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Check In Question

Check In Question. What is destiny? Do you believe you have a destiny? If so, how will you find it, or will it find you?. Napoleon Background. Born 1769 Grew up on Mediterranean island Corsica Impact on him as a conqueror? Send to military school at 9 years old

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Check In Question What is destiny? Do you believe you have a destiny? If so, how will you find it, or will it find you?

  2. Napoleon Background • Born 1769 • Grew up on Mediterranean island Corsica • Impact on him as a conqueror? • Send to military school at 9 years old • Joined the army of the new government at the outbreak of war

  3. Napoleon The Hero • October 1795, thousands of royalist rebels march on National Convention • Napoleon asked to defend delegates • Brought gunners and threatened with cannonade • Royalists fled…Napoleon’s the savior of the republic!

  4. Napoleon Coup • 1796 Directory appoints Napoleon to lead French army against Austria and Kingdom of Sardinia (Italy) • MANY victories in Italy • Lead expedition against British in Egypt • Admiral Horatio Nelson (British) defeats him • Keeps it quiet • 1799 Directory loses control of France • Napoleon’s friends encourage him to seek power

  5. Napoleon Coup (Cont.) • Coup d’État: overthrow; sudden seizure of power • November 1799 Napoleon’s troops surrounded national legislature and drove out most of its members • Voted to remove Directory & establish Three Consuls • Napoleon becomes “First Consul”


  7. Check In Question Did Napoleon create his destiny or was it an outcome of unfolding events in history? What role did his individual talents and force of character play?



  10. Napoleon Rules France • Plebiscite: vote of the people • 1800 plebiscite to approve the new constitution • Gives all real power to Napoleon (First Consul) • Supported laws that would strengthen central government and achieve goals of revolution • Fix economy: tax reforms & national banking system • Lycées: government run public schools

  11. Napoleon Rules France • Concordat: agreement with Pope Pius VII • No Church control in national affairs, but government recognizes Church influence • Napoleonic Code: uniform set of laws that eliminated injustices • Actually restricted freedom/liberty • Ex: Freedom of speech & press • Ex: Slavery in Caribbean

  12. Napoleon Creates an Empire • 1804 makes himself emperor w/ French voters’ support • Wants to control Europe and reassert power in Americas • Louisiana, Florida, French Guiana, French West Indies

  13. Saint Dominigue (Haiti)

  14. Napoleon Creates an Empire • Background on Haiti: • 1789 revolutionary ideas reached Haiti • Civil war—enslaved Africans under Toussaint L’Ouverture took control • 1801 Napoleon fails to take back Haiti…gives up on Americas • Louisiana Purchase (1803)

  15. Napoleon Conquering Europe • Russia, Austria & Sweden join British • Napoleon still doing very well in battle • All three forced to sign peace treaties over time • Battle of Trafalgar • 1805 off SW coast of Spain • Horatio Nelson

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