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Learn about the morphology, life cycle, hosts, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and control measures of Giardia duodenalis, a flagellated protozoan parasite commonly transmitted through contaminated water sources.
Giardia Duodenalis Ashley Tharayil
Domain-- Eukarya • Single or multi cellular organisms • Have nuclei and sub divisions inside cell
Kingdom--Protista • Most are one cell
Phylum--Protozoa • Chiefly motile • heterotrophic
Class--Sacromastigophora “mastigo”— “whip or flagella” “phor”– “carry or bear”
Order--Diplomonadida “Di” “Diplo”– “two” Bilaterally symmetrical Two nuclei
Family--Hexamitidae “Hexa”— “six” Have six or eight flagella
Giardia duodenalisDomain--EukaryaKingdom- ProtistaPhylum- ProtozoaClass: Sarcomastigophora Order: Diplomonadida Family: HexamitidaeGenus: GiardiaSpecies: duodenale
Introduction • Commonly transmitted through impure water sources • Gives rise to serious diarrhea “Giardiosis” • Also, called “back packers diarrhea” and “beaver fever”
Hosts • Early experiments suggested narrow host range… • Then in 1970, cross transmission between Russian workers and dogs.. • Now,known to naturally infect—humans, cats, dogs, beaver, coyote and cattle and can experimentally infect a number of species of rodents and other mammals.
Morphology I. General description: Two nuclei Flagellated protozoa II. Adult parasite— “Trophozoite” • “feeding stage” • measures about 18 um long X 5 -10 um wide. It has6- 8 flagella and the ventral side is modified as a sucking disk
Morphology.. contin III. Cyst Stage Inactive stage The cysts average about 13 µm in length, are oval, and also contain two nuclei like the trophozoites.
Life Cycle • Cysts released through feces • Infection occurs by the ingestion of cysts in contaminated water, food, or by the fecal-oral route • In the small intestine, excystation releases trophozoites (each cyst produces two trophozoites) • Trophozoites multiply by binary fission • Encystation occurs as the parasites transit toward the colon. • Cysts released through feces
Where is it found? • Anywhere with poor water sanitation • All over the world.. Particularly in regions w/ warm climates • Estimate 7% of North America is infested • The most common flagellate of thehuman digestive tract. • Most common waterborne illness in United States (100,000 to 1 million infections annually)
Aspen spring, Colorado • Old sewer pipes leaked sewage into a well serving one part of the town. • At least 25 people suffered from Giardiosis.
Symptoms.. Onset.. etc • Onset delayed 5-25 days after exposure • Diarrhea illness persists 1-3 weeks • Abdominal pain and cramping • Belching • Weight loss * Sometimes infections don’t show any symptoms
Diagnosis • Observing symptoms • Finding motile trophozoites in a fresh fecal smear • Finding cysts in feces by concentration technique
Drugs • Quinacrine – recommended by CDC, but bad for kids • Metronidazole – most popular worldwide, but mildly carcinogenic. • Furazolidone – more child-friendly drug
Epidemiology and Control • Personal health • Treatment of drinking water to remove/kill cysts • Avoid contaminated water • Sanitary procedures to avoid contact w/ cysts • Surveillance and treatment of companion animals in household
Epidemiology and Control • Public Health • Sewage treatment • Adequate treating of drinking water • Surveillance and treatment of food handlers
The End.. • Marquardt, William, Richard Demaree, and Robert Grieve. Parasitology Vector Biology. 2nd ed. San Diego, California: ACADEMIC PRESS, 2000. • Garcia, Lynne. Diagnostic Medical Parasitiology . 4th. Washington D.C.: ASM, 2001.
"Giardiasis." CDC. September 17, 2004 <http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dpd/parasites/giardiasis/factsht_giardia.htm>. • Giardiasis. Iowa State University center of Veteniary medicine. May 1,2005 <http://www.cfsph.iastate.edu/Factsheets/pdfs/giardiasis.pdf> •,+Giardia+powerpoint&hl=en&gl=us&ct=clnk&cd=5