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Detailed plan for establishment of Catchment Management Agencies (CMAs) in Water Management Areas (WMA), incorporating governance structures and critical actions to accelerate the process.
POLICY AND CONTEXT The Department of Water Affairs (DWA) is the custodian of National water resources, is responsible for policy and regulation of the sector. Has a mandate to establish Water Management Institutions (WMI) for the development and management of water resources. The Chief Directorate: Institutional Oversight (IO) is responsible for overseeing the establishment and development of these institutions through the Department’s Regional Offices, ensuring that they are viable and sustainable. In the absence of established CMA’s, DWA undertakes these functions.
LEGISLATIVE MANDATE • CMAs are established in terms of section 78(1) of the National Water Act, 1998 (Act No 36 of 1998). • Statutory bodies established in terms of Chapter 7 of the National Water Act and listed as schedule 3a entity under the PFMA-service delivery Public entity
MANDATE • The purpose of the CMA is to delegate water resource management to the catchment level and to involve local communities in the decision-making processes. • The intention is for water resource management to: • meet the basic human needs of present and future generations; • promote equitable access to water; • redress the results of past racial and gender discrimination and; • facilitate social and economic development
ESTABLISHMENT OF CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCIES The national water resource strategy (NWRS) 2004 19 Catchment Management Agencies (CMA) one per Water Management Areas (WMA). six CMAs gazetted for establishment two CMAs currently functional: the Inkomati and Breede-Overberg. The process of establishing CMAs was put on hold Appropriate number of institutions was investigated through project “Institutional Reform and Realignment” (IRR)
ESTABLISHMENT OF CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AGENCIES. 19 March 2012, the Minister pronounced the establishment of nine CMAs.....submission signed April 2012 Gazetting of 9 WMA for public comment as a component of NWRS ......submission signed May 2012 The nine WMA are Limpopo; Olifans; Inkomati- Usuthu; Pongola- Mzimkulu; Vaal; Orange; Mzimvubu- Tsitsikama; Breede-Gouritz and Berg- Olifans
THE ROLE OF GOVERNANCE STRUCTURES The National Steering Committee NSC senior managers within DWA chaired by acting DDG Water Resource Management Planning. provide strategic guidance and vision at high level e.g. Agree on policy decisions proposed by the PMG and RSC Project Management group Institutional Directors from all Regions and chaired by CD: Institutional Oversight, Creates enabling environment, discusses and recommends policy issues, ensures consistency, homogenous establishment and monitoring compliance, capturing lessons learnt, raises governance and operational issues The Regional Steering Committees 9 RSC chaired by the Regional Head (Institutional Director) at the Regional office. Director Institutional Establishment in the Regions to focus only on establishment of CMAS for the next three years.
FIVE CRITICAL ACTIONS REQUIRED TO FAST TRACK THE ESTABLISHMENT OF CMAS Fast track development of business cases Updated two business cases Nkomati and Breede Gourits Require to develop Vaal, Orange, Limpopo, Olifants, Mzimvubu- Tsitsikama, Berg- Olifans and Pongola Mzimkulu Expedite engagement with National Treasury to ensure that the approval of the business cases is fast tracked Submit the financial viability of CMAs to National Treasury by middle of June Single advisory committee is required to advise the Minister on the structure and composition of all governing boards Submission to appoint the single advisory committee has been drafted AC to convene by middle July
FIVE CRITICAL ACTIONS REQUIRED TO FAST TRACK THE ESTABLISHMENT OF CMAS Provision of initial governance support to the newly established agencies and governing boards CMA starter pack that provides generic policies and systems to enable quicker functionality as well as provide a level of consonance in approach
PHASED ESTABLISHMENT PLAN FOR NINE CMAS The implementation will be in phases: Phase 1 Inkomati – Usuthu Breede Gouritz Limpopo Phase 2 Berg-Olifants-Doorn Vaal Olifants Pongola-Umzimkulu Phase 3 Orange Mzimvubu-Keiskamma
National high-level implementation plan developed Indicative establishment timeframes to guide the process of rolling out the nine CMAS has been developed Detailed implementation plans will be developed together with each Regional Steering Committee and will include: activities, time frames, financial requirements human resources implications IMPLEMENTATION ACTIONS & TIMEFRAMES
Budget Requirements Indicative costs of establishment of the nine CMAs Undertaking a full financial analysis of the implications of establishing the nine CMAs. This analysis will support the development of business cases, as required by National Treasury and Department of Public Service and Administration.