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EU Research Funding , EC policies , tips how to prepare a comptetive proposal. Krisztina Cziner, Dr . Advisor, Grant Writing , Aalto, Research Support Services, TTP. 140 M€. How to find funding possibilities. Research professional : http ://www.researchprofessional.com /
EU Research Funding, EC policies, tipshow to prepare a comptetiveproposal Krisztina Cziner, Dr. Advisor, Grant Writing, Aalto, ResearchSupport Services, TTP
How to findfundingpossibilities Research professional: http://www.researchprofessional.com/ Research fundingdatabase, available EU call, individualfellowships and exfundingpossibilities. On national as well on international level. Acessablebywhole Aalto staff. Campus registration (fast) way to access, individualregistration is alsopossible. Fundingcalendar on TTP inside pages: https://inside.aalto.fi/display/ResearchSupport/Calendar+for+research+funding Aalto inside pages: https://into.aalto.fi/display/grants/Ilmoitukset%2C+uusimmat+-+Senaste+meddelanden+-+Recently+Updated
Source http://www.eutrainingsite.com/download/QuickGuide.pdf
Challenges forresearch in Europe • Declining Critical Mass in certain research fields and rising gap between Europe and US • Comparatively lower investment in R&D • EU: 1.93% of GDP US: 2.59%, Japan: 3.15% (2005) • industry tends to invest in R&D outside Europe • Fragmentation of funding activities and research efforts • duplication of research in many fields in Europe
First EU Research Programs Amsterdam Treaty JRC Creation European Research Area (ERA) Maastricht Treaty ECSC Research Treaties fusion 1951 55 57 67 84 87 909193 94 97 98 99 03 06 … 13 FP1 ERC Euratom Treaty FP2 FP3 FP4 FP5 Single Act FP6 FP7 ECSC Treaty Research in theEuropean Integration Process HORIZON 2020 (2014-2020)
SeventhFrameworkProgrammeEU FP7, 2007-2013 • FP7 is the shortname for the SeventhFrameworkProgramme for Research and TechnologicalDevelopment. • This is the EU's main instrument for fundingresearch in Europe and itwillrunfrom 2007-2013. • FP7 is alsodesigned to respond to Europe'semploymentneeds, competitiveness and quality of life.
EU FramworkProgram 7 (2007-2013) Ideas FrontierResearch ERC • Cooperation • Health • Food, agriculture and biotechnology • Information/communicationtechnologies • Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials • and new productiontechnologies • 5. Energy • 6. Environment and climatechange • 7. Transport • 8. Socio-economicsciences and the humanities • 9. Space • 10. Security People Marie Curie Fellowship Capacities ResearchInfrastructure SMEs Region of Knowledge ResearchPotential Science and Society Development of Policies International Cooperation Euratom JRC
WorkProgrammesAvailable for 2012http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/wp-2012_en.htmll
Motivation to Participate in a project and start to write a proposal • Youneed money • Invitationfrom a knownresearchpartneror a friend • Invitationfrom an unknoworganisationsending general ortargeted E-mail • Approaching deadline foundbyincident • Youhave a GREAT IDEA and youwant to getfundingfrom EU • Targetedpartnersearchinitiatedby Aalto
Answering the “who, what, why and how”question when you prepare a proposal Who? – Who are the researchers? Why are they the best people to carry out the research? What? – What are the project aims and objectives? What will the different tasks be? Why? – Why is it important that this research is carried out? Why must it be done now? – Why is this the right funder for the project? How? – How will the research be carried out? How will progress be monitored? How will the research make an impact, either within the research field or in wider society? Based on guidelines from the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), UK www.epsrc.ac.uk and Punch, Developing Effective Research Proposals, 2nd edn. (Sage Publications, 2006)/ Source: Luisa Louisa Gairn/English Lecturer/Aalto University Language Centre
IMPORTANCE OF HIGH QULITY OF PUBLICATIONS AND CITATIONS ISI, WEB OF KNOWLEDGE: http://apps.webofknowledge.com/WOS_GeneralSearch_input.do?product=WOS&search_mode=GeneralSearch&SID=P193Jekf1DPdhEeKl6J&preferencesSaved=&highlighted_tab=WOS Google Schoolar: http://code.google.com/p/citations-gadget/
WHERE TO FIND THE BEST PARTNERS • New MemberStates, ThirdCountries • Evaluators, AdvisoryGroups etc. Hyperion Ltd. 2008, Sean McCharity
Criteria Used to Select the Best Partners • Friendsbeforefunds (alreadyknownby the coordinator) • REPUTATION: ScientificExcellence in niche (Capability) • Resources (peoplefacilities) available to deliver (Capacity) • Professional and TimelyDelivery of Documents and results • Understanding and respect the burocraticrules • Willing to work in a team, willing to shareinformation • Goodpersonality-easy to workwithover the project Hyperion Ltd. 2008, Sean McCharity
Capacities People (8 %) JRC non- (9 %) nuclear (3 %) Ideas Co-operation (65 %) (15 %) FP7 budget € 50.5 billion ERC budget € 7.5 billion; Increase by € 250 M/year
ERC DEADLINES • ERC Starting Grant, for Post-docs and young Professors (2-12 years from Graduation), size 1.5-2 Million, Deadline 12.10.2011 (gone), new call expected in 2012 JULY • https://inside.aalto.fi/display/tutkimuksentukipalvelut/ERC+Starting+Grant • ERC Advanced Grant for Professors and advanced researchers, size up to 3.5 Million Euros, Deadline, 16.02.2012 • https://inside.aalto.fi/display/tutkimuksentukipalvelut/ERC+Advanced+Grant • ERC Synergy Grant , for 2-4 researchers, duration: 6 years, size 15 million Euros • Deadline: 25.01.2012 • https://inside.aalto.fi/display/tutkimuksentukipalvelut/ERC+Synergy+Grant • ERC Proof of Concept (for those who already have an ERC), size 150 000 Euros • First deadline: 03.05.2012, Final deadline: 03.10.2012 • https://inside.aalto.fi/display/tutkimuksentukipalvelut/ERC+Proof+of+Concept
ERC Granting schemes Starting Grants Advanced Grants • Attract/retain next-generation leaders • Address funding gap early in independent career • Establish independent research team & program • up to € 2.0 Mio for 5 years • Attract/retain current world-leaders • Stimulate investigator-driven, breakthrough research • up to € 3.5 Mio for 5 years StG 2010 AdG 2010 Number of grantees Age of grantees
Statistics on EU FP7 Applications *82 coordinated application, 15 funded 13 ICT coordinated application, 4 funded EIT 2 Applications in 2009, 1 funded (TKK - June, 2009)
Eligibility criteria A proposal is onlyconsideredeligible in EU FP7 ifitmeetsall of the followingconditions: • It is receivedby the Commissionbefore the deadline given in the calltext. • Itinvolves at least the minimumnumber of participants for the distinctfundingscheme as given in the calltext. • It is complete (both the requestedadministrativeforms (Part A) and scientificproposaldescription (Part B) arepresent); • The content of the proposal is clearlyrelated to the topic and the rightfundingschemehasbeenused, taking into accountincludinganyspecialconditions
Evaluation process • The evaluationprocess is a peerreview and willbecarried out by a panel of externalindependentexperts (eachproposalwillbereviewedby at least 3 experts). • Following the evaluation, applicantswillbeinformed of the outcome. Applicants of highlyrankedproposalsmaybeinvitedby the Commission to negotiate a grantagreementproviding for an EU financialcontribution, depending on the budget.
Evaluation Criteria for ERC • Excellence is the solecriterion PrincipleInvestigator A ScientificProposal A & Step 2: A= SufficientqualityFundingif sufficientfundsareavailable B=notmeetingallelements of the ERCexcellencecriterion Step 1: A= Sufficientquality B=Highqualitybutnotsufficient C=nosufficientquality
UPCOMING TRAININGS THIS AUTUMN EU FP7 for Beginners, Basic Course in English 9.11.2011 https://inside.aalto.fi/display/ResearchSupport/EU+FP7+for+Beginners%2C+Basic+Course+in+English+9.11.2011 ERC ADVANCED GRANT (for professors) 12.12.2011 https://inside.aalto.fi/display/ResearchSupport/ERC+Advanced+Grant+Training+12.12.2011 Course materialavailablefromourearliercourses Academy of Finland funding info 14.9.2011 https://inside.aalto.fi/display/ResearchSupport/Academy+of+Finland+funding+info+14.9.2011 Properties of goodproposals https://inside.aalto.fi/download/attachments/15368627/Properties+of+a+good+proposal?version=1&modificationDate=1317019701000 Good video How to takerisks in research, failieurs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-phYo9tcMj8
Goodmaterialavailablefromearliercourses Academy of Finland funding info (2 calls per year/Sept.- April ) https://inside.aalto.fi/display/ResearchSupport/Academy+of+Finland+funding+info+14.9.2011 Properties of goodproposals https://inside.aalto.fi/download/attachments/15368627/Properties+of+a+good+proposal?version=1&modificationDate=1317019701000 Good video How to takerisks in research, failieurs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-phYo9tcMj8 TEKES info https://inside.aalto.fi/display/ResearchSupport/Tekes-info+17.8.2011
Research Supportservices for BECS Advisor, Grant Writing (new) • Krisztina Cziner (started 1.9.2011), Research LiaisionOfficerbackgroundsince 2008. Research LiaisonOfficers of SCI school-note the division of departments: • Dmitri Chicherin – Departments BECS, LowTempLab., HIIT (+ externalservices) • Vuokko Lepistö-Kirsilä – DepartmentsCSE, DIEM, HIIT, ICS, ME, MSA Grant Advisor : Elise Kovanen Lawyers: Mervi Malinen ja Anna Markkanen Archivingservices: Heidi Ndansi (whole Aalto)
Research Support ServicesCore services to researchers and research groups • Tutkijoiden ja tutkimusryhmien avustaminen rahoitusmahdollisuuksien löytämisessä ja rahoittajille laadittavien hakemusten laatimisessa (grant scouting ja grant writing) • Tutkimushankkeisiin liittyvä juridinen tuki ja neuvonta, erityisesti sopimusasiat ja tutkimustulosten hyödyntämiseen liittyvät asiat • Turvataan yliopistolle ja tutkimusryhmille oikeus jatkotutkimukseen ja julkaisemiseen tutkimusprojektien aiheista sekä varmistaa että projekteista ei aiheudu hallitsemattomia taloudellisia seuraamuksia • Avustaminen projektien hallinnollisessa toteuttamisessa • Hankesuunnitteluun ja tutkimussopimuksiin liittyvät tietopalvelut Grant scouting(proactive and targetedinformationaboutresearchfundingpossibilities) and grantwritingservices(helpingresearchgroups to getfunding; more and betterfundingapplications) Legal counselling on researchprojects, negotiation of researchagreements, counselling on intellectualpropertyrightmatters and exploitation of results, contractwritingservices Risk management: ensuring the right to publish and furtherdevelopresearchresults and avoidinguncontrolledfinancialconsequenses in researchprojects. Assistingresearchgroupswith the administrationalimplementation of researchprojects. Informationservicesconcerningresearchprojects.
Chart of authorised signatories/ Allekirjoitusmatriisi https://inside.aalto.fi/display/ResearchSupport/Chart+of+authorised+signatories+at+Aalto Suomeksi: https://inside.aalto.fi/display/tutkimuksentukipalvelut/Allekirjoitusmatriisi
Thank you for your attention! Krisztina Cziner, Dr. Advisor/Grant Writing Research Support Services krisztina.cziner@aalto.fi Tel. 050 3161028
INSTRUMENTARIUMIN TIEDESÄÄTIÖN APURAHAT 2011 Instrumentariumin Tiedesäätiö jakoi 23. maaliskuuta 2011 apurahoja 30. kerran Tiedesäätiö jakaa vuosittain apurahoja lääketieteen ja lääketieteen tekniikan sekä niihin liittyvään luonnontieteeliseen ja taloustieteelliseen tutkimukseen. Nyt myönnettiin apurahoja 30 tutkijalle/tutkijaryhmälle yhteensä 650.000 euroa. Summa sisältää neljä vähintään yhden vuoden mittaista ulkomailla tapahtuvaa tutkimustyötä varten myönnettyä henkilökohtaista post-doc-apurahaa, sekä yhden InstrufoundationFellow- apurahan, joka on tarkoitettu 1 vuoden mittaista Suomessa tapahtuvaa tutkimusta varten. http://www.instrufoundation.fi/index.php?k=18077 Size 8000- 100 000 euros
Hallitus Hallituksen kokoonpano vuonna 2011 on: • Professori Jaakko Karvonen, puheenjohtaja • Professori Seppo Ylä-Herttuala, varapuheenjohtaja • Professori Risto Ilmoniemi (Aalto, BECS) • Professori Markku Jalkanen • Professori Tatu Juvonen • Professori Leena Lindgren • Professori Risto Nieminen (Aalto, Prof. In Physics) • Dosentti Markku Mäkijärvi • Professori Mikko Paalanen (retired Aalto prof., formerhead of LowTemp. Lab) • Dosentti Eija Pääkkö • Dipl.ins. Olli Riikkala • Professori Hannu Seristö(Aalto, VicePresident)