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NASDTEC Accelerating Excellence from the Get-Go

New Teacher Center's program improves student learning by accelerating the effectiveness of new teachers and school leaders. NTC trains mentors to support new teachers, leading to increased student achievement, teacher retention, and system-wide impact.

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NASDTEC Accelerating Excellence from the Get-Go

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  1. NASDTECAccelerating Excellence from the Get-Go Portland, OR June 7, 2015 Ellen Moir,Chief Executive Officer When we focus on teachers, our students succeed

  2. New Teacher Center improves student learning by accelerating the effectiveness of new teachers and school leaders.

  3. NTC trains mentor New teacher gets on early path to excellence Increased Student Achievement New teacher gets better faster and stays longer Mentor supports new teacher System-wide Impact

  4. Teacher induction is more important than ever Growing & Greening • The teaching workforce has grown dramatically since 1980 • 13% of teachers leaves the profession every year • The modal years of experience went from 15 years in ‘88-’89 to 5 years in ‘11-’12 • Ingersoll, R. On the path to equity (2014). Alliance for Excellent Education Adequate Time to Develop • It takes 3-7 years to become a highly skilled teacher • Teachers are not staying long enough to become highly skilled • Huang, F. Tapping the potential (2004). Alliance for Excellent Education

  5. There’s a cycle of inequity for our most under-served students

  6. 40% of teachers are leaving the profession within their first 5 years CAUSES IMPACTS Teacher attrition costs the US $2.2B annually Unquantifiable opportunity cost for lost student learning There are 3.4M teachers with 500K leaving every year • Lack of administrative and professional support • Dissatisfaction with classroom management • Few opportunities for professional development • No input in decision-making Ingersoll, R. On the path to equity (2014). Alliance for Excellent Education

  7. High quality teacher induction has proven to address these challenges

  8. Few states have appropriate policy mandates Review of State Policy on Teacher Induction (2013). NTC • Induction is ill-defined Ingersoll, R. On the path to equity (2014). Alliance for Excellent Education • Huge inconsistencies in implementation and quality of programs Ingersoll, R. On the path to equity (2014). Alliance for Excellent Education • Inconsistencies between state-determined expectations and beginning teachers’ experiences Teaching, Empowering, Leading, & Learning Survey. NTC

  9. It’s Time to Double Down on Impact

  10. Great teachers are not born. • They are developed over their careers.

  11. There is a shift in the educational landscape Narrowed curriculum Whole child Higher-order thinking Basic skills Tips and tricks Habits of mind and dispositions Affluent students ALL STUDENTS COLLEGE AND CAREER READY

  12. Components of high quality induction programs

  13. NTC’s model transforms teacher development

  14. Building habits of mind in teachers as leaders from the get-go Persistence Classroom culture Personalizes instruction Reflective Content expertise Analytical Planning Challenges Curiosity Collaborative

  15. In 2013-14, NTC’s programs reached 24,000 new teachers and 1.8 million students across the U.S. Practice Student Learning Retention +20% 93% % new teachers say that our work has definitive impact on their practice Sources: NTC impact data, July 2012; Mathematica Policy Research study, 2010 *Statistically significant results

  16. Thank you For More Information Ellen Moir 831.600.2200 emoir@newteachercenter.org www.newteachercenter.org

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