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2012 FTIP/FSTIP Workshop. Project Selection Process. Project Selection. How Much Money Do I have? What Kind of Money is it? What are the Match Requirements? What projects do you already have commitments to (carry-over projects)?. Project Selection.
2012 FTIP/FSTIP Workshop ProjectSelection Process
Project Selection How Much Money Do I have? What Kind of Money is it? What are the Match Requirements? What projects do you already have commitments to (carry-over projects)?
Project Selection What programs are in place to commit funding to? What Kinds of Projects are Eligible for the Kind of Money that I Have? How do I make sure that I have met all of the requirements for project selection (PP, project eligibility, etc.)?
Project Selection What are your policies regarding distribution of funding to your member agencies? When do you do a Call-for-Projects?
Project Selection How Much Money Do I have? Annual Estimates for 2012 FTIPs: CMAQfrom $700,000 to $280 M RSTPfrom $640,000 to $230 M TEis roughly 10% of the RSTP
Project Selection What Kind of Money is it? There are 89 fund streams listed in SAFETEA Federal Aid programs. MPOs manage about 7 of them (this does not include special circumstance funds e.g. Coordinated Border Infrastructure – which, in CA, is only available to SANDAG).
Project Selection What are the Match Requirements? • Generally Federal funds have an 80/20 fund split. • Special circumstances the federal portion can go up to 100%. • In CA, for Hwy funds, 88.53% Fed/ 11.47% non-Fed.
Project Selection What projects do you already have commitmentsto (carry-over projects)? This will decrease you project selection flexibility by decreasing the available funds for new programming. The remaining content will be covered as they apply to the fund streams.
Project Selection When do you do a Call-for-Projects? Work backwards from September 3, 2012 to include the time for application notice/ submittal/review, project approval, PP, and final programming.
Project Selection Scope: We will concentrate on the big three FHWA funds CMAQ, STP and TE (crossover with STIP). We can talk about RIP funds after the other three if we have time, As far as measure funds; these are specified in your measure expenditure plan and are considered local funds. FTA funds will be discussed in another section. Exempt v non-exempt projects are covered in another presentation.
Project Selection - CMAQ Eligibility: • Capital Investment: to establish new or expanded transportation projects or programs that reduce emissions, including capital investments in transportation infrastructure, congestion relief efforts, diesel engine retrofits, or other capital projects. • Operating Assistance: limited to new transit services, intermodal facilities, and travel demand management strategies; and the incremental cost of expanding existing transit services. OA is limited to three years • Emission Reduction: reductions must contribute to the area’s overall clean air strategy and can be demonstrated by the assessment that is required. • Planning and Project Development: Activities in support of eligible projects (e.g., preliminary engineering and FTA Alternatives Analyses). General studies that fall outside specific project development do not qualify for CMAQ funding.
Project Selection - CMAQ Programming Criteria: 1. You must have a standardized, published project selection criteria (PP). 2. The MPO is responsible for the final determination of project eligibility for their region. 3. The selection criteria must contain an emissions benefit analysis (either quantitative or qualitative) (Eligibility).
Project Selection - CMAQ Selection Methods: • 100% Competitive • Mixture of Competitive/focused • Project driven • Program Driven • NO FORMULA DISTRIBUTION
Project Selection - RSTP Eligibility: • RSTP is the most flexible funding stream of all of the highway money. • Construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, resurfacing, restoration, and operational improvements for highways and bridges, any construction or reconstruction necessary to accommodate other transportation modes • Capital costs for transit projects • Carpool projects, fringe and corridor parking facilities and programs, bicycle transportation and pedestrian walkways
Project Selection - RSTP Selection Methods: (See 1 & 2 on CMAQ) • Population/Roadway miles • Pavement Management Program (PMP) • Congestion Management Program (CMP) • Transportation Demand Management (TDM) • Program/Project Driven
Project Selection - TE Eligibility: This list is exclusive. Only these activities are eligible to be accounted for as Transportation Enhancement activities. They are: 1. Provision of facilities for pedestrians and bicycles. 2. Provision of safety and educational activities for pedestrians and bicyclists. 3. Acquisition of scenic easements and scenic or historic sites. 4. Scenic or historic highway programs (including the provision of tourist and welcome center facilities). 5. Landscaping and other scenic beautification. 6. Historic preservation.
Project Selection - TE Eligibility (cont): 7. Rehabilitation and operation of historic transportation buildings, structures or facilities (including historic railroad facilities and canals). 8. Preservation of abandoned railway corridors (including the conversion and use thereof for pedestrian or bicycle trails). 9. Control and removal of outdoor advertising. 10. Archaeological planning and research. 11. Environmental mitigation to address water pollution due to highway runoff or reduce vehicle-caused wildlife mortality while maintaining habitat connectivity 12. Establishment of transportation museums
Project Selection - TE Selection Methods: (See 1 & 2 on CMAQ) SB 286 TE Prioritization of Conservation Corps Implemented Projects In an effort to increase Conservation Corps participation on Transportation Enhancement projects, the Legislature approved SB 286 (2008, Lowenthal), which directs regional agencies to prioritize TE projects that partner with the Conservation Corps. Caltrans, in consultation with state and local Conservation Corps, CTC, and regional agencies, developed criteria for the prioritization of such projects (dated July 6, 2009). Regional agencies are now required to select TE projects based on the following criteria:
Project Selection - TE Selection Methods (cont): 1. TE eligible projects whose sponsor is partnering with or has agreed to employ the services of the state or local conservation corps, shall be selected first for funding; 2. After all TE eligible projects described in paragraph (1) have been selected for funding, the remaining eligible TE projects may be selected.
Resources FHWA Legislation, Regulations, & Guidance http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/legsregs/legislat.html FHWA Guide to Federal Aid Programs & Projects http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/federalaid/projects.cfm FHWA Metropolitan Planning http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/planning/metro/index.htm FHWA CMAQ Under SAFETEA-LU Final Guidance http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/cmaqpgs/cmaq08gd.pdf