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Explore the Spanish-American War events, famous battles, results, annexation debate, war in Philippines, Hawaii acquisition, US trade with China, Open Door Policy, and Boxer Rebellion during the Age of Imperialism.

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  2. IMPERIALISM • Imperialism is the quest for colonial empires • It can include the use of economic, political, or military power

  3. EXAMPLES • Roman Empire- force • France, Spain, England- trade • Great Britain- “The sun never sets on the British Empire”

  4. REASONS • Increase trade by providing market for manufactured goods • Gain sources for raw materials • Secure military advantages • Increase prestige • Share religious and cultural beliefs

  5. FAMOUS PEOPLE • Frederick Jackson Turner- Frontier thesis • Alfred Thayer Mahan- The Influence of Sea Power Upon History • Josiah Strong- Our Country Anglo-Saxon dominance

  6. SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR • Cuba- series of revolts against Spanish rule • 1868- beginning of revolts • Cuban leaders exiled • Jose Marti- poet • 1895- revolt in which Marti is killed • 1896- Spanish send Gen. Valeriano Weyler to crush revolt- “the Butcher”

  7. Unites States Reaction • U.S. Press wants war with Spain • Hearst and Pulitzer very vocal • Pres. McKinley wants to avoid war

  8. Events leading to war • Feb. 9, 1898- Hearst’s journal prints comment of Spanish official concerning McKinley- “weak, and a bidder for the admiration of the crowd” • Feb. 15, 1898- The Maine explodes in Havana, Cuba. Spain is blamed. • Apr. 20, 1898- Congress recognizes Cuban independence and votes for military force

  9. Teller Amendment • States that the United States claimed no “sovereignty, jurisdiction, or control” over Cuba • After defeating Spain, control would rest with Cuban people

  10. FAMOUS BATTLES • Philippine Islands- Spanish-controlled • May 1, 1898- Battle of Manila Bay • Commodore George Dewey defeats Spanish fleet • Filipino rebel leader Emilio Aguinaldo supports U.S. forces

  11. Cuba and Puerto Rico- Spanish-controlled • July 1, 1898- U.S. begins assault on Santiago • El Caney and San Juan Hill • Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders • July 3, 1898- U.S. defeats Spanish fleet off coast of Cuba • Troops defeat Spanish in Puerto Rico

  12. RESULTS OF WAR • Spain grants Cuba its independence • Spain gives Puerto Rico and Guam to U.S. • Spain gives up control of the Philippines • United States gains prestige as world power

  13. ANNEXATION DEBATE • Expansionists argue in favor based upon commercial reasons, naval concerns, the belief that the U.S. would bring democratic government to the Philippines, and that European powers would be kept away • Anti-Imperialist League formed in June 1898 argues that U.S. should not become imperial power and annexation of Philippines would violate American principles

  14. WAR IN PHILIPPINES • Aguinaldo sets up provisional government and proclaims himself President • Filipino rebels fight 3-year war against U.S. • 1902- Congress passes Philippine Government Act • Act states that Philippines would be ruled by a governor and two-house legislature

  15. The United States would appoint the governor and Upper House • After order is restored, the Filipinos would elect the Lower House • William Howard Taft became the first governor of the Philippines

  16. Jones Act of 1916- allows the Filipinos to elect both houses of their legislature • Total independence will not come until U.S. concludes that a stable government has been established • Philippines get independence in 1946

  17. ACQUISITION OF HAWAII • U.S. interest in Hawaii was because of 2 major reasons: strategic location along trade routes to China and fertile soil • During the 1820s, New England Protestant missionaries travel to Hawaii • By 1870s, their descendents had become major landowners in Hawaii

  18. In 1886, Hawaiian king Kalakaua attempts to restrict American influence. • Hawaiian League is formed to overthrow the monarchy and persuade U.S. annexation • 1887- League forces Kalakaua to sign a new constitution that limited his power • U.S. gets rights to use Pearl Harbor as naval base

  19. 1891- Kalakaua is succeeded by his sister, Liliuokalani • Queen Liliuokalani tries to encourage Hawaiian nationalism • U.S. oversees end to monarchy • Does not annex until 1898

  20. CHINA • United States trade with China began in 1784 when Empress of China (trading ship) sailed for Guangzhou • 1843- China opens 5 ports to trade from U.S. and Europe • 1894- Japanese invasion leads to loss of territory- Taiwan, Liaotung peninsula and control of Korea

  21. China’s weakness leads to European powers (Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia) making China to divide into spheres of influence • Spheres of Influence- where a foreign nation has exclusive rights over trade, mines, and railroads

  22. OPEN DOOR POLICY • Proposed in 1899 by Secretary of State John Hay • Called for European nations and Japan to accept policy change

  23. OPEN DOOR POLICY • Keep all ports in their spheres open to all nations for trade • Allow Chinese officials to collect all tariffs and duties • Guarantee equal railroad, harbor, and tariff rates

  24. BOXER REBELLION • Caused by Chinese resentment of foreigners • Fists of Righteous Harmony begins rebellion • In 1900, they attacked Western missionaries and traders in northern China, killing 300 • Laid siege to foreign settlement in Beijing • Rebellion ends as international force enters

  25. JAPAN • Japan becomes imperial power as a result of 1894 invasion of China • Japan had been very isolated for most of its history • From 1639-1850s, Japan had only allowed one Dutch trading ship a year • 1853- Commodore Matthew Perry had sailed into Tokyo Bay

  26. President Millard Fillmore had encouraged Perry to persuade Japan to open itself up to trade with the West • Japan becomes industrialized and builds a strong army and navy • 1894- invades China • 1904- attacks Russia in Manchuria

  27. RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR • Japanese victory might lead to strong competitor in Asia • Russian victory might lead to end of U.S. trade with Manchuria • May,1905- Japan wins crucial battles and asks for U.S. mediation • Pres. Roosevelt negotiates end to war and wins Nobel Peace Prize

  28. GREAT WHITE FLEET • 1907- President Roosevelt sends 4 destroyers and 16 battleships on world cruise • Roosevelt- “the Pacific was as much our home waters as the Atlantic”

  29. CUBA • 1899- Pres. McKinley appoints Leonard Wood as governor of Cuba • Changes are made such as construction of schools and a sanitation system • Dr. Carlos Finlay discovered mosquitoes cause yellow fever • Cubans want independence

  30. PLATT AMENDMENT • Limits Cuba’s right to make treaties with other countries • Allowed U.S. to intervene in Cuban affairs if necessary • Made Cuba to sell or lease land for U.S. naval or fueling stations (Guantanamo Bay) • Made Cuba a protectorate

  31. PUERTO RICO • Made a territory like Samoa • Foraker Act- governor and upper house to be appointed by U.S. and lower house to be elected by Puerto Ricans • Jones Act of 1917- made Puerto Ricans American citizens and they can elect both houses of their legislature • 1952- Becomes a commonwealth

  32. PANAMA CANAL • The United States had long wanted a shortcut from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean • The route around Cape Horn was long and dangerous • Proposals had been made to build a canal across Nicaragua

  33. HISTORY OF CANAL • 1517- Balboa had proposed a canal be dug across Panama • 1850- U.S. and Great Britain sign the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty that agrees to an equal partnership to build a canal across Panama • 1880s- French company begins construction, but does not complete

  34. ROOSEVELT’S ACTIONS • 1901- Pres. Roosevelt instructs Secretary of State John Hay to negotiate with Great Britain to end partnership • Hay-Pauncefote Treaty- Britain agrees to allow U.S. to build canal on its own, and in return, U.S. agrees to allow all countries vessels to use the canal

  35. Hay begins negotiations with Colombia- which owned Panama • 1903- Hay-Herran Treaty is drafted- 99-year lease over 6-mile stretch across Panama in exchange for 10 million and 250,000 yearly rental • Colombian Senate does not ratify treaty

  36. Philippe Bunau-Varilla, former chief engineer for French effort, asks for U.S. support of Panamanian revolution • Oct. 9, 1903- Bunau-Varilla meets privately with Pres. Roosevelt • Nov. 2, 1903- U.S. gunboat arrives in Panama

  37. Nov. 3, 1903- Panamanian rebels begin revolution • Nov. 4, 1903- rebels win and declare Panama an independent nation • Nov. 6, 1903- U.S. recognizes Panama and Hay begins negotiation

  38. Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty gives U.S. complete and unending sovereignty over a 10-mile wide canal zone • Roosevelt later said- “I took the Canal Zone and let Congress debate”

  39. ROOSEVELT COROLLARY • 1823- Monroe Doctrine • Raw materials and trade possibilities garnered European and American interest in Latin America in late 1800s • Europeans gave high-interest loans • 1902- Great Britain, Germany, and Italy blockade and attack Venezuelan shipping

  40. Roosevelt warns the three nations not to take any land and encourages arbitration to settle dispute • 1904- Dominican Republic unable to pay loans, Roosevelt issues his corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

  41. Roosevelt states that not only will U.S. keep European powers out of the hemisphere, but that the U.S. will directly intervene in Latin American nations if necessary • “Speak softly, but carry a big stick” • Accused of “gunboat diplomacy”

  42. DOLLAR DIPLOMACY • Following Roosevelt as President, Taft promotes the use of economic power rather than military force • Suggest replacing European loans with American • U.S. invests in railroads, mines,and banana and sugar plantations

  43. WILSON • Wanted democratic governments in Latin America to discourage European involvement • Sent troops to Caribbean nations to put down revolts and establish constitutional governments

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