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Age of Imperialism. English 10. Thesis Statement. In Africa, Imperialism was destructive because European powers had changed Africa by forcing on a new culture, adding a new government, and taking over their economy. (B +).
Age of Imperialism English 10
Thesis Statement In Africa, Imperialism was destructive because European powers had changed Africa by forcing on a new culture, adding a new government, and taking over their economy. (B+) The Europeans took control and forced upon a new government and religion to the African Natives. European Imperialism in Africa negatively impacted the natives’ life and caused a social, political and economic downfall. (C)
Topic Sentences Europeans Imperialized Africa in hopes to gain land, power and money for their own country. (C) The European countries took control of Africa politically, which caused their way of life to fall apart. (B+)
Topic Sentences When the Europeans took over the African economy, the Africans had to adopt a new currency and had to price their goods accordingly to the will of the Europeans. (B+) When the Europeans arrived in Africa they brought law and order, which the Africans were forced to obey. (C)
Topic Sentences The European government had indefinite plans to change the natives social life by converting them to Christianity and forcing them to learn English so they could be used in British society. (C) The Europeans had forced their culture onto the Africans through Christianity, but while doing so, families were torn apart. (B+)
Quote integration An African native named JaJa said, “The children are Christian and refuse to come, so the spirit worship is dying out” (De Cardi). (C) In the excerpt, A Short Description of the Natives of the Niger Coast Protectorate, Jaja, one of the natives, says, “But now the making of offerings is dying out rapidly, for every member of the family should be present, but the children are Christians and refuse to come, so the spirit-worship is dying out” (de Cardi). (B+)
Quote integration In Things Fall Apart, the District commissioner says to Okonkwo and the other Ibo leaders, “We have a court of law, where we judge cases and administer justice just as it is done in my home country under a great Queen” (Achebe 194). (B+) In Things Fall Apart the court messengers locked up people and said, “Their leaders would not be released unless they paid a fine of 200 cowries,” (Achebe 174). (B+)
Quote integration In Things Fall Apart, the narrator says, “… he had also built a trading store and for the first time, palm oil and kernel, became things of great price and much money flowed to Umuofia” (Achebe 143). (B+) In the fictional story, Things Fall Apart, the narrator states, “And even in the matter of religion was a growing feeling that there might be something in it after all, something vaguely akin to method in the overwhelming madness” (Achebe 138). (B+)
Quote integration In the excerpt from Foreign Office Historical Section, Partition of Africa, British Possessions, the author states, “European culture has inevitably made little progress in West Africa generally; in the capitals there is a small body of men who have assimilated in varying degrees of European ideals, but who in doing so have rendered themselves less able to interpret the aspirations of their fellow-country men,” (Foreign Office). (B+) In A Short Description of the Natives of the Niger Coast Protectorate, one of the natives talks about what the Europeans have done to the economy, and he says, “When we have plenty of grain the prices are very low, but the moment we are short of grain and we have to buy from the Europeans at once the price is high” (de Cardi). (B+)
Quote integration In Things Fall Apart a European court tries to control African natives, “ unless you pay the fine immediately said the white man, we will take your leaders to Umuru before the big white man to be hanged” (Achebe 196). (C) Missionaries tried to convert by saying, “All the gods you have named are not gods at all. They are gods of deceit who tell you to kill your fellows and destroy innocent children…they are gods of wood and stone” (Achebe 146). (C)
Quote integration The African Native JaJa also said, “When we have plenty of grain the prices are very low, but the moment we are short of grain and have to buy from Europeans at once the price is high” (De Cardi). (C) Lord Frederick Lugard views Africans as animals, “…he suffers little from the apprehension for the future, or grief for the past. His mind is far nearer to the animal world than that of the European or Asiatic” (Lugard). (C)
Quote integration In Things Fall Apart the court messengers locked up people and said, “Their leaders would not be released unless they paid a fine of 200 cowries,” (Achebe 174). (C)