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Charting the Future for a Prosperous Minnesota

Monthly updates on student success, diversity initiatives, and workplace solutions for Minnesota's future prosperity. Accomplishments, next steps, challenges and interdependencies discussed in detail.

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Charting the Future for a Prosperous Minnesota

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  1. Charting the Future for a Prosperous Minnesota Implementation Team Monthly Updates November and December 2014

  2. Student Success: November & December update FOR DISCUSSION • Accomplishments • Completed Gallery Walks and Focus Groups • Productive meeting on December 17. Beginning to evaluate Gallery Walk data. Data shows strong alignment with team’s work so far • Prioritized next steps • Continue to evaluate GW data, begin evaluating Focus Group data, planning collaborative work with IT Systems, Diversity, Academic Planning • Interdependencies requiring coordination • Existing possible crossover topic areas include system wide technology tools (IT), transfer (Academic Planning) and developmental education (Diversity). • Challenges • IFO and MSCF not participating continues to present obvious challenges to next steps. Given the circumstances, our team will continue the work as best we can. • Transfer is still a huge issue, and we want to make sure we handle it appropriately, especially given other team’s focus on it. • More time to deliver on deadlines (such as characteristics of subject matter specialists) would be helpful. Didn’t have time to engage the team, which limits our ability to give good feedback.

  3. Diversity: November & December update FOR DISCUSSION • Accomplishments • The Diversity Team formally agreed to add two Co-Conveners (Will Tully and Meghan Phillips) • The Diversity Team has begun reviewing feedback from the Gallery Walks and is working on editing our strategies as needed • Prioritized next steps • Continue to review GW feedback and make edits to strategies • Develop draft implementation plans • Identify 2-3 new topics to look at for a second phase, as the team is excited to tackle more student-facing topics. • Interdependencies requiring coordination • We are working with the Student Success Team on a plan to review the feedback from the Student Focus Groups. • Challenges • The Diversity Team is struggling to balance the need to spend time reviewing feedback with a desire to start working on a second wave of ideas. Katie has talked with Jaime and Carrie about some ways to balance and frame these conversations.

  4. Comprehensive Workplace Solutions: November & December update FOR DISCUSSION • Accomplishments • Listening to the feedback from the Chamber and the gallery walks, meeting with the Systems Incentives and Rewards team • Gallery Walk completion and begin going through the data collection • Starting to look at next steps that we need to accomplish with our areas and kicking around new idea's. • We continue to do our work and remain focused in the midst of Charting the Future's negative press. • The team has moved forward several conceptual ideas for what CWS might look like, and there are a lot of common threads. I think we're well on our way to coming up with something great • Prioritized next steps • Determine final steps for data gathering/meeting with outside guests • Analyze the gallery walk feedback, go through the CECT survey results, identify the last of the outside groups we want to bring in. • Keep considering the concepts that have been put forth in preparation for our January meeting. • We need to take a look at the models and decide what we like and don't like, what's feasible, what feels "bold" enough and what could use some bigger thinking. • Interdependencies requiring coordination • Started a conversation with the Incentive and Rewards team • Diversity and Student success are the two groups that have been identified this month. • Challenges • Overwhelming amounts of info may make gallery walk feedback difficult to accurately digest. • We may not be on the right track • Faculty and student participation - continue to work together as the team that currently exists • Identify what "product" we want to sell to the community and how to brand and market it successfully. • Conflict about ideas related to change is inevitable, but I think we're beginning to see this bubble up and it may make consensus difficult when we get to the hard work of putting together a comprehensive solution.

  5. System Incentives and Rewards: November & December update FOR DISCUSSION • Accomplishments • Broke into small groups to focus in on HR initiatives and finance initiatives. Developed broad outlines of initiatives. • Prioritized next steps • Keep working on HR and Finance topics to develop draft plans to present at Summit and/or add Entrepreneurship as a topic to consider (based on recent Gallery Walk feedback from OERG). • Interdependencies requiring coordination • Entrepreneurship was a popular topic at the Gallery Walks. We need to be able to discuss with other teams where entrepreneurship and innovation is happening across the System (who is an expert? what are some case studies?) so we can investigate this topic further. • Challenges • HR-related: Getting critical feedback from HR professionals across the System before SIR’s final recommendations are communicated so an HR model can be successfully implemented in a collaborative fashion. • Finance-related: Stepping back a bit to examine to what extent we suggest financing model modifications, and in what context. It may be that we potentially change gears to focus on initiatives to encourage and enable creating new streams of revenue and opportunities for partnerships (entrepreneurial focus)

  6. Academic Planning & Collaboration: November & December update FOR DISCUSSION • Accomplishments • Completing the second phase of the transfer draft. • Creating a consultation plan to get feedback from constituents. • Prioritized next steps • Consulting with groups and preparing final draft • Interdependencies requiring coordination • Interdependencies have been shown in the consultation plan. • Other interdependencies include MNSCU TOC, Information Technology • Challenges • Communication Plan Draft • Budget • Many- but were handled through research and open discussion • Faculty- creating a plan that they are a key part in, and yet not at the table

  7. Competency Certification/Credit for Prior Learning: November & December update • Accomplishments FOR DISCUSSION • We met both in person and using WebEX. • We defined key terms associated with CC/CPL, coming to consensus. • We began our research from outside experts, gaining information from MnSCU, approaches to veterans, and 4 other systems. • We reviewed team charge and strategies. • Discussion of student member competencies. • Election of co-convener (student). • Prioritized next steps • Bring in additional research experts • As we are completing our “leg work” (defined team norms, key terms, complied information from internal and external stakeholders, brought in outside experts), we are ready to tackle the strategies. Our schedule is aggressive, meeting every week, until our strategies/implementation plan are outlined. • Interdependencies requiring coordination • As we advance, we are convinced that other coordination teams, in general, is necessary. All the initiatives are interlinked. • Challenges • The absence of both faculty unions has been impactful. Their voice is an essential component. We tried to identify other ways to “hear” faculty voices and are hopeful that mediation will be successful. • We are dealing with false assumption regarding competency based learning, education vs training and liberal art education.

  8. Education Technology: November & December update FOR DISCUSSION • Accomplishments • Started looking at topics in work groups and reported out on initial observations/research. • Prioritized next steps • Begin selecting items for further discussion/refinement. • Interdependencies requiring coordination • Will be noted. • Challenges • Changing composition of teams and other political concerns will impact our work, progress and success

  9. IT Systems Design: November & December update FOR DISCUSSION • Accomplishments • Finalized feedback for the Student Success Team’s IT recommendation: Proposed Concept #4: System-wide selection, hosting and funding of technology tools that integrate with ISRS for (a) predictive analytics, (b) customer relationship management (CRM), and/or (c) Grad Planner (progress to degree). • Agreed to meet with the Student Success team for two hours on January 30, 2015. • Selected Richard Barnier (MSCSA) as co-convener. • Agreed on scheduling two additional meetings to meet the Gallery Walk content delivery dates, January 6 and February 6, 2015. • Added WebEx as an option for each team meeting, due to concerns about weather. • Identified more than 30 business processes pain points and possible ways to address them • Agreed on four broad categories to work on to develop the team’s themes/ideas/concepts • Prioritized next steps • Continue refining the theme/concept ideas into Gallery Walk presentation form. • Meet with Student Success Team to discuss their Proposed Concept #4. • Interdependencies requiring coordination • No additional interdependencies have been identified at this time. • Challenges • The original team meeting schedule was created before spring Gallery Walk dates were established, and the announced deadline for Gallery Walk content is prior to the team’s final two meetings. In order to ensure there is sufficient time to complete our work, two additional meetings were added prior to the content due date.

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