An affix is – • An Affix ispart of a word that is placed at the or at the end of the root word or word stem. • A root is – • the part of the word that contains the basic meaning.
Independent Practice Match the bolded word with the best synonym: • an equilateral triangle • a. equal sides b. right angles c. large • a dependent patient • a. giving help b. needing help c. young • working for equality • a. liberty b. getting votes c. fairness • a circular route • a. curved b. level c. short 5. to equate the situation a. describe b. make unfair c. treat as same
Extension The numbers one (uni-), two (bi-), and three(tri-) are connected with many words. In this lesson you met the word unicycle, and you learned that a unicycle has one wheel. There are many words that start with uni-, and they also have a “one” connection. Look at the word unify, which means “to bring together as one.” Underline the prefix you see in each of these words. Match the word with the definition. • __ bicycle • __ tricycle • __ biped • __ triceratops • __ triangle • __ bilingual • __ unicorn • __ triplets g • a cycle with three wheels • a geometric figure with three angles • having two feet • speaking two languages • dinosaur with three horns • having one horn • a cycle with two wheels • three siblings born at the same time a c e b d f h