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Study of Medically Important Insects in Medical Parasitology Lab

This study focuses on insects that cause diseases to humans or transport infective parasites. Learn about lice, ticks, mites, bed bugs, sand flies, and mosquitoes. Understand their impact on human health.

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Study of Medically Important Insects in Medical Parasitology Lab

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  1. Faculty of health sciences Medical Laboratory Sciences Department Medical parasitology lab. Medical Entomology

  2. Medical Entomology Raed Z. Ahmed, Medical Parasitology Lab.,2012 Entomology: the science that concerned in the study of insects. There are many of medically important insects, that cause disease to human by itself or by transporting infective stage of another parasite. Pediculus humanus “Lice” Fleas Hard ticks & Soft ticks Mites Cimix lectularis “Bed Bug” Sand fly Tsetse Anopheles mosqueto

  3. Pediculus humanus “Lice” Lice egg Raed Z. Ahmed, Medical Parasitology Lab.,2012 Cause pediculosis.

  4. Pediculus spp. Pediculushumanushumanus : body louse Pediculushumanuscapitis : head louse

  5. Fleas Raed Z. Ahmed, Medical Parasitology Lab.,2012

  6. Hard Ticks & Soft Ticks Raed Z. Ahmed, Medical Parasitology Lab.,2012

  7. Hard Ticks & Soft Ticks Raed Z. Ahmed, Medical Parasitology Lab.,2012

  8. Mites Cause scabies Mite egg Raed Z. Ahmed, Medical Parasitology Lab.,2012

  9. Cimixlectularis “Bed Bug” Raed Z. Ahmed, Medical Parasitology Lab.,2012

  10. Cimixlectularis “Bed Bug” بق الفراش حشرة صغيره (غير مجنحة وطولها (4 - 7 مليمتر) ولونها يميل إلى البني الداكن وبيضاوية الشكل) تمص الدماء أثناء الليل وتسبب الحكة الشديدة والحساسية والإرهاق بسبب عدم النوم، تتغذى على الدم خصوصا أثناء نوم الإنسان ليلا أو نهاراً في الغرف المظلمة

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