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This report provides information on the current legal framework for the validation of non-formal and informal learning in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It highlights the lack of adequate legislation and the need for universities and institutions to develop practices for the recognition and validation of non-formal and informal learning. The report also discusses the Strategic Platform for the Development of Adult Education and the steps needed to implement EU recommendations and guidelines.
NF and IF learningSelf-certification report Bosnia and Herzegovina Dejan Bokonjic Grujica Vico BHQFHE: FINAL DISSEMINATION CONFERENCE UNIVERSITY OF TUZLA Univerzitetska 1, Tuzla 15th & 16th of September 2016.
Information about legal aspects - System of the validation of non-formal (NF) and informal (IF) learning in BH is not developed. - There is no adequate legislation although some legal norms and acts or political documents exist. - The universities have not developed legal framework or practices for the validation of the NF and IF learning.
Information about legal aspects - The National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska adopted the Law on the Adult Education in 2009. -According to the Law, there are three types of the adult education: formal, non-formal, and informal. -It is prescribed that the adult education is a part of the educational system of the Republic of Srpska, and that this law enacts the organization and the structure of the adult education. - The Government of the Republic of Srpska adopts the plan of the adult education, on the proposal of the Institute for the Adult Education.
Information about legal aspects -The Law prescribes that the following institutions can organize the adult education: elementary and secondary schools and specialized schools for the adult education, such as workers' universities, schools for the drivers training, schools of foreign languages, etc. - Most Cantonal Ministries in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, specially Neretva Canton Ministry, have defined NF and IF learning in the law for Adult Education. -But besides general acts, validation system for NF and IF it is not developed and there is no procedures for recognition of the system. -Also there is no procedures for checking of quality assurance of NF and IF.
Information about legal aspects In October 2014, the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted the Strategic Platform for the Development of the Adult Education in the Context of the Lifelong Learning for the Period 2014–2020. -This Platform is strategic document, helping Ministries to incorporate this kind of education inside law - However, this Platform contains some important attitudes and measures. -The Platform determines that the adult education is a quite new process in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which started in 2009.
Information about legal aspects - In the country as a whole, the adult education is still a part of the formal education system. - The Strategy of the Development of the Education in the Republic of Srpska for the Period 2016–2021 stresses the need for the integration of the formal, non-formal and informal learning. - It has been admitted that the formal learning has prevailed so far. - However, different aspects of the non-formal and informal learning have to be developed, such as the learning through the courses, learning for the work with the computer, learning of the foreign languages, perfection of the vocational knowledge and skills, etc.
Information about legal aspects - The Strategy formulates following measures which have to be implemented: development of the competences of the pupils and students for lifelong learning (one of activities will be qualifying of students at the studying programs for the education of teachers and pedagogues that, during their work, after graduation, implement studying methods directed towards the learning of learning);, giving information on qualitative programs of education and training for the appropriate competences and new knowledge; documentation of knowledge which has been achieved outside the system of formal education and so on.
Information about legal aspects -Speaking about universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, it has to be stressed that they did not develop framework for the non-formal and informal learning. - There is no legal framework, mechanisms, or practices about which it is possible to discuss. - Also, strategies on adult learning/lifelong learning have not been adopted at the universities.
Steps for implementation of the EU recommendations and guidelines • The lifelong learning has to become an acceptable principle of the organization and functioning of the universities, since it has not yet become an element of our academic culture. It is necessary to develop understanding of this principle, giving it the place in the academic and university culture. The consciousness of its importance is necessary before it is possible to develop the system to full extent.
Steps for implementation of the EU recommendations and guidelines • It is necessary to establish appropriate legal framework for the validation of the non-formal and informal learning. • Legal framework still has to be developed, since the universities have not been explicitly defined as the organizations, which can organize the adult learning. • In fact, the Law stresses that beside explicitly defined legal subject other legal subjects also can organize this form of learning if the conditions prescribed by the specific program for the adult education have been met.
Steps for implementation of the EU recommendations and guidelines • The universities also have to enact their own acts considering the non-formal and informal learning in accordance with the laws. • These acts have to have the character of the legal acts, as well as the strategies. • Also the universities have to develop their programs of the non-formal and informal learning which have to be based on: the need of interested subjects, including those which act at the labor market; and on the possibilities of the very universities to fulfill their mission in this field. • Finding the procedures for recognition of NF and IF learning have to be defined. • Finding appropriate procedures for the validation of NF and IF learning, which could be done by giving appropriate ECTS, or without it, through the method of certification.
Steps for implementation of the EU recommendations and guidelines • The universities have to establish specific offices or to name the officer(s) who is (are) going to be responsible for the development of this system. • This is necessary since the universities have to develop educated and well equipped staff and office structure. • This includes providing necessary infrastructure, literature, and organization of seminars for education of staff who are going to fulfill universities’ tasks in this field. • The universities will have to establish the system of recognition of previous non-formal and informal learning.
Steps for implementation of the EU recommendations and guidelines • The universities have to establish cooperation with different subjects who have the interest for different forms of non-formal and informal learning, such as entrepreneurs, labor organizations, institutions, etc. • For development of the non-formal and informal system of learning are the institutions such as the chambers of commerce and industry, employment institutes, etc. • The universities have to receive information about the labor market, and to establish the contact with the enterprises. • The universities have to develop their programs in cooperation with staff who come from the sectors of economy, administration, local communities, etc.
Steps for implementation of the EU recommendations and guidelines • In order to learn more about the experiences of other countries, which have already developed non-formal and informal learning system, it will be necessary to develop cooperation with other countries’ institutions and organizations. • It is also important to establish cooperation with the students’ organizations concerning this issue since the students are among the groups, which use or used the mechanisms of non-formal and informal learning.
Steps for implementation of the EU recommendations and guidelines • Among other things, the universities can develop the mechanism for the recognition of ECTS for the non-teaching activities, such as student training (practice), students' competitions, active participation at the scientific conferences, etc. • The universities can organize the summer schools in different fields and at different faculties or multidisciplinary summer schools as a form of non-formal teaching activity. • The universities can offer to employees different courses, which develop their vocational qualifications (seminars, courses, etc.).
Steps for implementation of the EU recommendations and guidelines • The various subjects have to get information about development of this system at the universities. • Universities have to use appropriate mechanisms and measures in order to promote non-formal and informal system of learning. • Improvement of the libraries since learning from the books and journals is one of the forms of the informal learning. • The universities have to develop the system of helping its staff to improve its knowledge through different seminar and conferences, if they help in improving vocational knowledge.
Assessment and QA procedures in non formal and IF learning Important aspects for validation of non-formal learning and IF learning is to organize rigorous assessment and to introduce QA measures in whole process. For the appropriate assessment and validation of non formal and IF learning it is necessary to define the competences, levels, and application of knowledge and skills. Defining of LO is very important and crucial for non formal learning. Informal learning is not structured and LO are not strictly defined.
Assessment and QA procedures in non formal and IF learning According to The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) assessment is used in four different functions to: • confirm the learner’s achievement of learning against specified learning outcomes and competences; • clarify learning needs to be developed and confirmed to meet specified learning outcomes and competences; • measure what new personal learning, not defined in advance by statements of required learning, has in fact been achieved; • confirm achieved aims of learning by identifying own personal professional development. For appropriate validation of assessment procedures must be clear and transparent and quality assurance system must be introduced.
Assessment and QA procedures in non formal and IF learning - On BH Universities during establishing process of non-formal and IF learning it will be very important to introduce three kinds of assessment to be sure that candidates are getting all proclaimed skills and knowledges. - Quality assurance of learning and assessment process is the core activity in validating non-formal and informal learning. - It is possible to construct a set of practical applications to guide assessment. - Looking on BH Universities at the moment, structures developed for running QA procedures are quite good and can be used for introducing similar procedures to this new learning approaches.
Assessment and QA procedures in non formal and IF learning For CEDEFOP QA of assessment process can be provided by recognizing following things: • ensuring that evaluation is adopted to fit-for-purpose; • ensuring that clear and explicit criteria and requirements are defined; • ensuring that clear outcomes are defined for during informal/non-formal learning (for example, what can be exempted from formal study); • assessment criteria, and procedures should be known in advance by all students; • give appropriate support/guidance to each learner to prepare an application or recognition of work based on learning; • providing diagnostic (where appropriate) and formative assessment to enable the learner to target learning needs; • ensuring that summative assessment results are confirmed by a panel of experts.
Assessment and QA procedures in non formal and IF learning - For good organization of NF and informal learning it is very important to educate teachers on the proper way. They have to pass through different trainings. - They also have to be certificated and on the way that they are capable to offer full teaching qualification. - BH teachers are passing some formal courses for continual education of teachers for teaching and assessment methodologies but they are not obligatory. - Training for non-formal and IF learning is not existing. - Case studies and different innovative techniques are needed for the initial and continuing education of VET teachers and trainers, given that the roles of both are changing and expanding.
Certification process - Development of pathways to certification process has particular advantages in terms of access to such certification by trainers. - Second, such process can reduce the time needed to achieve particular forms of recognition. - Finally this is important for creation of flexible program designs, enabling trainers to achieve professional recognition in ways more easily accommodated with their work commitments. - Through assessment what the learner has already achieved, trainer is more likely to be encouraged to give professional certification, not only at initial levels of qualification but also at continuing professional development (CPD) levels.
Certification process - VET teachers should get professional qualifications through the validation of non-formal and informal learning. - This is very important for those countries which, because of an ageing population among teachers, may expect teacher shortages within the medium term. - Various curriculum models should be developed in consultations with work-field, and they can have as final outcome professional recognition of study process for involved candidates (certificates, diplomas, degrees). - Curriculum designers in our country could use experience of other countries to create opportunities for closer integration of achieved learning with the acquisition or development of new learning and competences. - Main thing is that non-formal and IF learning can lead individual learners, to varying degrees, set their own ‘program’ for professional development rather than being directed through formal learning.