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Introduction. Have you ever wondered what it is like to live off the land? What would you eat? How would you stay warm? What would you do if you were the first person you knew to explore a new land? How would you know what was safe to eat?Imagine you were traveling to let others know what you h
1. The Lewis and Clark Expedition4th Grade Social StudiesJourney of Discovery By Melissa Rodgers both pictures are from http://www.lewis-clark.org/content/content-channel.asp?ChannelID=56. I felt this topic was appropriate because fourth graders study Missouri history and because this expedition is part of Missouri history. both pictures are from http://www.lewis-clark.org/content/content-channel.asp?ChannelID=56. I felt this topic was appropriate because fourth graders study Missouri history and because this expedition is part of Missouri history.
2. Introduction Have you ever wondered what it is like to live off the land? What would you eat? How would you stay warm?
What would you do if you were the first person you knew to explore a new land? How would you know what was safe to eat?
Imagine you were traveling to let others know what you had found in an area new to you and your friends-what would you bring? What would you tell your friends when you returned?
What would you communicate to others who wanted to live in this new land?
3. Introduction Continued Lewis and Clark lived off the land as they explored it.
Lewis and Clark started their journey in
St Louis.
Imagine you were Lewis or Clark. What would you see? What would you do? Picture of the arch from http://www.mobap.eduPicture of the arch from http://www.mobap.edu
4. Task You and two other people will write and perform a play for the class based on the Lewis and Clark expedition.
You will choose your own group.
You will work with the same other two people on any assignment that involves group work.
5. Task Continued You will complete a group evaluation individually after you perform the play.
You will also complete an individual evaluation.
You will complete some other projects on the journey.
Let’s get started!
6. Process You must complete the process in the order it is presented.
Read the instructions from President Jefferson
Remember these instructions.
You may want to use these instructions in your play.
The game provides instant feedback to students about what happened in the expedition and allows students to try different responses. The site also has a “did you know” feature students can read along the way. The handout would be a paper copy of the quiz on the link below: http://www.lewisandclark.org/?p=kids_steward&n=kids
The game provides instant feedback to students about what happened in the expedition and allows students to try different responses. The site also has a “did you know” feature students can read along the way. The handout would be a paper copy of the quiz on the link below: http://www.lewisandclark.org/?p=kids_steward&n=kids
7. Process Continued Play the Lewis and Clark game
http://www.nationalgeographic.com/west/main.html Enter your first initial only. You will complete this individually.
Print the map from the last page of your journey in the game. You will use this in your skit. Write your name on your map.
Use your book and the sites below to complete the handout. This is an individual assignment.
8. ProcessMicrosoft Access
You will fill in a form for 15 members of the expedition with the following information: first and last name, position in expedition, date of birth, and one interesting fact about the person.
You must include information in your database for Lewis, Clark and Sacajawea.
Use your textbook and the sites below to fill in the information for your database.
15 members is about half of the people in the expedition.15 members is about half of the people in the expedition.
9. ProcessMicrosoft Access Continued
Print your database table when you are finished
Each person in your group must initial the printed database.
Your initial means you think the information in the database is correct.
10. ProcessMicrosoft Access Continued You will be graded both on content of information and spelling.
Check your database for accuracy of information and spelling.
You will work in groups of three to complete this database.
11. ProcessMicrosoft Access Continued Each person in the group will have one of the following jobs:
Data Entry
See the following pages for your job description. If I were placing the webquest online the text shown here would be a hyperlink that would link the individual to the appropriate page for their job description.If I were placing the webquest online the text shown here would be a hyperlink that would link the individual to the appropriate page for their job description.
12. ProcessResearcher Your job is to use the sites listed below and your text to find information for your database.
You will dictate (tell) the transcriber the information.
Hint-make sure the transcriber can write the main ideas as you say them, if not slow down
13. Process ResearcherContinued Hint-Find all the information you can from one resource before moving to the next one
Hint-Make a note of which resources you have done for the next class, so you know where you need to start again.
Hint-You may also choose to use a book from the library.
14. Process-Transcriber Your job is to write down the information on a piece of paper as the researcher reads it to you.
Write the information so someone else can read it.
You will write the information on your notebook paper.
Hint-If the researcher is speaking to fast, ask him or her to slow down.
15. Process Transcriber Continued Hint-Focus on writing the main ideas.
Hint-If you are unsure how to spell something, ask the researcher.
Hint-Write down where the information came from so it can be checked later.
16. ProcessData Entry Your job is to type information about each individual into the database based on the research and what the transcriber wrote down.
Make sure you can read the transcriber’s handwriting
Check your work after you input data for each individual
Hint-If you are unsure, ask the transcriber what he or she wrote.
17. ProcessMicrosoft Excel Choose 1 of the following projects to complete in your group:
Create a chart about 4 Native American Tribes Lewis and Clark met.
Imagine you are with Lewis and Clark-create a chart you could use to keep track of what you see on your journey and what you can safely eat.
Create a chart with at least 3 of the sites Lewis and Clark camped in
If this were online, the options would be hyperlinked to the appropriate page to describe the project.If this were online, the options would be hyperlinked to the appropriate page to describe the project.
18. Process Microsoft Excel Continued If you choose the Native American project, you will select the four tribes you will use.
You must include whether the tribe was friendly.
You must choose 3 additional topics to use to compare and contrast the tribes.
You must have information for each of the criteria for each of the tribes
19. Process Microsoft Excel Continued If you choose create a chart to track what you see and eat..
Your chart must include a place both for at least three things you see and a place for at least three things you eat.
Your chart must be designed so someone else could follow your chart and survive.
Each person in your group must use a blank copy of the chart as a prop during the play.
At least two people in your group must write on the chart during the play.
20. Process Microsoft Excel Continued If you choose to make a chart about campsites..
You must include the location of each campsite.
You must include when Lewis and Clark stayed at the campsite.
You must choose one other thing to include in your chart.
21. ProcessMicrosoft Excel Continued You will print and initial this project when it is completed.
You may divide the work as you choose.
Each person in your group must have an equal role in designing your chart.
22. Process Microsoft Excel Continued You may use this chart as a prop in your play.
You will be graded on content and spelling.
Create a header with the name of each person in the group, the date, and the name of the project you chose. This header must print on each page if the chart is more than one page.
23. ProcessMicrosoft Word You will choose a project from the following slide.
You will create this on your own.
Your paper should be 3-7 pages 12 point
Times New Roman font.
Your paper must be double spaced.
24. ProcessMicrosoft Word Continued Type a report about one of the people in the Corps of Discovery.
Imagine you are with Lewis and Clark on their journey. Create a journal. What do you see? What do you do? How do you feel?
Read two of the journals on the website. Respond to the journals. What did you learn by reading the journal?
Pretend you are with Lewis and Clark. Write a paper about what you will do if you meet Native Americans along your route.
25. Process Microsoft Word Continued Make sure you edit your paper prior to turning it in.
You will be graded on content, spelling and grammar.
You must include a heading with your name, the date, class, and a title for your paper.
26. Process Microsoft Word Continued Print your paper and turn it in.
If you created a journal, you may use it as a prop in your skit.
You may include any information you learned in your skit.
27. ProcessMicrosoft PowerPoint
You may choose the project on either of the following two slides.
For both projects, print your PowerPoint as handouts with three slides per page and with lines on the side for notes.
28. ProcessMicrosoft PowerPoint Continued This is a group project.
Use maps to illustrate different parts of Lewis and Clark’s Journey.
Put these maps together in a PowerPoint presentation
Make sure your maps are historically accurate.
Use this presentation in your skit.
29. Process Microsoft PowerPoint Continued This is an individual project.
Create a PowerPoint presentation to present the paper you created in Microsoft Word
Your presentation must include 3 main ideas from your paper.
If you choose this option, you will present your paper on a different day then when you perform your skit.
30. Process Using the information you have gathered, decide who the characters will be in your play.
Each person must play one character, some people may play more than one person if the part is not very big.
Decide how much time your play will cover. Will it cover 1 month of the expedition? Two months? etc.
31. Process Continued Determine how far the expedition went in that amount of time using your book and the links below.
Write the play in your group.
Your play must include accurate information.
32. Process Continued You may need to use your imagination because all aspects of their life may not be known.
Hint-Imagine you are with Lewis and Clark while you write your play.
Type the play.
33. Process Continued Decide what props you will need.
Decide who will play which part in your play.
Rehearse your play.
Rehearse your play with props.
34. Process Continued Review how you will be graded in the play.
Hint-Using the evaluation criteria, try to predict the score you will get based on your practice. Think about how can you improve your score.
Hint-Remember you will likely be nervous when you perform your play for the class. Think about: How will that change your performance? How can you minimize the effects of this on your performance?
Hint-Practice your lines at home.
35. Process Continued You may choose to dress like your character.
If you dress like your character your costume must be realistic.
You must act out your play.
36. Process Continued Your lines must be memorized unless you incorporate reading from the journal you created earlier. If you read from the journal, the rest of the play must be memorized.
Each person will say their character at the beginning of the play when you perform the play for your classmates.
You will hand me a copy of your play before you perform.
37. Resources Journals of the Lewis and Clark expedition can be found here.
This site has links to members of the Corps of Discovery and Native American Tribes.
This site has biographical information about Lewis and Clark.
This site has a list of fun facts about the expedition.
38. Resources Continued This site also has some journal entries from the expedition.
This site has a map with camping sites Lewis and Clark used on their journey.
This site has a lot of background information about Lewis and Clark and links to documents during that time.
This site has background information about members of the core of discovery.
39. Evaluation
You will complete two evaluations on your own.
One is a group evaluation.
One evaluation is an individual evaluation.
You may earn partial credit.
40. Evaluation ContinuedGroup Evaluation You will receive all of the points if you turn this assignment in completed and on time. You will complete this assignment individually.
Write the number of the answer on the line to the left.
1 indicates the most disagreement with the statement 5 indicates the most agreement.
41. EvaluationGroup Evaluation Continued __ Each person in my group performed in the play.
__ Each person in my group contributed equally in researching the information.
__ Each person in my group contributed equally to the writing of the play.
___My group worked well together.
___My group learned about Lewis and Clark in this activity. If I were doing this activity I would have these criteria typed and printed in Microsoft Word with a line for the student’s name. I would also have the directions on this page.If I were doing this activity I would have these criteria typed and printed in Microsoft Word with a line for the student’s name. I would also have the directions on this page.
42. Evaluation ContinuedIndividual Evaluation You will complete a grading sheet as if you are grading yourself, rating each criteria.
You will receive all of the points for this assignment if you evaluate each criteria and turn the assignment in on time.
Partial credit may be given. If I were doing this activity, I would have printed copies of the rubric, which would include the criteria students would be graded on as well as what students would need to do to earn different numbers of points.If I were doing this activity, I would have printed copies of the rubric, which would include the criteria students would be graded on as well as what students would need to do to earn different numbers of points.
43. Evaluation The play is worth 85 points. On the following slides is what you will be graded on.
You may earn partial credit.
The points listed with the criteria in the chart are the total possible points.
You will receive a group grade.
Anything marked with a * will be graded individually.
44. EvaluationGrading Scale 76.5-85 points = A
68-76 points = B
59.5-75 points = C
45. Evaluation Continued
46. Evaluation Continued
47. Evaluation Continued
48. Evaluation Continued
Message relates to did the teacher/evaluator get the “gist” of what the student was saying or know what the students was trying to day, even if pronunciation was incorrect. The point of this criteria is not to take off for errors of pronunciation. The intention of this criteria is in reference to the communicative nature of performing a play.Message relates to did the teacher/evaluator get the “gist” of what the student was saying or know what the students was trying to day, even if pronunciation was incorrect. The point of this criteria is not to take off for errors of pronunciation. The intention of this criteria is in reference to the communicative nature of performing a play.
49. Evaluation Continued
50. Evaluation Continued .
51. Evaluation Continued
52. Evaluation Continued
53. Conclusion I hope you enjoyed the journey as you learned about Lewis and Clark.
You will complete this individually:
Please answer the following questions in your journal.
You must respond to each question. Some responses may only be a couple of words.
54. Conclusion Continued How would what Lewis and Clark learned help others that planned to settle in the newly acquired territory?
What do you think Lewis and Clark learned they might do differently if they explore new land again?
What do you think they should have done differently
55. Conclusion Continued What did you like about this activity?
What did you dislike about this activity?
List three things you learned in this activity.
What helped you learn in this activity?
How can you use what you learned in the next activity?
56. ConclusionContinued What was easy about this activity?
What was hard about this activity?
Which activity was your favorite? Why?
Which activity was your least favorite? Why?
57. Conclusion Continued Think about the activities you completed as a group. What worked well? What did not work as well? What will you differently the next time you have an opportunity to work in a group?
58. The End I referred to webquests.org for a checklist to improve this project-http://webquest.sdsu.edu/processchecker.html
And the class notes to determine what slides to use. In addition, I looked at the format of several webquests on the website webquest.org.I referred to webquests.org for a checklist to improve this project-http://webquest.sdsu.edu/processchecker.html
And the class notes to determine what slides to use. In addition, I looked at the format of several webquests on the website webquest.org.