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Tim Lee The Boeing Company Chair IAQG OPMT July 19, 2011

IAQG Other Party Management Team (OPMT) Wichita State University (WSU) Certification Structure & Audit Day Calculation Project To support 9104-001 Transition. Tim Lee The Boeing Company Chair IAQG OPMT July 19, 2011. STP. Situation

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Tim Lee The Boeing Company Chair IAQG OPMT July 19, 2011

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  1. IAQG Other Party Management Team (OPMT)Wichita State University (WSU)Certification Structure & Audit Day Calculation ProjectTo support 9104-001 Transition Tim Lee The Boeing Company Chair IAQG OPMT July 19, 2011

  2. STP • Situation Aviation, Space & Defense (AS&D) industry will be publishing a revised 9104-1 accreditation/certification standard that will include multiple options for an organization to be certified (certification structure) and dependent on this selection it will have a direct impact on audit day requirements. A need for effective implementation and standard interpretation of the revised 9104-1 criteria exists. Currently there is no computer program available to support calculation of audit day requirements and certification structure. • Target Develop, test and deploy a computer program application to support the determination of certification structure and the required minimum audit days for initial, surveillance and recertification audits (Refs: 9104-1, ISO 17021 and IAF Mandatory Document 5).

  3. STP • Proposal Team with WSU to develop a user friendly computer program that would step an Aviation, Space & Defense (AS&D) stakeholder through the criteria for certification structure and audit day calculation. Once a series of questions are answered a certification structure and audit program recommendation would be provided by the program. The program should be made publically available via the On-line Aerospace Supplier Information System (OASIS). The program will be used by CB sales staff, supplier personnel, CB auditors and AS&D oversight representatives to ensure conformance to Industry Controlled Other Party (ICOP) 9104-1 certification criteria. Note: Possible application in the ISO 9001 scheme as well

  4. STP Discussion • Attendance: • Tim Lee – The Boeing Company – IAQG OPMT Chair • Timothy.w.lee@boeing.com (816-679-2529) • Rick Downs – Textron/Cessna – IAQG OPMT Training Team Lead, AAQG RMC Voting Member • Dr. Gamal Weheba - Wichita State University • Purpose • Review Situation Target Proposal (STP) • Discuss feasibility of the project • Next steps.

  5. Next Steps • SWG and OPMT concurrence needed to proceed. • Obtained • WSU to develop detailed proposal. • ECD August 2012 • OPMT to provide SME support. • Small sub team with representation from all three sectors • Will need 2012 OPMT budget line item to cover WSU projected cost to support the project. • If approved. WSU will target to have a prototype program available for review at April 2012 meeting in San Antonio, Texas


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