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Mobilizing to Combat Loneliness - Uniting Against Social Isolation

Explore the initiatives and impact of Age UK's campaign to end loneliness, mobilizing communities, volunteers, MPs, and media in a shared effort. Get involved for a meaningful change.

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Mobilizing to Combat Loneliness - Uniting Against Social Isolation

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  1. Combatting LonelinessPrioritise and Mobilise! Jill Mortimer, Policy Manager Jill.Mortimer@ageuk.org.uk www.ageuk.org.uk/no-one

  2. Best of times and the worst of times …….. The WorstAusterity: public services at full stretch and many being cut back. Local Government and Voluntary sector especially vulnerable, but health also struggling in many areas. The BestMassive public response to Age UK’s No-one should have No-one Campaign 2015 and 2016, the Jo Cox Commission, Lots going on, and a real will from all sides to work together to make a difference

  3. Growing public awareness • Response to Age UK’s No-one should have No-one Christmas Campaign • 17,000 enquires at in 2016/17: more than doubled • 45,000 annual enquires about volunteering 16/17, also more than doubled Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness: • Turbo charge public awareness • Huge sign up from across voluntary sector • Strong MP and ministerial interest • Happy to chat badges • Barnsley Age UK recruiting ‘eyes on the ground’ – 80 at first meeting in February • British Red Cross recruiting volunteers in London: oversubscribed in two weeks. Much younger demographic

  4. Lots going on nationally and locally • More than 120 Age Uks have services that address loneliness • Spotlight on Older People Week, Jo Cox Commission • Great get togethers: 100,000+ nationally and locally • Age UK Call in Time and Silver Line • Age UK Testing Promising Approaches • Big Lottery funded Ageing Better Services • British Red Cross and Co-Op • Campaign to End Loneliness: Lottery Funded Kindness Campaigns

  5. Spotlight on Older People Month We held a Parliamentary drop in event on 22nd March - 59 MPs pledged their support Extensive media coverage during the first week of the month Over 1800 supporters of Age UK wrote to their MP 12 MPs wrote back to us to arrange meetings with their local Age UK to discuss how they could support the campaign Lesley Joseph appeared on Lorraine on 28th March to promote the older people spotlight Age UKs across the country held inspiring events, several invited their local MP to discuss how to work together to tackle loneliness

  6. Parliamentary drop-in before PMQs 59 MPs attended the Parliamentary drop-in to pledge their support • MPs wore their #HappytoChat badges in the chamber and a PMQ was asked referencing loneliness

  7. Public Affairs 11 MPs tweeted about their pledge, 5 sent out press releases. Age UK sent out an email to 50k supporters asking them to write to their MP 1800 Age UK campaigners wrote to their MP. 12 MPs including Rt Hon John Hayes MP, Minister of State at the Department for Transport wrote back, to arrange a meeting with their local Age UK to discuss how they can help to tackle loneliness in their constituency. RtHon Tom Brake MP tabled 3 written questions on loneliness and older people on behalf of Age UK in Parliament. • Jason McCartney MP visiting a day centre in his constituency. Organised by Age UK Calderdale & Kirklees.

  8. Public Affairs Sadiq Khan tweeted his support via his personal and Mayoral account. The Deputy Mayor for Social Integration attended an Age UK London Event. In the month before our spotlight, the Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness was mentioned 5 times by Parliamentarians, during the spotlight it was mentioned 32 times. In the month before the spotlight, loneliness received 140 mentions, whilst during the month it received 233 from Parliamentarians.

  9. Lesley Joseph appeared on Lorraine on 28th March to promote the Happy to Chat badges and the work of the older people spotlight. • We achieved extensive media coverage in The Guardian, The Times, Daily Mail, The Daily Express, The Sun and The Telegraph. • Our 3 Facebook posts promoting the month received 3000 likes & 800 shares.

  10. Local Age UKs held inspiring events

  11. Examples of local Age UK activity Age UK Bradford held a multi-agency event to bring together local partners to discuss how they could collaborate to alleviate loneliness. Age UK Cheshire East set up Happy to Chat post boxes in their shops to ask people to make suggestions on how to tackle loneliness amongst older people in the area. Age UK Redbridge, Barking and Havering held pop up conversations on loneliness and produced a report of their findings. Age UK Lindsey held a pop up conversation with a local Councillor in Skegness. Age UK Herefordshire & Worcestershire took part in a local radio debate. Age UK Lancashire used the spotlight to launch their Charter for Later Life.

  12. How you can get involved Loneliness has been written into both Conservative and Labour manifestos – we now have a real chance to get the Government to take action on loneliness. It’s crucial we maintain the momentum throughout the year. We recommend planning additional events from now until December to make the most of the opportunity, particularly during the spotlight on disability (10th July - 13th Aug) and carers (14th Aug - 17th Sept). We have produced an editable A5 flyer and A4 poster, which is available on Brand Bank, to advertise your event and spread the word about the Commission.

  13. National Strategy to combat loneliness? Recognition in Conservative and Labour Manifestos 119 MPs signed up as Age Champions Detail of the ask? Funding for training and development? Mainstream within health and care and community initiatives. Also digital and transport ‘Modern society’ opportunities and threats – similar proportion over last 5 decades, and 18th century philosophers mention

  14. Ongoing local influencing: for Age UKs Know your area • Health and Well Being Boards, the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, STPs; Local Council and CCG • Demographics and Mapping with Age UK Loneliness Maps: • Interventions that already in place in area inlcuding voluntary sector • Ward councillors • Your MPs: Age Champions, Jo Cox Commission • Other public services front line: eg Fire and Rescue, Police Community Support Services, GP reception desks • Other front line services: hairdressers, pubs, pharmacists, shops and supermarkets, other local businesses • Interest from local radio and newspapers • Etc!!

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