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Manzanares R iver

Manzanares R iver. Ecological problems and how to solve them. Where am I?.

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Manzanares R iver

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  1. Manzanares River Ecologicalproblems and howtosolvethem.

  2. Where am I? I’mbornGuadarrama’s sierra, exactly in Cuerda Larga (North of Madrid), and I’manaffluent of Jarama’sriver (Tagus’saffluent). Between my source and Monte del Pardo (Mountain) set up Cuenca Alta del Manzanares Regional Park. I flowinto Rivas Vaciamadrid. My pathis 92km and I crossthe Pedriza Park too.

  3. Do youknowsomethingabout my history? In theprehistorytheirterraceswhereusedforplanting. In the 17th century, itwasthoughttomakenavigabletheriver, butafterstudiyingtheposibilitiesthe idea wasrejected. In the 20th century Manzanares riverwasanimportantdefensive line duringtheSpanish Civil War in Madrid. • Manzanares river has appeared in literature and art. • Nowadayswehave Madrid Río.

  4. I havesomefriends, do youwanttomeetthem? My friend “plantlife” has a lot of componentsbutthe principal oneisthepine. My friend “fauna” has got a lot of friendstoolikemammals, fishes, reptils, fowl and amphibians.

  5. But, I havesomeproblems. Knowthem and help me. I’vegotsomepollutantsbecause of thetreatmentsystemsaturation. Weshould try nottosaturatetoomuchthetreatmentsystem. Theneglect of theButarquechannel (One of theriver’sparts). It’s full of rubbish. Weproposetoorganize a cleaningcampaigntosolveButarque’sproblem.

  6. It’sgreat! TheSpanishteamhavehelped me tosolvetheseproblems.

  7. My problems are solved!  Paloma Ramirez < Elena Aragoneses <

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