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Developing our workforce and services to support ECM at the University of Wolverhampton

Inter-Agency Governance. Integrated Strategy. Integrated Processes. Integrated Front-Line Delivery. Families Community. Outcomes for children & young people. Parents. Developing our workforce and services to support ECM at the University of Wolverhampton Christine Vincent

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Developing our workforce and services to support ECM at the University of Wolverhampton

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  1. Inter-Agency Governance Integrated Strategy Integrated Processes Integrated Front-Line Delivery Families Community Outcomesfor children & young people Parents Developing our workforce and services to support ECM at the University of Wolverhampton Christine Vincent Integrated Services to support children, young people and families • Outcomes: • Be healthy • Stay safe • Enjoy and achieve • Make a positive contribution • Achieve economic well-being

  2. University ECM: Strengths • Largest provider of health, education and social work/social care training in the region • Expertise and commitment of staff to support cross school ECM developments • Strong partnerships across the sectors • Established reputation for providing professional awards and management and leadership awards • ECM cluster group well established (Executive level) • Good models already established for delivering inter-professional modules/awards • Strong links with the Children’s Workforce Network

  3. University ECM: Key challenges • School based target setting • School based quality assurance model • Lack of corporate identity for ECM • Infrastructure issues e.g. rooms, timetables and academic workload allocation • No overall staff development program for ECM within University • Coordinating a “one stop approach” to ECM services across the institution • Lack of shared market intelligence across the University

  4. How did UoW respond to the challenge? • Integrated Services - ECM Policy and Operational Groups established – June 2006 • Independent audit report commissioned from External Consultant to support our strategic direction – January 2007 • ECM curriculum and placement audit completed for University – March 2007 • Schools across University allocated development funds to support ECM cross school developments • Regional stakeholder event July 2007 • Staff development event July 2007

  5. ECM business plan developed – buy in at Executive level – 12 key projects established across the University

  6. Capability and capacity of the ECM workforce, providers and leaders (including UoW workforce) Outcomes and benefits to learners Fit for purpose systems and business processes Efficiency, effectiveness and value for money ECM Balanced Score Card for UoW

  7. Priorities for 2007/8 • Curriculum Development/CPD • Foundation degree in Integrated Services (Feb 2008) • Postgraduate modules to support Integrated Services ( September 2008) • Full degree 2009 • ECM Research Group established across the University and wider community • Inter-professional work-based learning (placement group) established across the University • Staff development programme in place and online staff newsletter • Marketing strategy in place and online stakeholders newsletter and online forums • ICT Group established –e-portfolio, pebble pad and on line conferencing

  8. Lessons learnt • Plan, plan, plan • Gather real market intelligence and listen to your stakeholders and staff • Get all staff involved – no one persons role • Different relationship with Local Authorities required • Has this been easy????? NO – but well worth while • Leadership and ‘buy in’ to change management paramount at all levels

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